2019 2020 competition season varsity jv who is eligible

2019 2020 Competition Season Varsity & JV Who is eligible to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2019 2020 Competition Season Varsity & JV Who is eligible to tryout for JV & Varsity Cheerleading? Students entering in grades 9 12 in Sept. 2019 and Middle school students recommended for the APP/pass the APP. More info. About APP

  1. 2019 ‐ 2020 Competition Season Varsity & JV

  2. Who is eligible to tryout for JV & Varsity Cheerleading? Students entering in grades 9 – 12 in Sept. 2019 and Middle school students recommended for the APP/pass the APP. More info. About APP on district website.


  4. Winter Sports Start Dates (2018) tentative dates **PLEASE VISIT THE ATHLETICS PAGE ON THE DISTRICT WEBSITE FOR CONFIRMATION OF DATES AND DETAILS REGARDING THE APP. PERMISSION SLIPS AND PHYSICALS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON THIS PAGE. Athletic Placement Process Application Deadline October 4, 2019 District’s Athletic Placement Eligibility Committee October 14, 2019 Athletic Placement Process Parent/Guardian Meeting October 17, 2019 Athletic Placement Process Testing October 21 ‐ 24, 2019 Junior Varsity & Varsity Teams Tryouts Monday, Nov 11, 2019

  5. CHEERLEADING IMPORTANT DATES & INFO Mon., November 11 – Tryouts Begin, 5:30 – 8 Team placements completed by Wed, November 13 Wed., November 13 – practice begins Mandatory Parent Meeting Monday, 11/18, 7:30 pm Practices M ‐ F 5:30 – 8 unless otherwise announced. (Varsity will have practice 11/17, 12 – 4 pm) ** We must have 6 team practices in and 6 individual practices in before our first contest. Varsity’s first contest is Saturday, November 23, 2019

  6. ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS Stunting ~ Jumps ~ Tumbling ~ Motions ~ Dance ~ Endurance ~ Flexibility Floor Presence ~ Cheer ~ Strength ~ Coordination ~ Athleticism Yes, bumps and bruises are part of this sport!

  7. STUNTING REQUIREMENTS SAFETY first, perfec tion before progression • Body Control • Strength • Proper Technique • Flexibility • Confidence • Experience and knowledge • Potential to Grow

  8. Tumbling is an Expectation – Back handspring and potential to grow Tumbling gyms to consider Pike Gymnastics: 845 ‐ 858 ‐ 2174 Ziggy’s: (845) 692 ‐ 3547 http://ziggysgym.com/programs/cheerleading ‐ classes/ D’Antonos Dance Academy 845 ‐ 293 ‐ 3635 QUEST: 845 ‐ 673 ‐ 9915 Cheer Factory: 845 ‐ 820 ‐ 0525 (CHECK FOR FACEBOOK PAGES)

  9. TRYOUT MATERIAL • DANCE, no more than 5 eight counts – Tumbling to be incorporated in dance • CHEER – Athletes will working together to include stunting in their cheer. Cheer & Dance will be available on our website one week prior to tryouts EVALUATION OF JUMPS, STUNTING & TUMBLING, MOTIONS, ENDURANCE, FLEXIBILITY, STRENGTH, ATTITUDE, WORK ETHIC, FLOOR PRESENCE, VOICE

  10. Alternates • Teams may have alternates on the team. • What does this mean? – An alternate is similar to what some may refer to as 2 nd string. – They do not compete at all competitions. – They are expected to learn and know all material and continue to develop their cheer skills with the team – At the Varsity level, an alternate would not compete at regionals or nationals unless they are moved into a position due to an athlete’s injury or for a reason that coach deems necessary to replace a position – Alternates are expected to be 100% committed.


  12. PRACTICE INFO Availability Mandatory. Attendance at all practices, games, competitions and school events that we are part of is mandatory. VERY BUSY SCHEDULE High School Cheerleading is your first sport. We also participate in community events, Scholarship Fundraiser, Fundraisers to help offset any extra costs. Time Management will be key to your success!

  13. Cheerleaders must attend all practices and games mandated by the coaching staff. Only excuses are obvious – sickness, family emergency. In the event of a sickness or emergency, the student and parent should contact the coach to advise of the absences and reason. If we only hear from the student on an absence, we will confirm with parent. A bsences will be approved at the discretion of the Head Coach . Unexcused absences may result in loss of playing time, suspension, or dismissal from the team. To have a winning and successful team it takes players who are committed to being at practices and games. An absence is a missed opportunity for you to develop your skills as an individual and also contribute to the development of the team. Missing events can enable another player to step up in your absence and win your spot.

