ENERGY International strategic workshop on European coal research in light of EU policy objective to 2050 and future global trends in coal use Coal mine methane, including from closed mines UNECE 28 January 2020, Brussels, Belgium Michal Drabik, UNECE Secretariat
UNECE Sustainable Development Goals ENERGY 17 SDGs, agreed by UN GA in 2015, are the principal framework for the UNECE’s work in sustainable energy. 2
UNECE Sustainable Development Goal No. 7 ENERGY SDG 7 is about providing sustainable energy to the world. SED focuses on ‘ energy for sustainable development ’ . Target 7A: By 2030, enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced and cleaner fossil-fuel technology, and promote investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technology. 3
Energy Facts and Solutions (1) ENERGY Fossil fuels today: 80% of primary energy and key to energy access. Coal accounts for 27% of the global primary energy supply and 38% of the global electricity supply. OECD countries are experiencing a decline in coal production while the Asia – Pacific region is experiencing a rapid increase in coal production and use. 4
Energy Facts and Solutions (2) ENERGY 5
Energy Facts and Solutions (3) ENERGY In 2050, even under a 2 degree scenario, fossil energy will represent 40% of the energy mix. Access to financing for R&D is necessary in both: renewable energy and clean fossil fuels technologies. Available options: HELE technologies, CCUS, CMM. CMM and AMM emissions will persist for decades. 6
Energy Coal Mine Methane ENERGY Capture and use of CMM is among the most effective near- term options to minimize the carbon footprint of the mining sector. It mitigates climate change, but also: enhances mine safety and productivity; localizes energy production; improves local/regional air quality; serves as a catalyst for investment. 7
Group of Experts on CMM Best Practice Guidance on CMM ENERGY Best Practice Guidance for Effective Methane Drainage and Use in Coal Mines First edition: 2010; Second Edition: 2016. In 2011, ECOSOC invited UN Member States, International Organizations, and the Regional Commissions to take measures to ensure the application of BPG in countries worldwide. 8
Group of Experts on CNN CNN Best Practice Guidance ENERGY The document presents recommended principles on CMM capture and use, thus providing decision-makers with a base of understanding from which to direct policy and commercial decisions. It does not replace or supersede laws and regulations. The guidance is principle based and can be adapted to varying mining conditions. 9
Group of Experts on CMM Broad Approach ENERGY Problem of emissions persists throughout the whole coal mining life cycle. 10
Group of Experts on CMM Abandoned Mine Methane (AMM) (1) ENERGY The emissions do not cease at the time of mine closure. Methane escapes abandoned mines through natural and mining related fractures and other conduits. Methane emissions increase for a short period after mine closure and then decrease and persist on a stable level for many years. 11
Group of Experts on CMM Abandoned Mine Methane (AMM) (2) ENERGY (Coté, M., 2018) 12
Group of Experts on CMM Abandoned Mine Methane (AMM) (3) ENERGY Annual gas production from the Avion and Divion Mines 70 Million Cubic Meters Cumulative Production 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Operating Years Avion Annual Gas Production Divion Annual Gas Production (Moulin, J., 2019) 13
Group of Experts on CMM Abandoned Mine Methane (AMM) (4) ENERGY As of 2010, the share of abandoned mine methane (AMM) in total CH4 emissions from coal was 17%. This share is expected to increase to 24% through to 2050. Global AMM and CMM Emissions (Reference scenario, PNNL) 14
Group of Experts on CMM Abandoned Mine Methane (AMM) (1) ENERGY In many countries problem of mine closure is gradually more challenging. E.g. in China there was 24,800 active mines in 2005 In 2017 the number of active mines was 7,000 It is planned that further 4000 small and 300 big coal mines will be closed in China soon There is a huge potential for GHG reduction in proper AMM management. 15
Group of Experts on CMM Best Practice Guidance on AMM ENERGY Proper mine closure is necessary for efficient use of AMM. Technology allowing to recover AMM is readily available. 16
Group of Experts on CMM Best Practice Guidance on AMM ENERGY Best Practice Guidance for Effective Methane Recovery and Use from Abandoned Coal Mines BPG provides guidance and support for development of post-mining projects to reduce the overall emissions attributable to the coal mining life cycle by optimizing recovery and use of methane that would otherwise be released to atmosphere. 17
Coal Mine Methane Conclusions ENERGY Regardless of a selected option for attaining carbon neutrality and a pace of coal phase-out in a given country, as long as coal mines are operational, CMM has to be dealt with in a way assuring safety of the mining personnel and the lowest possible carbon footprint of the coal extraction activities. Closing mines needs to be conducted in accordance with good practices assuring that mines are properly sealed and enabling development of AMM projects preventing waste of a valuable resource and minimizing direct emissions of AMM to the atmosphere. 18
Coal Mine Methane Research Needs (1) ENERGY Consequently, access to financing for R&D of CMM and AMM technologies is necessary, and it is in full compliance with SDG 7 and its target 7 A. Target 7 (A) By 2030, enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced and cleaner fossil-fuel technology, and promote investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technology 19
Coal Mine Methane Research Needs (2) ENERGY Research is also needed to identify the scale of methane emissions from coal mines. For reporting purposes (and developing a reliable emission factor) emissions quantities should be distinguished between those coming from: underground and surface mines, active and abandoned mines, hard coal mines and lignite mines, extractive and post-mining activities (processing: such as crashing, removal of impurities, dewatering, etc.). Mapping of abandoned mines is necessary. Specifying coal type, date of closure, whether it was flooded or not, and the procedure under which it was closed. 20
UNECE Contact ENERGY Michal Drabik Economic Affairs Officer, UNECE Secretary of the GoE on CMM Tel: +41 (0) 22 917 3966 Email: 21
UNECE Upcoming Events ENERGY Workshop: Post-Mining Perspectives: Capture and Use of Abandon Mine Methane, and Mine Reclamation and Revitalization of Post Mining Areas , Cracow, Poland, 26 February 2020 Global Methane Forum 2020 , 23-27 March 2020, Geneva, Switzerland, featuring: High-level Plenary meeting, 24 March 1 5 th session of the Group of Experts on CMM , 23 March 7 th session of the Group of Experts on Gas , 26-27 March Workshop: Financing AMM Projects and Standards for Mine Closure, 25 March 22
ENERGY Thank you! Sustainable Energy Division UNECE 28 January 2020, Brussels, Belgium
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