2016 university of colorado alumni survey

2016 University of Colorado Alumni Survey Results July 13, 2016 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2016 University of Colorado Alumni Survey Results July 13, 2016 Survey Results Based On 15,225 University of Colorado Alumni Online April 28 May 31, 2016 Chris Keating President, Keating Research Mike Melanson President, OnSight Public

  1. 2016 University of Colorado Alumni Survey Results July 13, 2016 Survey Results Based On 15,225 University of Colorado Alumni Online April 28 – May 31, 2016 Chris Keating President, Keating Research Mike Melanson President, OnSight Public Affairs 1

  2. 15,225 Surveys completed online among University of Colorado Alumni from all four campuses CU-Boulder 72% n=10,953 CU-Denver 15% n=2,271 4% of Alumni have multiple degrees from the University of UCCS 10% n=1,530 Colorado campuses Anschutz Medical 8% n=1,173 Campus 2

  3. Survey Timeline: 34 Days April 28: Survey test of 1,000 emails. May 6: Email sent to 268,531 CU Alumni email addresses containing an introduction from President Benson and an invitation to take the survey. May 12 & 19: Reminder emails sent to those who had not yet completed the survey. May 31: Last day to complete the survey online. By The Numbers 268,531 Alumni Email Addresses 267,841 Emails Delivered 6% Response Rate 15,225 Surveys Complete 3

  4. Medical Law MBA What degrees have you earned? 3% 2% Doctorate 4% 6% 20% Bachelor’s 65% Master’s 4

  5. How satisfied are you with the education you received at…? Dissatisfied Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied 96% 28% 68% CU-Boulder 4% 94% 32% 61% CU-Denver 7% 96% 27% 69% UCCS 4% 96% 21% 75% Anschutz 4% 5

  6. Satisfaction With Education By Year & Ethnicity (CU-Boulder) Dissatisfied Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied 28% 68% 96% CU-Boulder 4% 36% 57% 2007-2016 (0-9 years) 94% 6% 28% 68% 97% 2002-2006 (10-14 years) 3% 23% 75% 98% 2001 or earlier (15 years+) 2% 27% 70% 97% White 3% 30% 66% 95% Hispanic 5% 39% 55% 94% Asian 6% 29% 64% 93% African American 7% 6

  7. Satisfaction With Education By Year & Ethnicity (CU-Denver) Dissatisfied Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied 32% 61% 94% CU-Denver 7% 39% 53% 2007-2016 (0-9 years) 92% 8% 28% 65% 93% 2002-2006 (10-14 years) 7% 23% 73% 96% 2001 or earlier (15 years+) 4% 31% 64% 95% White 5% 28% 65% 93% Hispanic 7% 45% 46% 91% Asian 9% African American na - sample size too small 7

  8. Satisfaction With Education By Year & Ethnicity (UCCS) Dissatisfied Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied 27% 69% 96% UCCS 4% 31% 63% 2007-2016 (0-9 years) 94% 6% 25% 73% 98% 2002-2006 (10-14 years) 2% 18% 79% 97% 2001 or earlier (15 years+) 3% 26% 70% 96% White 4% 26% 71% 97% Hispanic 3% Asian na - sample sizes too small African American 8

  9. Satisfaction With Education By Year & Ethnicity (Anschutz) Dissatisfied Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied 21% 75% 96% Anschutz 4% 28% 66% 2007-2016 (0-9 years) 94% 6% 20% 76% 95% 2002-2006 (10-14 years) 5% 14% 84% 98% 2001 or earlier (15 years+) 2% 20% 77% 97% White 3% 17% 79% 96% Hispanic 4% 20% 76% 95% Asian 5% African American na - sample size too small 9

  10. What state do you currently live in? Colorado 61% California 8% Texas 3% Currently Live In CO By Arizona 2% Campus Illinois 2% CU-Denver: 81% UCCS: 75% New York 2% Anschutz: 66% CU-Boulder: 55% Washington 2% Outside of U.S. 2% Rest of States 18% 10

  11. Which of the following best represents your current employment status? Multiple Response Question 74% Employed 65% Full Time 9% Part Time Employed By Campus CU-Denver: 78% 7% Pursuing Additional Education Anschutz: 77% UCCS: 76% 4% Not Employed - Seeking CU-Boulder: 72% 3% Not Employed - Not Seeking 2015 Keating Research/OnSight Colorado Voter Poll 13% Employed: 56% Retired 2010-2014 US Census 3% Other Labor Force: 68% 11

