residents association

Residents Association Meeting Me ting Mo Monday day 9 th th Apri - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welc lcom ome to o the he Great Gr at Western stern Pa Park rk Residents Association Meeting Me ting Mo Monday day 9 th th Apri pril l 20 2018 18 Next meeting: Monday 14 th May 2018 AGM Please place mobil ile phones nes

  1. Welc lcom ome to o the he Great Gr at Western stern Pa Park rk Residents’ Association Meeting Me ting – Mo Monday day 9 th th Apri pril l 20 2018 18 Next meeting: Monday 14 th May 2018 AGM Please place mobil ile phones nes to silent nt or switc tch h off, f, thank nks Facebook Group ‘Great Western Park Residents’ Association’ www.gwp ww gwpra.o

  2. Age gend nda Item Agenda Item 1 Apologies for absence 2 Minutes of previous meeting 3 Actions arising from last meeting Road Safety Project  Charitable Status Application  4 Matters Arising Significant Injury of Year 7 Child on Roads 21 st March 18 • Northern expansion of GWP • 5 Correspondence Road Closure • New Homes snagging deposit • Road Gritting Responsibility • 6 Report Back from Officers: Road Safety Project Update • 7 Any Other Business AGM Monday 14 th May 2018 • Footpath 189/21 • 8 Close meeting – date of next meeting: Monday 14 th May 2018

  3. 1. 1. Apo pologie logies s for or Abs bsenc nce Paula Walters : Treasurer David Brignall: Vice Chairperson

  4. 2. Minu nutes tes of of previ vious ous mee eeting ng All agree that the mi minut nutes es from the Meeting on Monday 12 th March 2018 reflect a true and accurate account of the meeting

  5. 3. Acti tions ons Arisin sing g fr from om las ast t Meeting ting 1. Chair to continue Road Safety Project See report back • 2. Chair to continue Charitable Status Application Lower priority time limited •

  6. 4. 4. Mat atters ters Aris isin ing • On 21 st st Ma March ch 2018 8 a a Year ar 7 Pupil pil fr from om Aureus eus School hool was as injur jured ed on on SFWA/Gr A/Greenwo eenwood od Way ay sp spine ine roa oad GW GWP • Leg g was as brok oken en in tw two o plac ace e but t recoveri vering • Ther ere e had ad been en tw two o se separ arat ate e ad addit ditional ional incidents cidents i involving nvolving sc school hool childr ildren en in th the week eks s prio ior r Road d Safety ty Me Meeting ng on 28 th th led by • Hannah Wilson son – Au Aureus principle ple Repor ort t Back k further details ils •

  7. 4. Mat 4. atters ters Aris isin ing ht http:// //www www.sou .south thoxon • .uk uk/ccm /ccm/sup /support/M port/Main ain.jsp? jsp? MODULE= ULE=Appl ApplicationDeta icationDetai ls&REF= REF=P1 P18%2 8%2FS0 FS071 719%2F 2F RM RM Plannin anning g Matter ter on n • 23 23/03 03/18 18 follo lowi wing g out utlin ine e gr grant t by SODC C despite spite local al Co Council uncil objec ecti tion ons. Access s still on n A41 4130 30 but ut • allowi wing space ace for r dua ual l carr rriage ageway way exp xpans ansion? on? Commen Co ments ts as GWP WPRA RA no not • put ut on n consult sultati ation on list?

  8. 5. Co Correspondence espondence T5415 5 Didcot, cot, A4 A4130 Ab Abingdo gdon Road d - Road d • Closu sure e 30 Ap April 2018 for 2 ni nights (20:00 0 - 06:00)

  9. 5. Co Correspondence espondence Introdu duce ce retainin ing g 5% of price, , until remedial dial • work k on new homes es is complet pleted ed. Sugges ested ted by y Susan Sto torey, , living g on a T Tayl ylor or • Wimpe mpey y Estate e in Cheshir ire https:// s://petit petition ion.par .parli liame ament. k/petition itions/214516 s/214516 •

  10. 5. Co Correspondence espondence Ed VAI AIZEY Y (MP MP) Copi pied ed in a an email l from GWP • Residen ent t ,Ma Magnus s von Stretton ton, , con once cern rned ed by y TW respon onse e to to gritt ttin ing g Taylor or Wimpe pey ha have ve no no obliga gati tion on to gr grit roads, ads, plough ugh the hem or • provide de gr grit bins ns. To do do the hese se thi hings ngs woul uld leave ve Taylor or Wimpe pey y open to li liabilit lity. • The heir r is no no gu guaran antee tee the he Co Coun unty ty will gr grit or provid vide e gr grit onc nce e • the he roads ads are e adopted. pted. It does es no not ha happen pen on n the he Ladyg ygrove. • What is th the feeling ng on the situation ion? •

  11. 6. Re Repor ort Ba Back • Eq Equipment ipment al alread ady y Deplo ployed yed at at 4 4 loc ocat ations ions al along ong SFWA A a and Black ackthorn thorn Roa oad fo for 7 7-10days 0days eac ach: SFWA A On On co corner North of Commu mmunity ity • Centr tre (NNCC) C) SFWA A Ad Adjace cent nt to tennis Courts ts • Blackth kthor orn n Road d by T y The Av Avenue • SWFA A opposi posite te NNCC • Ot Other RA h A has requeste sted d use •

  12. 6. 6. Repo port rt Bac ack • TW W to to su supply pply fl fluor orescen escent t bibs bs fo for sc school ool pupils pils • Presented esented a a sc school ool zon one • Bin n st stickers ers pol oll • Furt rther her me meeting ting 16 th th May ay 2018

  13. 6. 6. Mat atters ters Aris isin ing • Roa oad Saf afety ty Project oject Summ mmary ary so so fa far: Point Road + Direction Date from Date to Days %violations ADT Vmax Location Total vehicles 1 Sir Frank Williams Avenue Northbound 15/02/2018 07:38 22/02/2018 18:24 07 30% 5844 42 just north of NNCC 43,526 2 Sir Frank Williams Avenue Northbound 04/03/2018 18:16 14/03/2018 16:57 09 91% 4859 58 adjacent to tennis courts, post 59 48,320 3 Blackthorn Road Westbound 15/03/2018 19:02 25/03/2018 15:04 09 48% 1143 46 opposite The Avenue 11,240 4 Sir Frank Williams Avenue Southbound 27/03/2018 10:18 07/04/2018 15:14 11 19% 5318 39 opposite NNCC 59,595 38.43 162,681 • Furt rther her poi oint nts s ac across oss GW GWP to to b be done one su sugg ggested ested by y Residen sidents ts • Co Comp mpari arison son af afte ter si signage gnage an and ot other r me measur asures es • Shar are e info formation rmation with th Co Council, cil, TW an W and others. ot rs.

  14. 7. Any 7. ny Ot Othe her Bus usin iness Next Meeti ting ng is A s AGM, M, volunteers unteers for r role? le? • Public icise ise? Footp tpath ath betw tween en GWP and Brasenos enose e Road d • prog ogress ess?

  15. Great Gr at Wester ern n Pa Park Residents’ Association Today’s meeting now concluded Next meeting Mond nday ay 14 th th May 2018 18 AGM www.gwpr .gwpra.or uk Facebook Group ‘Great Western Park Residents’ As Asso sociatio iation ’


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