2017 Co Comprehensiv ive M Master Pla lan & & ECC Comp mpto ton Cen ente ter Sel Self-Ev Evaluati ation Rep epor ort Kei Keith C Curry E rry Ed.D. Provost Prov El El Ca Camino Co College Co Compton Ce Cente ter 1
STRATEGIC GOAL #1 ACCESS AND COMPLETION Improve enrollment, retention, and completion rates for our students.
STRATEGIC GOAL #2 STUDENT SUCCESS Support the success of all students to meet their educational and career goals.
STRATEGIC GOAL #3 INNOVATION Support Student Success through the use of technology.
STRATEGIC GOAL #4 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Offer excellent programs that lead to degrees and certificates in allied health, and technical fields. .
STRATEGIC GOAL #5 PARTNERSHIPS Establish partnerships in the community, and with our K-12 schools.
Nex ext Step t Steps: 2017 Co Comprehensiv ive Master P Pla lan 1. Current draft of 2017 Compton Center/Future Compton College Comprehensive Master Plan will need additional editing, which will occur over the next week. 2. The 2017 Compton Center/Future Compton College Comprehensive Master Plan was approved by the Compton Center Faculty Council and Academic Senate at their meeting on November 17, 2016. 3. Request approval of the El Camino College Academic Senate on the Educational Master Plan. 4. Finalize the ECC Compton Center/Future Compton College Technology Plan and prepare for Compton District Board Approval at the December 2016 meeting. 5. Finalize the ECC Compton Center/Future Compton College Staffing Plan and prepare for Compton District Board Approval at the February 2017 meeting. 11
El El Cami amino C Col ollege ge Comp mpto ton C n Cen ente ter Sel Self- Ev Eval aluati ation T Team eam Memb embers 13
2017 El El Ca Camino Co College Co Compton Ce Cente ter Self-Ev Se Eval aluat ation R Report Doc ocumen ents • El Camino College Compton Center Accreditation Process – available online at: http://www.elcamino.edu/administration/vpaa/accredit ation/doc/Process-Accreditation-May2016.pdf • Compton Center Accreditation Timeline/Plan – available online at: http://www.compton.edu/campusinformation/accr editation/docs/AccreditationPlanExpanded- 042516.pdf • Self-Evaluation Report is available online at: http://www.compton.edu/adminandoperations/provost ceo/Documents/ComptonCenter_Self- Evaluation_Board-Review_111716.pdf 14
2017 El El Cami amino C Col olleg ege Comp mpto ton n Cen ente ter S Sel elf-Ev Eval aluat ation R Rep eport 1. Current draft of ECC Compton Center Self-Evaluation will need additional editing, which will occur over the next week. 2. Need to develop and verify that the links are active. 3. Revisions are needed in the following sections: A. Standard III.C-Technology – Updated version since the initial draft was posted. B. Standard III.D- Financial Resources – Revising the document narrative to be consistent with the other standards writing style. C. Standard IV: Leadership and Governance – Clarification is needed on the ECC Board of Trustees and additional information on the Partnership Agreement between ECC and the Compton District (Standard IV.C); and additional clarification of the role of the ECC and Compton District CEO (Standard IV.B). 15
Next St Steps ps: 2017 E 2017 El l Camino C Coll llege Compt pton on Center er Se Self-Eval aluat ation R Report 1. Current draft of 2017 ECC Compton Center Self-Evaluation Report will need additional editing, which will occur over the next week. 2. Request approval of the El Camino College Academic Senate on the 2017 ECC Compton Center Self-Evaluation Report at their December 2016 meeting. 3. Schedule conference call with Dr. Kindred Murillo, Superintendent/President of Lake Tahoe Community College and the External Evaluation Team Chair to discuss site-visit. 4. At the December 19, 2016 Board of Trustees meeting request acceptance of the ECC Compton Center Candidacy Application and Self-Evaluation Report. 5. Submit ECC Compton Center Candidacy Application and Self- Evaluation Report prior to January 6, 2017. 16
2017 Co Comprehensiv ive Master P Pla lan & EC ECC C Comp mpto ton n Cente enter Sel Self-Ev Eval aluat ation Rep epor ort Questions? 17
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