  14. VARSITY HOPES TO BE HEADING OFF TO NATIONALS visit varsity.com for more information Cost ‐ $744 per athlete Includes room, competition entrance fees and Disney Passes DOES NOT include AIRFARE

  15. Basketball/Competition Schedule We cheer for all home JV and VARSITY Basketball Games FULL SCHEDULE AVAILABLE AT http://ociaa.ouboces.org (Go to Interscholastic Sports, then to Schedule and follow instructions from there) We compete in December and every weekend in January and February. Athlete must also be available for snow dates of competition. Schedules changes a lot during the winter due to weather. Please be ready to change and be available for any rescheduled games, practices, competitions.

  16. COMPETITION SCHEDULE (AS OF 10 ‐ 27 ‐ 19) Comp Date Location Saturday, November 23 Kutztown University – UCA – varsity only Sunday, December 8 Empire Regional (@ Hofstra? ) UCA – varsity only Thursday, December 12 Goshen ‐ SCRIMMAGE (may only be varsity) Saturday, January 4 Monticello Saturday, January 18 John Jay Sunday, January 19 Delaware Valley Saturday, January 25 Pine Bush Saturday, February 1 Valley Central Thursday, February 6 – 11 UCA NATIONALS varsity only Saturday, February 15 Highland HS ‐ THIS IS QUESTIONABLE Saturday, February 22 SECTIONS @ MONROE WOODBURY

  17. Parents Responsibility At time of parent meeting we require that both you and your child review the handbook/guidelines thoroughly. Required paperwork on time. (permission slips, waivers, fundraisers) Drop off and pick at the proper times, on time. At the game/competition – please do no approach the team in the lineup unless an emergency. Support with fundraising and participation in all events/fundraising. Uniform needs, Nationals/Regionals & other expenses – FUNDRAISING IS IMPORTANT! Flexibility / Changing plans… scheduled practices and games can change due to various reasons. Everyone is ALL IN! We as a program/district/family respect all and pride ourselves with sportsmanship at all contests and competition.

  18. FUNDRAISING SUPPORTS INDIVIDUAL & TEAM NEEDS • TEAM Costs – Music, Equipment, Props, Registration fees for competitions and clinics that are not covered by District • There are some additional uniform expenses involving sneakers (important/safety to have new shoes), body slimmers, camp gear and briefs

  19. MINISINK VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL CHEERLEADERS SPONSORSHIP & DONATION OPPORTUNITIES WEBSITE BANNER ADS Support the Minisink Valley High School Cheerleaders by advertising on their website www.minisinkhscheer.com The ads will remain on the website for one year from the date it “goes live”, and will link directly to your website. Most graphics formats are accepted: PSD (Photoshop), JPG, EPS, PNG, PDF, AI, etc. Artwork should be emailed directly to pattimvcheer@yahoo.com _____ $150 – OPTION 1 ‐ 700 x 156 pixels (ad on the top of the website home page) ______$100 – OPTION 2 – 200 x 333 pixels (ad on the left margin of the website home page) ______ $ 50 – OPTION 3 – 300 x 50 pixels (the ad on the bottom of the website home page) _________________________________________________________________________________ COMPLETE WEB ADDRESS ON THIS LINE FOR LINKING: Team Sponsorships (if received by 8/21/19 we will thank via announcements at home football games and if by 12/1/19 will be announced at home basketball games) ______ $100 ‐ Name on T ‐ shirt and website _______ $250 ‐ Name on T ‐ shirts, website and a 1/2 page journal ad in competition journal (1/9/19) _______ $500 or more ‐ Name on t ‐ shirt, website, competition banner and full page journal ad *all donations of $100 or more received by 8/21/19 will be listed on the back of team t ‐ shirts during football and competition season *all donations of $100 or more received by 12/1/19 will be listed on the back of team t ‐ shirts for competition season Journal Advertising (please check one) – PROGRAM PRINTED ON 1/9/16 (Cheer competition) _______ ¼ page ad (business card size): $25 (2” x 4 ¾”) _______ ½ page ad: $35 (4 ¾” x 3 ¾”) _______ Full page ad: $50 (4 ¾” x 7 ½”) _______ Inside Front/Back Cover: $100 (4 ¾” x 7 ½”) _______ Check if you wish to use last year’s ad Please do not staple ads to the form. Ads can be emailed to pattimvcheer@yahoo.com _______ General Donation My donation in the amount/value of $ __________ is enclosed. Cheerleader Sponsorship _______ $600 I would like to sponsor a VARSITY cheerleader to attend the UCA National High School Cheerleading Championship


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