2018 fma a con onference erence

2018 FMA A Con onference erence Celina Makowski, MBA, CHCP , - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2018 FMA A Con onference erence Celina Makowski, MBA, CHCP , RHIT Manager, CPPD/CME Flagler Hospital 4/5/2018 Act Plan & Do Criterion 13 Criterion 2 -10 Study Criterion 11 & 12 CME Planning Process Determine need or

  1. 2018 FMA A Con onference erence Celina Makowski, MBA, CHCP , RHIT Manager, CPPD/CME Flagler Hospital 4/5/2018

  2. Act Plan & Do Criterion 13 Criterion 2 -10 Study Criterion 11 & 12

  3. CME Planning Process  Determine need or identify professional practice gap(s) in competence and/or performance and/or patient outcomes .  CME Activity  Evaluate CME Activity (Criteria 11 & 12)  Evaluate CME Program (Criteria 13)

  4. ACCME Criterion 11 & 12  Criteria 11  Criteria 12

  5. Activity Evaluation  Competence  Descriptive – not measuring competency as through a test  “Competence is ability. Competence is what you would do if you could do it. If you had the opportunity to implement exactly what it was that you wanted to do – that’s your strategy.”  “Knowledge put into action by the learner” Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education. 2011, December 9. What’s the difference between “knowledge,” competence, “ “performance,” and “patient outcomes”? Retrieved from http://www.accme.org/education -and- support/video/faq/whats-difference-between-knowledge-competence-performance-and

  6. Case-Based Questions 2015-Hospice or Palliative Care: Making the Call 2016-Adverse Drug Events: The Glove Often Fits

  7. Activity Evaluation  Performance – competence into action

  8. E-mail Documentation

  9. Phone Documentation

  10. Activity Evaluation Self- Reported Changes

  11. Patient Outcomes  “Outcome, patient outcome, research outcome, executive outcome, administrative outcome — those are the consequences in the system, in your stakeholder, in the place of application of your performance.”  Radiation Risk Team’s Radiation Risk PI CME-Abdomen activity  ED patients receiving Abdominal CT scan: 2012 – 80.2%; 2013 – 77%; a 3.2% decrease  ED patient receiving Abdominal Ultrasound: 2012 – 3.3%; 2013 – 20.3%; a 17% increase  ED patient receiving Abdominal CT scan and Ultrasound scan April 2013 through June 2013 is 0%; a 2% decrease The ratio of Ultrasound vs CT scan:  • 2012 – 1:20 • 2013 – 1:4 Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education. 2011, December 9. What’s the difference between “knowledge, ” competence, “ “performance, ” and “patient outcomes”? Retrieved from http://www.accme.org/education -and-support/video/faq/whats-difference-between-knowledge-competence- performance-and

  12. RSS Tumor Board Case Summary

  13. Criterion 12: CME Program Analysis Starts with the Individual Activity Evaluation

  14. Additional itional Ar Areas eas to Ev Eval alua uate e An Annua nuall lly  Activity Books  Committee members  Community Demographic Needs/Professional Gaps  Faculty  Forms  Personnel  Processes  Activity formats, locations, topics

  15. Other Data for Criterion 12 Analysis  PARS reports  Planning Sheets – Internal and/or ACCME Performance-in-Practice Structured Abstract  CME Policies  CME Committee Minutes

  16. ACCME Criterion 13

  17. CME Program Yearly Goals 6/19/17: 2017-2018 Goals approved

  18. COMMITTEE GOALS: 2017 – 2018: 6 Month Review 12/18/17: 2017-2018 Goals mid-year review All have at least 1 activity or function to meet goal for year!

  19. Program Policies Review and/or Changes

  20. CME Committee Planning in Minutes

  21. Ongoing Criterion Evaluation

  22. CME & Hospital Initiatives  The Joint Commission Orthopedic Accreditation Standard DSDF.1-EP7 – Orthopedic Staff Education  National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC) Standard 5.1 – Breast Center Staff Education

  23. CME & Hospital Initiatives  The American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer  Opioid Stewardship: CMS: Hospital Improvement Innovation Network (HIIN), Health Research & Education Trust (HRET) and the Joint Commission (TJC) standards

  24. Th Thank y ank you ou!!! !!!  Questions or  Other Ideas for CME Program Evaluation to Share


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