1476 Students 58% Free & Reduced Lunch 12% English Learners 62% Hispanic or Latino 8% Asian 27% White 3% Other
9 8.5 8 7 6.3 6 5 2011-2012 4 2012-2013 3 2 1 0 Suspension Rate
0.45 0.4 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 2011-2012 0.2 2012-2013 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 0 Expulsions
87% 79% 73%
SUBJ SUBJECT ECT % PR % PRO o O or AD r ADV (2009) V (2009) % PR % PRO o O or AD r ADV (20 V (2013) 3) Mathematics (All) 11% 18% English (All) 36% 51% History (World & US) 39% 42% Science (EOC) 33% 38% Science (Life Science - 10) 46% 49%
750 742 740 730 720 710 2008-2009 700 2012-2013 690 683 680 670 660 650 Academic Performance Index
Le Leade adership ship Missio Mission n Scho School Stru l Structu cture res & s & Practice Practices s Staf Staff De f Develo lopme pment & nt & A Acco ccountability ntability
We serve our students and families It’s our job to ensure students learn EVERYONE is capable of achieving and innately want to Students and their families are our greatest resources Youth become the adults who raise them We judge others less when we know their story There’s no excuse for bad behavior, but there are triggers Tomorrow is a new day
Missio Mission n o We ensure all students develop and demonstrate the skills necessary for success during and beyond high school Ho How o We build positive relationships, value diversity, maintain high academic and behavior expectations, and provide relevant, engaging learning opportunities in a safe environment
What if I don’t believe and want to behave in accordance with our shared beliefs? o There is nothing that can likely be said to change a person’s beliefs. o Our beliefs are a result of our experience, and our experience is a product of our behaviors. o New experiences are needed to change our beliefs and usually require us to behave differently. - DuFour & Eaker, 1998 You will not be told what to believe but you will be liable for your behaviors. - Callahan, 2010
Youth De th Develo lopme pment & nt & The The 3 R’s 3 R’s SL SLCs - Cs - 9 th th & & 1 10 th th Grade Grade T Teams ams o POW!; Freshman Seminar; College visits; CAHSEE Preparation; Day of Understanding PBIS & PBIS & R Rest storativ rative J Justice stice o Intervention Protocol; RtI; Peer Mediators & Mentors Mast Master Sche r Schedu dule le De Develo lopme pment nt o Elimination of Non-A-G options; AP Recruitment; Teacher Assignments; Co-Teaching Pare arent/Co nt/Commu mmunity In nity Involv lveme ment nt o Spring Fling, Parent Volunteers, Report Card Chats, Workshops, Parent Liaison, Newspaper
The The P Patrio atriot W t Way y (Stu (Stude dent Handbo nt Handbook) k)
Scho School- l-Wide Wide Expe Expectatio ctations ns
Int Interventio ntion n Pr Protoco col l
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