ITTF-Oceania BID PRESENTATION The hosting rights of the 2018 ITTF-Oceania Tour events are now available and open for application. The ITTF-Oceania Tour will comprise of 6 tournaments around Oceania, where the best players of the continent will compete against each other for glory. In addition, the ITTF-Oceania Tour will become the main qualification pathway to secure a position in the ITTF-Oceania Cup, as points obtained will directly affect the ITTF-Oceania Cup Points List. The ITTF-Oceania Tour will be a valuable addition to your sporting calendar for the year, and we would like to invite all interested cities, associations and organisations to apply for the hosting rights. Please note that all applications must be submitted with the support of the respective National Table Tennis Association. ITTF-Oceania Tour events - Men’s Singles - Women’s Singles - Men’s Doubles - Women’s Doubles - Mixed Doubles Event Duration - 2 days Venue requirements - Number of Courts: 1 Show Court, 5 Regular Competition Courts and 1 Competition Courts for Finals day - Lightings: 600 Lux minimum To submit your application, please complete this document and attach any supporting documentation. Deadline: 15/11/2017 ITTFOceania.com /ITTFOceania /ITTFOceania /ITTFOceania /ITTFOceania
ITTF-Oceania APPLICATION FORM 1. INTRODUCTION Date Preferred Date Alternative Dates Place City, Country Men’s Singles Events to be Included Women’s Singles Men’s Doubles Women’s Doubles Mixed Doubles Organisation Is your organisation affiliated with the official table tennis body? If yes, please state the Affiliated National Association (Table Tennis) Contact Person Position Mobile Email Have you read and understood the BID PRESENTATION YES /NO Do you accept the terms and conditions in the BID YES /NO PRESENTATION Are you prepared to offer Visa to all participants and accredited YES /NO officials? ITTFOceania.com /ITTFOceania /ITTFOceania /ITTFOceania /ITTFOceania
ITTF-Oceania 2. VENUE GENERAL INFO Venue Name Address City Nearest Airport Contact Person Position Mobile Email Proposed Date For Venue Inspection DD MM YYYY Spectator Capacity Wheelchair Access Parking Capacity Is there air-conditioning? If yes, will it affect play in the playing area and training area? 3. EVENT VENUE REQUIREMENTS 1. PLAYING AREA Area Area (square meters) Minimum: - 1 Show Courts Number of Show - 5 Regular Competition Courts Courts and 1 Competition Number of Regular Court for Finals day Competition Courts Height of Venue Lighting Minimum 600 Lux Flooring Temperature ITTFOceania.com /ITTFOceania /ITTFOceania /ITTFOceania /ITTFOceania
ITTF-Oceania Main hall temperature during which event will be held Audio-visual Current Set-up Please detail number of screens, audio system, etc. Plans to upgrade AV capacity for event (if applicable) Are there any windows or doors that can disturb players? Yes/No. If yes, please detail plans to cover windows or doors Wired Internet Please indicate quantity and connection speed Wireless Internet Yes/No. If yes, please indicate connection speed 2. OTHERS What other relevant facilities are there? Restaurant, Players Area, Officials Area, etc. Please indicate size and capacity Prize Presentation Backdrop size Medals/Trophies are required to be Podium size made for all events Cordoned Area for Media? Waiting Area for Athletes and Prize Presenters? ITTFOceania.com /ITTFOceania /ITTFOceania /ITTFOceania /ITTFOceania
ITTF-Oceania 4. VENUE & MATCH PRESENTATION Dressing up the venue is important for the event to look professional to spectators as well as TV/Streaming audiences. In this section, please outline your plans to dress up the venue. 1. FIELD OF PLAY Music (Professional DJ, Volunteer to control music, etc.) Entertainment between Matches (Dances, songs, contests, spectator engagement, etc.) Dress Up (Banners, backdrops, etc.) Screens (Scoring, Live broadcast, etc.) Others 2. OUTSIDE FIELD OF PLAY Results Board (Digital/Non-digital) To keep spectators updated on the event status Dress Up (Banners, backdrops, posters, etc.) Others 5. MEDIA & PROMOTIONS Please outline your promotional and media plans (prior to event and during event) Will there be a dedicated Press Officer? How many photographers will be available? ITTFOceania.com /ITTFOceania /ITTFOceania /ITTFOceania /ITTFOceania
ITTF-Oceania 6. SUPPORTING PARTNERS If you already have supporting partners to help your application please indicate them below. Company Name & Details Support Role 7. BUDGETS Please see Budget attached as separate excel document. 8. OTHER DOCUMENTS Please submit your application, including this application document form and attach any additional documents or information that will help you in your application by email to: ITTF-Oceania Christian Holtz Executive Director choltz@ittfoceania.com Ignacio Rizo Patron Events Officer ignacio@ittfoceania.com Deadline: 15/11/2017 ITTFOceania.com /ITTFOceania /ITTFOceania /ITTFOceania /ITTFOceania
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