2 19 2016

2/19/2016 Park Board meetings are scheduled to take place at O'Brien - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2/19/2016 Park Board meetings are scheduled to take place at O'Brien Center Board Room. 321 E. Walter Street, South Bend, IN 46614 1960 1961 1964 The Board of Park Commissioners operate under Indiana's Open Door Law (Ind. Code 5 14 1.5)

  1. 2/19/2016 Park Board meetings are scheduled to take place at O'Brien Center Board Room. 321 E. Walter Street, South Bend, IN 46614 1960 1961 ‐ 1964 The Board of Park Commissioners operate under Indiana's Open Door Law (Ind. Code 5 ‐ 14 ‐ 1.5) City investigates land Land parcels are purchased. options for new golf course. Any special or rescheduled meetings will be announced publicly via website, social Golf course designed media, and issued media statement, at least 48 hours in advance. Auten Road site prevails. and built. Meeting minutes will be posted online within 48 hours of board approval. Meeting Announcements, Agendas and Approved Minutes can be viewed online: http://www.ci.south ‐ bend.in.us/government/division/parks ‐ recreation ‐ board 1965 – Present Day Communications to the Board of Park Commissioners Directed to Park Board Secretary: Spring 1965 Golf continues at Elbel. Ron O'Connor Elbel golf course opens 321 East Walter Ave for business. Other uses are enjoyed. South Bend, IN 46614 roconnor@southbendin.gov ELBEL TIMELINE | How did we get here? 1

  2. 2/19/2016 March 2015 November 2014 September 21, 2015 September 23, 2015 June 2014 Extensive media coverage on October 7, 2015 Blackthorn Sold. Park Board meeting – group Potential sale of Elbel Master Plan: Elbel’s future. External Survey of Elbel and presents Elbel concerns & discussed as part of Golf is “C” Priority & conversations commence. surrounding property is Elbel disposition discussed white paper on topic. 2016 council budget should have “No Subsidy.” Internal deliberation complete. internally and with media. Board has no info on Elbel. hearings. continues. October/November 2015 December 16, 2015 * Golf Season 2015 July 28, 2015 October 23, 2015 June 9, 2015 Internal & external Amidst uncertain future of Firm contracted to survey Appraisal #1 Received Park Board discusses sale of Two firms contracted to conversations on Elbel Elbel, conservative capital Elbel and surrounding Elbel / passes resolution separately appraise Elbel. continue. Board of Park investments are made at property / Parcel off tree November 17, 2015 recommending restricted Commissioners have no Elbel. nursery. Appraisal #2 Received sale to Council. Golf “closes.” further information on Elbel. * Meeting rescheduled from 12/21 (announced 12/14) ELBEL TIMELINE | How did we get here? ELBEL TIMELINE | How did we get here? January 19, 2016 January 22, 2016 February 8, 2016 February 1, 2016 January 11, 2016 Park Board Meeting. Issue discovered with unposted Council passes resolution Elbel for Everyone hosts Council considers bill 01 ‐ 16. Extensive public input on Elbel. & incorrect Park Board minutes. to for 5 ‐ member 45 ‐ day Extensive public input. Special Park Board meeting Postings rectified. public meeting Pinhook advisory committee for scheduled for February 11 th on Tabled to January 25 th . Administration meets with Elbel Park future of Elbel. Elbel Park. for Everyone leadership. February 8, 2016 January 29, 2016 January 25, 2016 Parks Dept. requests February 11, 2016 Council Meeting. Extensive Bill 01 ‐ 16 is retracted. January 28, 2016 $68,000 appropriation Special Park Board public input. Bill 01 ‐ 16 tabled PARC Committee meeting is Mayor meets with Elbel For from golf reserve fund to Meeting on Elbel. until Feb. 22 nd . Council cancelled by council committee Everyone leadership. schedules PARC committee be used at Elbel. chair. Meeting space is made meeting for Feb. 1 st . available. ELBEL TIMELINE | How did we get here? ELBEL TIMELINE | How did we get here? 2

  3. 2/19/2016 Major Questions / Concerns: Selling, leasing, or altering the use of Elbel was not discussed in the 5 Year Parks Master Plan. Major Questions / Concerns Why is this being considered now? Major Questions / Concerns: Major Questions / Concerns: 2015 saw a considerable decrease in capital The council ‐ approved Parks Department expenditures at Elbel and 2014 was budget has Elbel fully funded for 2016. comparatively modest as well. Why will it require a special appropriation? Why? Why are loss (subsidy) estimates anticipated What happened to the capital to be higher than budgeted? money that was budgeted? 3

  4. 2/19/2016 Major Questions / Concerns: Major Questions / Concerns: Why have a considerable amount of trees been removed from Elbel in recent years? Why did Elbel Golf Course “disappear” from the Parks Department websites? Major Questions / Concerns: Major Questions / Concerns: Why were some benches, trash receptacles Has the city sold off any land around Elbel? and hole markers removed from the course? What about the Karl Stevens Memorial tree nursery? 4

  5. 2/19/2016 Major Questions / Concerns: Major Questions / Concerns: How can I get a better accounting of Why don’t you just raise prices to Elbel’s financial performance? cover the golf subsidy? Major Questions / Concerns: Major Questions / Concerns: Indiana has lost a significant percentage of its valuable wetlands in recent years. Why not use a portion of the $5 Million Park Bond at Elbel? Why would you put more of this scarce resource in jeopardy? How does the recent Park Bond factor into all of this? 5

  6. 2/19/2016 Major Questions / Concerns: Major Questions / Concerns: Have you studied the floristic and wildlife quality at Elbel? Will golf be played at Elbel this year? Have you fully considered other uses for Elbel Park? Major Questions / Concerns: Major Questions / Concerns: Will the Board of Park Commissioners act I’ve heard talks about a lease… independently of the Council’s Advisory Committee on Elbel? What are the details of this option? Would a lease simply be a step towards a sale? 6

  7. 2/19/2016 ELBEL | In Perspective Parks Department Elbel Focus Short Term • Environmental Health of all Parks • Work collaboratively with advisory committee during 45 ‐ day process • Ensure 2016 golf season is setup for success • Cross ‐ Programming/Usage & Marketing • Act upon recommendations of advisory committee • Prioritizing Needs of Community & Value Propositioning Mid/Long Term • Protect unique ecological assets • Parks Department to be Lead Strategist & • Maintain public access Resource with Regard to Parks Decisions • Balance needs of various park users (at Elbel & throughout city) • Achieve financial stability compatible with Five Year Master Plan • Leverage Community: Seek Input & Creative Resources COMMUNITY INPUT All outstanding questions will be compiled & answered via Elbel Advisory Committee 7

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