Arts Business Resource Center 2016 SUCCESSES
ARTS & CULTURE APP! • IPhone & Android LAUNCH D OWNLOAD THE • 5,000 Rack cards distributed A RTS & C ULTURE • 4 paid ads including the Ferry brochure APP!
CREATIVE DIRECTORY • Launched online directory for all creative businesses • Info ports over to the Arts App.
ST. PETERSBURG STUDIO & GALLERY GUIDE • 20,000 print 20,000 printed d • 16,000 distribu 6,000 distributed in 5 mo d in 5 months nths • Available ailable at e at every Ar y ArtW tWalk de alk destinatio stination and n and so some me ho hotels ls • AARP fu AARP funde nded d
IN SCHOOL & AFTER-SCHOOL ARTS EDUCATION • ACE Bre CE Breakf akfast at R ast at Ruth Eck th Eckerd Hall f d Hall for r No North Co th County Principals nty Principals • Adv dvocacy/R cacy/Refere rendu ndum m • AC ACT • Pop u p up pe p performance rmances s
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: CREATIVE BUSINESS SEMINARS 1. 1. Tax Tips f ax Tips for r Cr Creat ativ ives 2. 2. Mar Marketing T ting Tools f ls for r Cr Creat ativ ives 3. 3. Kno Know Y w Your Le r Legal Rights: Int gal Rights: Intelle llectu ctual Pr al Prope perty ty 4. 4. Grant W Grant Writing 1 riting 101 1 5. 5. Bo Boar ard Go d Governance rnance 6. 6. Volu lunt nteer Manage r Manageme ment nt 7. 7. Pricing & Pricing & Pre Prese senting Y nting Your Ar r Artw twork k
AMERICANS FOR THE ARTS SURVEY • Conducted Arts & Economic Prosperity Survey for all of Pinellas County • Creative Pinellas splitting the cost • Survey of 100 arts & cultural organizations • Including audience intercept surveys • Results: Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 Report – to be published in February 2017
SHINE: ST. PETERSBURG MURAL FESTIVAL 2016 20 2016 City Be 6 City Beau autif tificatio ication A n Awar ard d 21 Ne 1 New Mu w Murals rals Ov Over 1 r 10,000 Visit 0,000 Visitors s
PRODUCED SPF 16 ST. PETERSBURG ARTS & CULTURE FESTIVAL 57 e 7 events, 1 nts, 102 o 02 organizatio rganizations, 1 ns, 150+ v 50+ venu nues s Over 2 Ov r 21,000 att ,000 attende ndees s Pop U p Up Mu p Music and Dance sic and Dance pe performance rmances s
Pr Produ duce ced 46 Lit d 46 Literacy & racy & Lit Literar rary Ev y Events nts 24 V 4 Venu nues, 1 s, 18 Organizatio 8 Organizations ns Ov Over 6,000 att r 6,000 attende ndees s 10 Gre 0 Great Da at Days! ys! SP SPAA incu AA incubat bated d Su SunLit nLit f for 2 y r 2 year ars s Passe assed the d the t torch t ch to K Keep St. P p St. Pete Lit Lit
FISCAL SPONSORSHIPS INCUBATING NEW ARTS ORGS • Su Sunshine nshine City Ope City Opera Co ra Compan pany y • List Listening R ning Room F m Festiv stival al • St. P St. Pete Dance Dance Alliance Alliance • Et Et Cu Cultu ltura ra F Festiv stival al • Pu Public Ar blic Art Pr t Proje ject (no ct (non-pr n-profit) it)
CO-SPONSOR: ST. PETE WINE & FOOD FESTIVAL Wine Wine and F and Food P d Pairing dinne airing dinner r pr proce ceeds be ds bene nefit Ar it ArtW tWalk alk Festiv stival e al emplo ployed d Kyu yu Yamamo amamoto, De , Dere rek Do k Donne nnelly lly, , Charlie Charlie P Par arker & r & Mar Marc c Le Levasseur asseur
JAMES MUSEUM OF WESTERN & WILDLIFE ART Ho Host sted pu d public pre blic previe view o w of St. P f St. Petersbu sburg’s ne rg’s newest st mu muse seum f m for o r our cre r creativ ative co commu mmunity at nity at Sta Staybridge ybridge Su Suit ites St. P s St. Petersbu sburg rg
ARTIST ENGAGEMENT GRANTS • Cathe Catherine rine W Woods ds • Rache Rachel F l Fearing St aring Stewar art t • Jame ames s Ole Oleso son • Tom m Siv Sivak • Pe Peter Me Meder • Ya Ya La’F La’Ford • Car Carolo los Cu s Culbe lbertso tson n • Wendy Du ndy Durand rand • He Hele len Hanse n Hansen F n Fre rench nch • Michelle Miche lle Fie Fielding lding • Ann Marie Ann Marie Cash Cash Le Levasseur asseur • Mitzi J Mitzi Jo Go Gordo don n • Et Et Cu Cultu ltura ra • 14 SPF1 4 SPF16 po 6 pop-u p-up pe p performe rmers s
MUSE 2016 c Raised $30,000
CO-SPONSOR PARAGON FINE ART FESTIVALS • Febru bruar ary sho y show inclu w include ded 6 lo d 6 local galle cal gallerie ries s • De Dece cembe mber sho r show has a spe w has a special rat cial rate f for Ar r Arts Alliance ts Alliance Co Committ mmittee Me Membe mbers s • De Dece cembe mber sho r show brings in 1 w brings in 10,000 visit 0,000 visitors and ne s and nets ts appr approximat ximately $3,500 t ly $3,500 to SP SPAA f AA for Ar r ArtW tWalk alk
COMING SOON: MUSE A wArds MUSE 2017 MUSE 20 MUSE 2017 Ho 7 Hono noring ring Le Leon “ n “Te Tes One One” ” Be Bedore Eric Da Eric Davis vis Kathr athryn yn Ho Howd Da David W vid Warne arner r Kyu yu Y Yamamo amamoto c C e l e b r at e a r t i s t i C i n s p i r at i o n January 27, 2017 /
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