22/08/2018 Argonauts about to embark on the foot of an Etruscan bronze cista C4th BC, villa Giulia Rome François Vase Calydonian Boar Hunt c. 550 BC François Vase Calydonian Boar Hunt Calydonian Boar Hunt Black Figure Kylix c. 540, Munich The Argonauts Red Figure Krater Niobid Painter, Louvre The Argonauts Red Figure Krater Niobid Painter, Louvre 1
22/08/2018 Calydonian Boar Hunt Maiolica, British Museum Building of the Argo supervised by Athena Roman terracotta C1st AD, British Museum Sailors on a ship Black Figure Hydria, British Museum Disembarking from a ship François Vase c. 550 BC Castor Red Figure Calyx Krater c. 460-450 BC from Orvieto, Louvre Castor and Pollux Roman statuettes C3rd AD, Metropolitan Museum 2
22/08/2018 Castor from House of the Dioscuri Pompeii Roman C1st AD Castor and Pollux: Roman Marble original C1st BC, Prado; Marble copy based on a Plaster cast by Nollekens 1767, Victoria and Albert Museum, small porcelain version by Meissen 1789-90, British Museum Atalanta hunting deer Red Figure Pelike, British Museum Atalanta Roman Mosaic C4th AD from Halicarnassus, British Museum Meleager Roman copy of Greek original of c. 340 BC, British Museum Meleager Roman Mosaic C4th AD from Halicarnassus, British Museum 3
22/08/2018 Orpheus Red Figure Vessel Meleager hunting Red Figure Krater, British Museum Orpheus with Thracians Red Figure Vessel, Metropolitan Museum Orpheus C16th Maiolica Plate, British Museum Terracotta Siren, Palermo Sicily Sirens on a pyxis from Corinth c. 600-575 BC, British Museum 4
22/08/2018 Siren Bronze from Vulci c. 550 BC, British Museum The death of Talos the bronze giant who guarded the Cretan tree Red Figure Volute Krater, Apulia Hylas and the Nymphs 1896 by Waterhouse, Manchester Art Gallery Phineas and the Harpies Red Figure vessel, Getty Museum Jason and the Dragon with Athena Douris Painter, Medea relief Townley Vatican Collection, British Museum 5
22/08/2018 Jason taking the Golden Jason Plucking the Fleece Red Figure Vessel Golden Fleece Red Figure Vessel, Metropolitan Museum Medea and Jason embarking on the Argo? Black Figure Krater c. 735-720 BC from thebes, British Museum Medea and Jason embarking on the Argo? Black Figure Krater c. 700 BC, British Museum Jason giving Pelias the Golden Fleece Red Figure Vessel, Louvre Castor and Pollux? Black Figure Krater c. 700 BC, British Museum 6
22/08/2018 Jason with the Golden Fleece 1868 by Felix Barrias , Draper’s Hall London Jason and the Argonauts disembarking at Colchis by de La Fosse, Château de Versailles Jason Tapestries at Drapers Hall Jason and the Golden Fleece by Thorvaldsen 1803 Medea on Jason and Medea at the Etruscan mirror, Altar of Artemis Derby 1790, British Museum British Museum 7
22/08/2018 Medea and Jason 1907 by Medea on Roman fresco, Naples Waterhouse Medea pretending to Medea and Pelias Black rejuvenate Pelias on relief c. Figure Vessel c. 530 BC, 420-410 BC, Vatican British Museum Copy of Medea pretending to rejuvenate Pelias on relief c. 420-410 BC, British Museum Medea reviving the ram Red Figure Vessel c. 470 BC Copenhagen painter, British Museum 8
22/08/2018 Medea killing her sons Red Figure Medea, Avignon Vessel, Louvre Medea poisoning Glauce Roman Sarcophagus c. 140-150 AD, Berlin Medea sends her sons to deliver the garment to Glauce Medea poisoning Glauce who bursts into flames next to her father Creon Medea escapes in her dragon chariot after poisoning Glauce 9
22/08/2018 Medea about to kill her sons 1862 by Delacroix Medea and her sons from the House of the Dioscuri, Pompeii Medea by de Morgan Medea by Sandys 10
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