2045 Regional Transportation Plan Adam Beckom, AICP May 24, 2019
2045 RTP Overview Update to current 2040 RTP 2045 RTP Public Outreach Recommendations/Projects List Regional Safety Plan Active Transportation Plan High Capacity Transit
Public Involvement Summary 19 Public Meetings 430 Attendees 100 Livestream Participants 100+ media mentions 24,816 website hits 3 Million impressions and views via digital and social media advertising 1200+ total comments 2045RTP .com
Public Comments – What we learned… More Active Transportation Multi-modal network that includes more transit Less roadway expansion, and more manage or maintain Transportation resiliency Environmental Justice Project specific comments Available in Appendix O of the 2045 RTP document
Household Population 2015 +4.2 Million 2045 (6.54 Million) (10.76 Million) (3X3 mile grid)
Employment 2015 +1.6 Million 2045 (3.2 Million) (4.8 Million) (3X3 mile grid)
Travel Trends 2020 Congestion
Travel Trends 2045 Congestion - Build VMT 295 Million Miles VHT 8.5 Million Hours
Travel Trends 2045 Congestion – No Build VMT 304 Million Miles VHT 11.8 Million Hours
New Construction & Widenings
Regional Safety Plan Focus Areas Impaired Driving Speeding Distracted Driving Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Intersections
Environmental Justice Recommendations Increase environmental justice awareness within the transportation management area. Enhance sensitivity to Title VI and environmental justice in transportation investment decisions. Support local efforts to improve transportation service in the underserved communities. Improve safety in the environmental justice communities. Increase public involvement by the underserved population.
Roadway Recommendations Inclusion of projects in the 2018 Call for Projects Project specific comments were sent to project sponsors Project changes affecting conformity will be addressed through the next conformity process
2045 RTP Projects Let Projects (Under Construction) Funded Projects (TIP/10yr) Planned Projects
TxDOT 2045 Projects Let Projects (Under Construction) Funded Projects (TIP/10yr) Planned Projects
Freight Recommendation Work with Partners to mitigate short-term deficiencies on the freight –significant network Develop a concept of operations for a freight ITS program Improve flow of containers through a virtual container yard to reduce truck trips Provide access to growing economic centers outside the urban core
2045 Active Transportation Plan Existing Conditions Pedestrian & Bicycle Focus Areas A Vision for 2045 Strategies & Measures http://www.2045rtp.com/documen ts/2045-ATP-DRAFT-20190123.pdf
2045 Active Transportation Plan Short Term Strategies To continue to collect community feedback related to active transportation, particularly in our rural counties To build a toolbox for policy, design and funding that complements the Active Transportation Plan (included in the draft UPWP) To update and standardize the regional bikeway map across communities (included in the draft UPWP) Long Term/Ongoing Strategies To build walkways and bikeways in areas of high need and where supported by community plans To complete the sidewalk networks within one-half mile of all transit stops To build bikeways that connect local residents to tourism destinations To provide workshops and other education opportunities related to best practices in active transportation
Priority Network Elements HCT services on high-demand corridors • North-South (Gessner, Lockwood) and East-West: (Westpark/Richmond, Inner Katy “Gap”) • Multimodal connectivity (airports, Texas Central HSR) Expansions of Commuter Services • Conversion of existing HOV facilities to two-way, all- day service • New facilities/commuter corridors to Galveston, Mont Belvieu, Tomball, Crosby/Dayton, Pearland, Fulshear • “Suburb-to-Suburb” services
Priority Network Elements Bus priority treatments along multiple major thoroughfares (Signature service) New Local and Regional services • Connect outlying communities to each other and core • New local routes where need exists • Flex zones for areas hard to serve with traditional transit Allowances for Universal Accessibility and State of Good Repair
