2014 cotton update for growers

2014 Cotton Update For Growers 1. Brake F2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2014 Cotton Update For Growers 1. Brake F2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Section 18 Submitted: Brake F2 1. EPA should approve or reject by March 2. Mixture of fomesafen (Reflex) & fluridone 3. Apply PRE 16 oz/A (8 oz Reflex + 0.2 lb Brake/A)

  1. 2014 Cotton Update For Growers 1. Brake F2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

  2. Section 18 Submitted: Brake F2 1. EPA should approve or reject by March 2. Mixture of fomesafen (Reflex) & fluridone 3. Apply PRE 16 oz/A (8 oz Reflex + 0.2 lb Brake/A)

  3. Section 18 Submitted: Brake F2 Positives: 1. Fluridone is “new” effective chemistry 2. Very good on pigweed when activated 3. Minimal injury

  4. Brake PRE: Worst Injury Seen • Pic of reflex vs Brake in dry


  6. Section 18 Submitted: Brake F2 Negatives: 1. Research suggest no more effective than current programs (less injury though) 2. Rest of weed program stays same

  7. Section 18 Submitted: Brake F2 Negatives: 1. Research suggest no more effective than current programs (less injury though) 2. Rest of weed program stays same 3. At least 0.6” if not 0.75” to activate 4. Suggest rotate to cotton/peanut only currently (there label more flexible but our data is concerning)

  8. Brake F2 • Projected cost for 1 pt/acre: Volume purchased Cost/A 40-80 acres -- $40.62 120-160 acres -- $38.42 200+ acres -- $34.58

  9. Rainfall: Two rains each <0.25 in Reflex + Warrant Fluridone

  10. Brake F2 When Activated Brake F2 Non-treated

  11. 2014 Cotton Update 1. Brake F2 2. Changes in burndown 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

  12. Plant Back Interval for Valor Strip Till = can be applied 10 d ahead of planting as long as strip till operation occurs between applying Valor and planting

  13. Plant Back Interval for Valor Strip Till = can be applied 10 d ahead of planting as long as strip till operation occurs between applying Valor and planting No Till or when strip is run prior to spray = 1) <30% ground cover = 28 d + rain 1 inch 2) >30% ground cover = 21 d + rain 1 inch

  14. Plant Back Interval for Valor Strip Till = can be applied 10 d ahead of planting as long as strip till operation occurs between applying Valor and planting No Till or when strip is run prior to spray = 1) <30% ground cover = 28 d + rain 1 inch 2) >30% ground cover = 21 d + rain 1 inch NEW: If Reflex (generic) will be used PRE add 7 days to no-till planting intervals!!!

  15. 2014 Cotton Update 1. Brake F2 2. Changes in burndown 3. Tank mix kit 4. 5. 6. 7.

  16. • Slide from Wilson SYNGENTA – UGA Partnership to Distribute to Agents/Growers/Consultants

  17. 2014 Cotton Update 1. Brake F2 2. Changes in burndown 3. Tank mix kit 4. Weed program 5. 6. 7.

  18. Conventional Tillage Cotton Systems. 2013. Preplant PRE POST1 POST2 Layby RU Reflex 12 oz + 1. Warrant + Reflex RU Direx + Treflan or Prowl or + + Dual 2. Direx + Reflex MSMA Staple/ Mag Pyrimax Reflex at 8-10 oz/A Incorporate within week of planting if possible to depth of 1.5 inch SPLIT REFLEX SYSTEM Most effective and safest program that exist!

  19. RR Reduced Tillage Cotton Systems. 2014. Preplant PRE POST1 POST2 Layby Valor Palmer < 1” Valor + Direx Palmer 1- 5” Direx Palmer < 5”; less than 10 d to plant APPLY VALOR AND/OR DIREX TO EVERY ACRE; ADD GRAMOXONE IF PIGWEED UP!!!

  20. RR Reduced Tillage Cotton Systems. 2014. Preplant PRE POST1 POST2 Layby 1. Reflex + Warrant Valor and/or 2. Reflex + Direx Direx 3. Direx + Warrant 1. Reflex rate of 12 oz. 2. Warrant rate 3 pt/A. 3. Direx rate 10 to 24 oz/A 4. Include burndown herbicide.