  12. Thinking back to one year after you graduated with your degree from the University of Colorado, what was your employment status at that time? Multiple Response Question 81% Employed 71% Full Time 10% Part Time Employed By Campus CU-Denver: 84% 10% Pursuing Additional Education Anschutz: 82% UCCS: 81% 6% Not Employed - Seeking CU-Boulder: 81% 2% Not Employed - Not Seeking 1% Retired 3% Other 12

  13. What is your personal annual (Among Employed) income before taxes? 40% Undergrad Degree: Median $68,000 34% Graduate Degree: Median $84,000 32% U.S. Census 2014 Colorado Survey Median Personal Income: $32,357 High School Graduate: Median $30,568 20% 18% Bachelor’s Degree: $48,818 14% 9% 9% 7% 6% 6% 5% $0-$50k $50-$100k $100-$150k $150-$200k More Than Refused $200k 13

  14. Median Income By Campus (Among Employed) $140,000 $120,000 $90,000 $100,000 $79,000 $76,000 $69,000 $80,000 $57,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 All Graduates Anschutz CU-Boulder CU-Denver UCCS 14

  15. Median Income By Colorado County (Among Employed) $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $73,000 $80,000 $63,000 $65,000 $61,000 $53,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 Live In Live in Boulder Denver County El Paso County Jefferson/ Colorado County Arapahoe Counties 15

  16. Median Income By Career Stage (Among Employed) Anschutz Boulder Denver CO Springs $140,000 $120,000 $118,750 U.S. Census 2014 Colorado Survey Median Personal Income: $32,357 $107,000 High School Graduate: Median $30,568 $100,000 Bachelor’s Degree: $48,818 $89,000 $80,000 $77,000 $63,500 $60,000 $49,000 $48,000 $40,000 $42,000 $20,000 Graduated Graduated Graduated 2011-2016 2007-2010 2006 or Earlier (Early Career) (Establishing Career) (Mid Career & Beyond) 16

  17. To what extent is the education that you received at the University of Not Somewhat Strongly Colorado related to your job? 34% 51% All Employed 14% Area of 22% 71% Health Care employment 7% 27% 66% Art, Design, Entertainment 8% 31% 61% Science, Tech, Engineering 7% 29% 60% Education, Library 11% 37% 51% Communications, Media 12% 37% 51% Law 12% 45% 43% Government 12% 41% 40% Business, Management, Financial 19% 45% 35% Community, Social Service 20% 33% 13% Service, Recreational 54% 17

  18. Taking into account the costs to obtain your degree from the University of Median Colorado and all of the monetary and Income other benefits of your degree from the University of Colorado. $39,000 Would you say that the benefits No outweigh the costs? 13% 87% Yes, benefits Median Income outweigh $74,000 18

  19. Benefits Outweigh Costs By Campus, Age & Ethnicity No Yes 87% All Alumni 13% 88% CU-Boulder 12% 84% CU-Denver 16% 85% UCCS 15% 89% Anschutz 11% 80% Age 18-34 20% 89% Age 35-49 11% 96% Age 50+ 4% 89% White 11% 82% Hispanic 18% 80% Asian 20% 84% African American 16% 19

  20. Rate your feelings toward the University of Colorado? 95% Favorable “Faculty was amazing, truly took pride 5% in their profession and had the students best interests at heart.” “I enjoyed every moment of it and still think back and miss it a lot. It 25% inculcated in me the value of hard Somewhat work and persistence.” Favorable 69% “Not only did I graduate from CU, but my son graduated from CU in Very 2015 with a BS in Mech Engineering, and my daughter is scheduled to Favorable graduate from CU Business school in 2017. We all value our CU experience.” 20

  21. Feelings Toward The University Of Colorado By Campus, Age & Ethnicity Unfavorable Somewhat Favorable Very Favorable 25% 69% 95% All Alumni 5% 24% 71% CU-Boulder 95% 5% 31% 63% 93% CU-Denver 7% 28% 67% UCCS 94% 6% 25% 69% Anschutz 95% 5% 31% 62% Age 18-34 93% 7% 24% 72% Age 35-49 96% 4% 19% 78% Age 50+ 97% 3% 24% 71% 95% White 5% 94% 24% 70% Hispanic 6% 35% 59% 94% Asian 6% 30% 63% 92% African American 8% 21

  22. 2016 University of Colorado Alumni Survey Results July 13, 2016 Survey Results Based On 15,225 University of Colorado Alumni Online April 28 – May 31, 2016 Chris Keating President, Keating Research Mike Melanson President, OnSight Public Affairs 22


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