20 2019 19-20 2020 20 Prop oposed ed B Budget Ready for Their Future
Our Cha Charge a and nd Cha Challenge Dist strict ct M Missi ssion on – the mission of the Skaneateles Central School District is to - provide positive and successful learning experiences for all students - provide the students with knowledge and problem solving skills necessary to contribute and adapt to an ever changi ging wor orld - offer a balanced educational program with high expectations to challenge and motivate each student . The school staff, students, parents, Board of Education and community share the responsibility for this mission .
Our D Direct ction • Dis istr trict Vis ision ion – to develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to be ready dy for their chosen post- secondary pathway, to be positive future citizens, and to be personally fulfilled, all students will graduate from SCS having had multiple learning opportunities and experiences to explore areas of personal interest and passion.
Strategic P Pla lanning for READ READINESS • The District Strategic Plan - including our program, staffing, financial, and facilities strategies - is being developed to improve our students’ READINESS SS for their future • Our READINESS model is based on the 6 Dimensions of Wellness to ensure that our students/ future citize zens are wel ell bal alanc anced, wel ell rounded, and nimble le (adaptive)
6 Dime mensio ions ns o of Wellne llness • Intelle llectua ual – actively striving to challenge, expand, and continuously improve yourself through continuous trial, error, and learning • Ph Phys ysical – actively seeking a balance between work, family, exercise, and nutrition to achieve personal fulfillment • Social l - positively contributing to your environment and community through ongoing in person, in print, and digital interactions • Emotiona nal l – developing the ability to manage your feelings and related behaviors in positive ways and developing the ability to cope effectively with anxiety and stress • Occupa upational l - developing personal satisfaction/passion and enrichment in your life through work and career • Spi piritual l – continuously aligning one’s life activities and behaviors with personal values, beliefs, passions, and purpose (finding one’s “North Star”)
The Str trategic P Plan Teac achin ing Prac actices St Strat ategy: Develop a comprehensive K-12 instructional and assessment design (curriculum) which includes opportunities for students to apply their learning and which will allow for at least on one y year’s w wor orth of a of academic c growth relative to the NYS learning standards; develop a comprehensive professional learning plan which explicitly supports this work. Obstacles t to Student G Growth h Strategy: Ident ntify c critical obstacles t to our ur stud tudent nts’ su success ss in achieving one year’s worth of academic growth and develop a specific professional learning plan to mitigate, minimize, and where possible eliminate obstacles. Ex Exploration a and nd I Inno nnovation n Str trategy: Provi vide m more r rigorous, engaging, a and meaning ngful l learni ning ng o opportuni unities for our students to improve their readiness by exploring, developing, and implementing research-based structures and programs including those from other districts across the state and nation.
The Str trategic P Plan Extracurricular O Opportunitie ies St Strat ategy: Exten end the c classroom l m lea earning e exper periences into the extra racurri rricular o r offeri rings including the interscholastic athletics program, competitive clubs, performance clubs, and fundraising activities through revised policies, procedures, job descriptions, and program evaluation tools that align to the mission and vision of the district. Hu Human an Resource St Strat ategy: Improve the district’s ability to provide excellent learning opportunities and experiences to our students, through imp mproved ed r recruitm tmen ent, t, preparation, n, a and r retent ntion o n of h high qua uality, l learning ng-foc ocused e employees and the development of collective bargaining agreements which support the mission and vision.
The Str trategic P Plan Saf Safe an and Se Secure Fac acilit ities St Strat ategy: Provide sa safe, se , secure, a , and we welc lcoming sc school facilities by proactively planning for the maintenance and further development of our buildings in line with contemporary research, the current learning needs of our students, and future flexibility that is needed to accommodate a more innovative educational model. Fis iscal Su Support St Strat ategy: Utilize a a long ng r rang ange b budget p plann anning ng process including scheduled replacement plans, a district reserve plan, and professional services advisors that will generate greater cost predictability and better allow us to f o foc ocus ou our investme ments o on en enhancing s student l lea earning o oppo pportunities and e exper periences es. Commu mmunicati tions S Strateg egy: : Develop a districtwide communications plan which builds on existing protocols and which focuses on accurate, c consistent, comprehensive, a and ti timely c communi unications ns.
Building on Success ss • 2018 US Education Department Blue Ribbon School • County-leading 97% Graduation Rate • NYS Education Department Recognized Reward School Status • First cohort of students to complete the State Seal of Biliteracy Program • Odyssey of the Mind State Level Teams • State Level Competitive Athletic Teams with Multiple Accomplished Scholar Athletes
Propose sed 2019-20 Bu Budget • Proposed Budget = $35, 5,288, 288,466 466 3.76% increase from 2018-2019 Budget o Of the proposed increase in spending, BOCES, • Transportation, and Building aid has been leveraged wherever possible. • Anticipated Tax Levy = $25,578 78,126 26 2.68% anticipated tax levy increase ($667,602) o ( The The District’s ’s a allowable le ta tax cap p is is 3. 3.22% 22% )
Sta taffing Up Updat ate • No o new p posi osition ons are anticipated for 2019-20 • Reduction of 1.5 5 instructional p l positions b by not repla lacing staff who are retiring • Addi dditional r l redu duction of one non-instructional staff position • Red educ uctio ion o of .2 .2 FT FTE (one day per week) Technical Support position from BOCES
Program S Support • Protecting t the he investments a alre lready m y made inclu luding: • Expansion of World Languages program into Elementary Schools and State Seal of Biliteracy Program • Special Education Program Continuum and Structure • Elementary STEM Program including Coding and Science Kits • Driver Education – Summer through BOCES • Music Technology Program • Summer curriculum-based camps – STEM, Coding, Pre- Engineering, Art, and World Languages
Extracurricular Support • Continuing the support of over 50 interscholastic athletic teams • Continuation of curriculum-based clubs like Odyssey of the Mind, Environmental Club, DECA, Laker Writing Club. etc • Addition of student interest-based clubs • Exploring additional student-interest clubs and activities in the Middle School
Professional Learning Su Support • With c changes t to v virtually lly a all N NYS S Standa dards ds, ne , new cur urriculum need needs to be e im implem ement ented ed and and pr professional l l learning w will b be pr provide ded b d by: • BOCES • In-house Expertise • State Associations • Higher Education Partners • Education Foundation Support
Safe an e and S Sec ecure S e Schools • Focus on social and emotional health (Mental Health training for staff, Utilization of Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS), and School- Based Intervention Teams) • Infrastructure upgrades • Plans and trainings • Round table consultants • Ongoing Advisory Committee guidance on addressing gaps in safety and security • Data driven & research based solutions
Propose sed 2019-20 Bu Budget • Proposed Budget = $35, 5,288, 288,466 466 3.76% increase from 2018-2019 Budget o Of the proposed increase in spending, BOCES, • Transportation, and Building aid has been leveraged wherever possible. • Anticipated Tax Levy = $25,578 78,126 26 2.68% anticipated tax levy increase ($667,602) o ( The The District’s ’s a allowable le ta tax cap p is is 3. 3.22% 22% )
Estima mated Revenues es Proposed Tax Levy Payment in Lieu of Taxes State Aid Other Sources 2% 24% 1% 73%
Ta Tax Lev Levy y Calculati tion
Tax ax Levy C Calc alcula latio ion C Contin inued
201 019-20 0 School hool Prope opert rty Tax • 2.68% School Tax Levy Increase ≠ 2.68% School Property Tax Increase Property Assessment by Town Assessors • • Equalization Rates • Basic and Enhanced School Tax Relief (STAR) • Other Exemptions (e.g., senior, agricultural, etc.)
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