  21. Diuron PRE: 1 Complaint 2013 Select a rate of diuron that gives you 7 to 10 d control.

  22. Diuron + Warrant vs Reflex + Warrant Diuron + Warrant Reflex + Warrant Length Control: At least 1 wk more Palmer Control: Very Good Excellent/Consistent Timely POST : Critical Critical but less Injury Potential: Lower Higher Cost: Lower Higher Hand weeding: Slightly more Resistance Mgmt: Less on PPO

  23. RR Reduced Tillage Cotton Systems. 2014. Preplant PRE POST1 POST2 Layby 1. Reflex + Warrant RU Valor RU Direx + and/or 2. Reflex + Direx + + Dual Direx 3. Direx + Warrant MSMA Staple or Mag Pyrimax If using Liberty/Roundup system and planning on using Liberty; Liberty POST 1 is almost always correct timing

  24. RR Reduced Tillage Cotton Systems. 2014. Preplant PRE POST1 POST2 Layby 1. Reflex + Warrant Valor RU Direx RU and/or + 2. Reflex + Direx + + Direx Dual 3. Direx + Warrant MSMA Staple/ Mag Pyrimax Add Envoke, Aim or ET if morningglory is issue. Suprend + MSMA just as effective.

  25. Calendar RR Weed Program (POST applications based on days after planting) Intervals influenced by: 1. Palmer biology 2. Thrips insecticide application 3. Avoiding topical herbicide applications after 7 leaf cotton.

  26. Calendar RR Weed Program UGA Calendar Avg. Grower POST 1 cot-1 leaf 2-4 leaf POST 2 5-8 leaf 8-12 leaf higher injury potential Layby 11-13 leaf 14-18 leaf

  27. Monsanto Rewards Program Warrant 3 pt = $4.50 (pay on two sprays) Valor 2 oz = $3.00 Reflex 1 pt = $1.00 Direx 2 pt = $2.00 (pay on two sprays) Pyrimax 3 oz = $2.00 Dual Magnum 1 pt = $3.00 Gramoxone 2.5 pt = $1.00 *Based on seed rate of 38,000

  28. Monsanto Rewards Program Warrant 3 pt = $4.50 (pay on two sprays) Valor 2 oz = $3.00 Reflex 1 pt = $1.00 DUPONT HAS STAPLE REWARDS PROGRAM Direx 2 pt = $2.00 (pay on two sprays) Pyrimax 3 oz = $2.00 Dual Magnum 1 pt = $3.00 Gramoxone 2.5 pt = $1.00 *Based on seed rate of 38,000

  29. 2014 Cotton Update 1. Brake F2 2. Changes in burndown 3. Tank mix kit 4. Weed program 5. Time of day influence herbicides 6. 7.

  30. Palmer Control by Liberty System as Influenced by Time of Day. Evaluation at Harvest.* 100 98 a 98 a 98 a 88 b 80 60 56 c % 40 20 5 d 13 d 10 d 0 1 hr 1/2 hr sunrise 1/2 hr 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr before before after after after after after sunrise sunrise sunrise sunrise sunrise sunrise sunrise Time of Day Liberty was Applied Tifton, GA *Liberty 32 oz/A POST 1 (5” Palmer), Liberty POST 2 (18 d later), Diuron + MSMA layby Irrigated

  31. GR Palmer Control by Roundup + 2,4-D Systems. Macon County, 2011 and 2012. 100 93 a 89 a 80 60 % 40 39 b 32 b 20 0 7 PM 1 AM 7 AM 1 PM Time of Day Applied 2,4-D 1.5 pt/A POST 1 (5- 8” Palmer), POST 2 (15 d later), Diuron + MSMA layby

  32. Palmer Control by Dicamba Mixes as Influenced by Time of Day. Macon 2013. 20 DAT. 100 93 a 90 a 80 89 a 74 b 72 b 60 % 40 20 0 11 AM 5 AM 6:30 AM 8 AM 9:30 AM Time of Day RU + Clarity Applied Palmer: 4 to 7 inch

  33. Roundup WeatherMax 11 AM 8 AM

  34. 2014 Cotton Update 1. Brake F2 2. Changes in burndown 3. Tank mix kit 4. Weed program 5. Time of day influence herbicides 6. Rye system 7.

  35. Using Heavy Rye Covers For Sustainability Rye Cover Weedy Cover

  36. Economic Analysis Completed 1. Seven LARGE ON-FARM Studies 2. Cadillac Rye Program about $40 per acre higher cost.

  37. Potential Benefits for Georgia Growers 1. Improved Palmer control 2. Reduce herbicide input over time 3. Protect herbicide chemistry 4. Less labor (compared to tillage) 5. Mitigate wind and water erosion 6. Moisture conservation 7. Likely higher yields on dryland 8. Possibly reduce irrigation 9. Reduces Thrips damage 10. Likely reduce impact from ryegrass and horseweed. HELP ME WITH NRCS!!!!

  38. 2014 Cotton Update 1. Brake F2 2. Changes in burndown 3. Tank mix kit 4. Weed program 5. Time of day influence herbicides 6. Rye system 7. 2,4-D and Dicamba tolerant cotton

  39. 2,4-D and Dicamba Technologies 1. 2016??? Maybe some in 2015??? 2. Major hurdles = Endangered Species Act and managing off-target movement. 3. Major benefits = Increased flexibility 4. Summit in Spring with Commissioner of Ag


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