2014 Highlights 2014 HIVR4P Highlights • Presentation of more than 700 research studies • Hosted 12 satellite sessions • 1347 delegates from 45 countries • Awarded more than 300 scholarships • Inaugurated The Desmond Tutu Award for HIV Prevention Research and Human Rights
HIVR4P is the world’s only scientific meeting dedicated exclusively to the latest research on all forms of biomedical HIV prevention Organizing Principles Science-driven – A platform to advance HIV prevention research. Responds to a growing consensus that effective prevention requires a combination of scientific endeavors across the various fields Collaborative – Encourages cross-fertilization among research on HIV vaccines, microbicides, PrEP, treatment as prevention, and other biomedical prevention approaches Inclusive – Scholarships for international participants and early career investigators and LMIC participation is a funding priority
HIVR4P 2016 • The premier global scientific conference on HIV prevention research. • A highly interactive program addressing every facet of prevention: vaccines, microbicides, TasP, PrEP and emerging forms of prevention. • Designed for researchers, funders, policy makers and advocates. • 300 full/partial scholarships support the attendance of low- and middle-income country representatives/early-career investigators. • For more information, visit hivr4p.org.
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