2017 annual report on results and impact of ifad

2017 Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD Operations (ARRI) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2017 Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD Operations (ARRI) Consultation on the Eleventh Replenishment of IFADs resources: third session 19-20 October 2017 Oscar A. Garcia Director, Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD

  1. 2017 Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD Operations (ARRI) ฀ Consultation on the Eleventh Replenishment of IFAD’s resources: third session 19-20 October 2017 Oscar A. Garcia Director, Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD

  2. Overall, improved performance of IFAD operations from 2009 Improvement Overview of main evaluation criteria, between IFAD8 and IFAD9 % projects rated moderately satisfactory or better statistically 95 significant 90 85 80 Percentage 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 2007-2009 2008-2010 2009-2011 2010-2012 2011-2013 2012-2014 2013-2015 Completion years Rural poverty impact Overall achievement Government as a partner IFAD as a partner Project Performance 1

  3. IFAD project performance on par and better than other IFIs External benchmarking with agricultural portfolio of other IFIs Percentage of projects with performance rated MS + IFAD WB Global 2002-2015 2002-2015 75 76 IFAD Asia AsDB Asia 2002-2015 2002-2014 88 65 Africa IFAD Africa AfDB 2002-2015 2002-2013 68 44 2

  4. Most criteria are below IFAD9 and IFAD10 RMF targets Evaluation criteria assessment (2013-2015) % projects rated moderately satisfactory or better 100 90 80 70 Percentage 60 50 40 IFAD10/IFAD9 30 Targets 20 IFAD9 Target 10 only 0 3

  5. Limited progress in non-lending activities, except Knowledge Management • Performance of non-lending activities: mostly moderately satisfactory IFAD10 Targets 100 Partnerships (90%) % moderately satisfactory or better Policy dialogue 90 Partnership building (85%) 80 70 60 50 Policy dialogue Knowledge 40 management 30 20 10 0 2006-2008 2007-2009 2008-2010 2009-2011 2010-2012 2011-2013 2012-2014 2013-2015 2014-2016 Evaluation years 4

  6. How can IFAD raise country programme performance to fully satisfactory? 5

  7. 2017 ARRI findings • Good operational performance is linked to well-defined targeting strategies . • Promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment is critical to realize Agenda 2030. • Raising M&E performance requires disaggregated evidence in strategic areas – climate change and food security. • Successful management of fiduciary responsibility requires rigor, not rigidity. • KM, partnerships and policy dialogue area catalysts for greater rural poverty impact. 6

  8. Recommendations • Fully Satisfactory Performance: Build on strengths, address bottlenecks and introduce a new modus operandi. • Gender Transformation: Introduce gender transformative approaches to substantially contribute to SDGs. • Better evidence: Improve data granularity in strategic areas of focus – climate change and food security. • Non-lending activities : Systematize KM, partnership and policy engagement – to unlock their potential to scale up country program results • Fiduciary requirements: Extend country differentiation to procurement, while supporting long-term national capacity improvements • 2018 ARRI Learning Theme: “Pro - poor” targeting strategies 7


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