General Principles/Supporting Concepts Regional Fare & Marketing Universal Accessibility • “People can’t use transit if they can’t get to it” • No new services without access First Mile/Last Mile Transit-friendly design and parking Preparing for automation
Priority Network: Preliminary Figures Capital cost: $21.7 Billion Annual O&M cost: $1.14 Billion Ridership estimate: 277 Million boardings/year (all services) Estimated user benefit: $520 Billion
Priority Network Economic Impact Transit Priority Network Induced Employment Growth 160 Transit Priority Induced Job Growth (Thousands) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Jobs Created ‐ Transit Priority Avg. Annual Jobs Created
Priority Network Economic Impact GDP Output Personal Income Changes (Billions of 2018 Dollars) 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 2018 2019 Transit Priority Network Economic Impact Analysis 2020 2021 2022 GDP Growth 2023 2024 2025 2026 Output Growth 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Personal Income Increase 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045
2045 Transit Recommendations Within the METRO Service Area
2045 Transit Recommendations Outside METRO Service Area
RTP Total Expenditures by Mode 2040 2045 Mode ($ in Billions) ($ in Billions) Roadway $43.05 $62.86 Freight $0.43 $0.46 Bike/Ped $0.29 $1.81 Transit $30.89 $67.09 Total $74.66 $132.22
2018 CFP Total Expenditures by Mode Mode Federal Funding Total Cost Roadway/Freight $542.10 $788.85 Bike/Ped $45.99 $50.04 Transit $221.36 $368.29 Total $809.45 $1,207.18
Fiscal Constraint 2045 RTP Revenue by Source Expenditures by Strategy Total: $132 Billion Total: $147 Billion 18% 24% 27% Federal Revenues 36% State Highway Revenues 13% Local Revenues 10% METRO Sales Tax Expand METRO Farebox 37% Maintain 19% 16% Toll Roads Manage
Air Quality Budgets Houston region in non-attainment for 2008 8-hr Ozone Standard & 2015 8-hr Ozone Standard Latest emission budgets from Air Quality State Implementation Plan RFP Demonstration Budgets (t/d) Year NOx VOC 2017 121.81 68.04
DRAFT Conformity Results NOx NOx VOC VOC Year VMT Emissions Budget Emissions Budgets (tons/day) (tons/day) (tons/day) (tons/day) 2020 79.62 121.81 45.92 68.04 186,102,566 2030 47.47 121.81 30.37 68.04 227,527,778 2040 43.09 121.81 22.87 68.04 261,487,989 2045 47.43 121.81 23.89 68.04 284,677,064
2045 RTP Schedule 2018 2019 Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May 2045 Update Develop 2045 recommendations and planning analysis 2045 Update 30 Day Public Comment Draft recommendations/assumptions 2045 RTP Workshop Draft RTP for Preview 30 Day Public Comment Final Draft RTP for Action TIP TIP/RTP Subc P Subcommitte ttee Meet e Meeting Transpor ansportation tation Advi visor sory C Comm mmittee M ittee Meeting ing Transportati tion P Poli licy Co Coun uncil Meeti Meeting
Action Approval of the Resolution 2019-14 adopting the 2045 RTP and the Finding of Air Quality Conformity Next Steps: Conformity documentation submitted to review partners Anticipate conformity determination by August 3 rd H-GAC Staff to continue project coordination with project sponsors and other regional partners 2045RTP .com
Brazoria County
Chambers County
Fort Bend County
Galveston County
Harris County
Harris County NE Quadrant
Harris County NW Quadrant
Harris County SE Quadrant
Harris County SW Quadrant
Liberty County
Montgomery County
Waller County
Traffic Safety Strategies (e.g., Distracted Driving )
Transit Draft Recommendations High Capacity Transit Taskforce METRO Next Vision Plan High Speed Rail • Region to Region Connectivity • Local Connectivity and Integration
High Capacity Transit Vision
Priority Network
Included in Vision Network Expanded local services • Especially areas indicating high transit need that do not currently have service Regional services • connect outlying communities to each other and urban core Flex Zones (Community Connectors) “Non-traditional” Express Bus Services • Reverse Commute • Suburb-to-suburb
General Principles/Supporting Concepts Regional Fare & Marketing Universal Accessibility • No new service without access First Mile/Last Mile Transit-friendly design/parking Automated Vehicles • Opportunities and Challenges
More recommend