public outreach for 2045 rtp

Public Outreach for 2045 RTP Technical Advisory Committee February - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Public Outreach for 2045 RTP Technical Advisory Committee February 14, 2018 What is the Regional Transportation Plan? Long Term Vision Multimodal Transportation Networks Eight-County Metropolitan Planning Area Needs Assessment

  1. Public Outreach for 2045 RTP Technical Advisory Committee February 14, 2018

  2. What is the Regional Transportation Plan? ▪ Long Term Vision ▪ Multimodal Transportation Networks ▪ Eight-County Metropolitan Planning Area ▪ Needs Assessment ▪ Performance Measures and Targets ▪ Financial Plan ▪ Priorities and Implementation Steps ▪ Updated Every Four Years

  3. Household Population +4.2 M 2015 2045 (6.54 Million ) (10.76 Million) (3X3 mile grid)

  4. Employment 2045 2015 +1.6 M (4.8 Million) (3.2 Million) (3X3 mile grid)

  5. Household Population and Jobs (in millions) 2015-2045 Growth (2015 to 2045) 2015 2.50 5.00 2.00 4.00 1.50 1.50 3.00 1.98 2.96 2.25 1.00 0.75 2.00 0.50 1.33 0.65 0.62 1.00 0.30 1.51 1.18 0.00 0.51 0.00 Outside GP BW8-GP BW8 Outside GP BW8-GP BW8 Jobs Household Population 2045 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 4.45 3.00 3.00 3.31 2.00 2.13 1.00 1.82 0.81 0.00 Outside GP BW8-GP BW8

  6. Commute Flows (in 000s) To and From Area Inside BW8 2015 2045 Change in Flow (2015 to 2045) 535 50 230

  7. Transportation Challenges ▪ Congestion ($1.12B truck congestion cost) ▪ Safety (14% increase in total crashes) ▪ Infrastructure Condition ▪ Resiliency ▪ Environment

  8. 2045 RTP Vision [DRAFT] ▪ In the year 2045, our region will have an integrated multimodal transportation system, achieved through coordinated public and private investments, that supports a desirable quality of life, enhanced economic vitality and increased safety, access and mobility.

  9. 2045 RTP Goals [DRAFT] ▪ Improve Safety ▪ Move People and Goods Efficiently ▪ Achieve/Maintain State of Good Repair ▪ Strengthen Regional Economic Competitiveness ▪ Conserve and Protect Natural and Cultural Resources

  10. 2045 RTP Strategies [DRAFT] ▪ Asset Management [Maintain] ▪ System Management & Operations [Manage] ▪ Expand Multimodal Network Capacity [Expand]

  11. 2045 RTP Public Meetings ▪ 12 Public Meetings ▪ Interactive and Engaging ▪ Public Comments ▪ Social Media: #2045RTP ▪ Website: 2045RTP .com

  12. 2045 RTP Schedule ▪ Spring 2018: Initial Public Outreach ▪ Summer 2018: System Analysis ▪ Fall 2018: Recommendations & Projects List ▪ Winter 2019: Final Draft of 2045 RTP

  13. Questions ▪ Questions?


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