3 14 2016

3/14/2016 Performance Management for the 21 st Century Why do you - PDF document

3/14/2016 Performance Management for the 21 st Century Why do you have a Performance Management Process? Performance Management as we know it today 1 3/14/2016 Traditional Performance Reviews Success/failure communicated by

  1. 3/14/2016 Performance Management for the 21 st Century Why do you have a Performance Management Process? Performance Management – as we know it today … 1

  2. 3/14/2016 Traditional Performance Reviews ■ Success/failure communicated by ratings ■ 1, maybe 2, conversations a year ■ Backward looking ■ Protect company by documenting performance Is this working? 90% Percentage of performance systems that are considered a failure 75% Percentage of managers, employees and HR leaders that feel performance management results are ineffective or inaccurate 2

  3. 3/14/2016 2/3 Number of employees that are rated as top performers … but aren’t! 8% Percentage of companies reporting that their Performance Management process drives high levels of value So why are we doing them? If almost no one thinks they are effective, does research tell us there is value? “ The human inclination to judge can create serious motivational, ethical and legal problems in the workplace. Without a structured appraisal system, there is little chance of ensuring that the judgements made will be lawful, fair, defensible and accurate. 3

  4. 3/14/2016 50% Percentage of employees surprised by rating 87% Percentage of employees negatively surprised 23% How much engagement decreases when an employee was surprised by their rating 25% Percentage of rating acctually correlated to employee’s performance Influences on Performance Ratings Org Perspective Random Error Actual Performance 62%!! Rater Biases 4

  5. 3/14/2016 25% Percentage of rating acctually correlated to employee’s performance ZERO! Correlation between performance ratings and business unit performance Fight or Flight Triggered in brain when being judged Now what? Now that we know it doesn’t drive performance, what do we do?!?! From om To To Backward looking Forward looking reviews focused on processes focused on evaluting the employee goal setting and development planning 5

  6. 3/14/2016 From om To To 1 or 2 conversations a Regular check-ins to year discuss progress and make adjustments as needed From om To To Manager driven Employee driven From om To To Using ratings to inform Conversations about success/failure progress, challenges and needs 6

  7. 3/14/2016 From om To To Using the process to Using the process to document and address focus on the performance issues employee’s success “ I have yet to find a man, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism. -Charles Schwab BWSC’s Journey 7

  8. 3/14/2016 BWSC – Where We Started ■ History of frustration with electronic processes ■ Standard Performance Review Form ■ Twice a year ■ Limited participation from leaders or employees BWSC Year One – Process & Tools Development ■ Building process ■ Providing tools and development to managers ■ Mid-year and Year-end Talent Conversations framework ■ Implemented Performance Navigator for 2016 commitments, development planning and feedback Performance Navigator ■ Performance Commitments (goals) ■ Values feedback ■ Career Interests ■ Development Planning 8

  9. 3/14/2016 BWSC Year Two – Evaluation & Improvement ■ Evaluate quality of goals (commitments) and development plans ■ Receive feedback from leaders and employees on the process and form ■ Create additional tools/development for managers and employees to improve quality of conversations ■ Implement a Talent Review process with leaders to begin to identify HiPos and critical positions BWSC Year Three – Full Implementation & Beyond ■ Continue to focus on talent conversation’s skill development ■ Continue to evaluate lessons learned and feedback ■ Move from quarterly conversations to monthly conversations ■ Automate documentation process ■ Evaluate effectiveness of talent conversations Overview Year Focus 2015 Process Development 2016 Evaluation and Improvement 2017 Full Implementation 2018 Electronic Tracking Goal Planning with Year-end Talent Development Conversation and Learning Plan Talent Reviews Ongoing Talent and Succession Conversations Planning 9

  10. 3/14/2016 Performance Management – as it can be … Thank you! Any questions? You can find me at: Tiffany.coursey@bwsc.net Twitter: @TICoursey Sources Global Trends in Human Resource Management, Deloitte, 2014, http://dupress.com/periodical/trends/global- human-capital-trends-2014/?icid=hp:ft:01. Putting the “Performance” back in Performance Management, Society for Human Resource Management and Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2015, https://www.shrm.org/Research/Documents/SHRM-SIOP%20Performance%20Management.pdf To Rate or Not to Rate? That Isn’t the Right Question, SHRM, 2015, http://www.shrm.org/hrdisciplines/staffingmanagement/articles/pages/performance-rate-or-not.aspx. One Simple Idea That Can Transform Performance Management, Dr. David Rock, Dr. Josh Davis and Elizabeth Jones, Published in People & Strategy Volume 36, Issue 2, 2013. Why Adobe Abolished The Annual Performance Review, Business Insider, 2014, http://www.businessinsider.com/adobe-abolished-annual-performance-review-2014-4. Reinventing Performance Management, Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall, Harvard Business Review, April 2015, https://hbr.org/2015/04/reinventing-performance-management. Understanding the Latent Structure of Job Performance Ratings, Steven Scullen, Michael Mount, Maynard Goff, Published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, 2000, Vol 85, No 6, http://www.rc.usf.edu/~jdorio/Performance%20App/Scullen,%20S.%20E.,%20Mount,%20M.%20K.,%20&%2 0Goff,%20M.%20(2000).pdf Still want more … here are a few companies moving away from traditional performance processes that you may want to research: Adobe, Deloitte, Expedia, Motorolla, Kelly Services, NY Life, Microsoft … to name a few. 10


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