1476 students 58 free reduced lunch 12 english learners

1476 Students 58% Free & Reduced Lunch 12% English Learners - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1476 Students 58% Free & Reduced Lunch 12% English Learners 62% Hispanic or Latino 8% Asian 27% White 3% Other 9 8.5 8 7 6.3 6 5 2011-2012 4 2012-2013 3 2 1 0 Suspension Rate

  1. — –

  2. ˜ 1476 Students ˜ 58% Free & Reduced Lunch ˜ 12% English Learners ˜ 62% Hispanic or Latino ˜ 8% Asian ˜ 27% White ˜ 3% Other

  3. 9 8.5 8 7 6.3 6 5 2011-2012 4 2012-2013 3 2 1 0 Suspension Rate

  4. 0.45 0.4 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 2011-2012 0.2 2012-2013 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 0 Expulsions

  5. 87% 79% 73%

  6. SUBJ SUBJECT ECT % PR % PRO o O or AD r ADV (2009) V (2009) % PR % PRO o O or AD r ADV (20 V (2013) 3) Mathematics (All) 11% 18% English (All) 36% 51% History (World & US) 39% 42% Science (EOC) 33% 38% Science (Life Science - 10) 46% 49%

  7. 750 742 740 730 720 710 2008-2009 700 2012-2013 690 683 680 670 660 650 Academic Performance Index

  8. ˜ Le Leade adership ship ˜ Missio Mission n ˜ Scho School Stru l Structu cture res & s & Practice Practices s ˜ Staf Staff De f Develo lopme pment & nt & A Acco ccountability ntability

  9. ˜ We serve our students and families ˜ It’s our job to ensure students learn ˜ EVERYONE is capable of achieving and innately want to ˜ Students and their families are our greatest resources ˜ Youth become the adults who raise them ˜ We judge others less when we know their story ˜ There’s no excuse for bad behavior, but there are triggers ˜ Tomorrow is a new day

  10. ˜ Missio Mission n o We ensure all students develop and demonstrate the skills necessary for success during and beyond high school ˜ Ho How o We build positive relationships, value diversity, maintain high academic and behavior expectations, and provide relevant, engaging learning opportunities in a safe environment

  11. ˜ What if I don’t believe and want to behave in accordance with our shared beliefs? o There is nothing that can likely be said to change a person’s beliefs. o Our beliefs are a result of our experience, and our experience is a product of our behaviors. o New experiences are needed to change our beliefs and usually require us to behave differently. - DuFour & Eaker, 1998 ˜ You will not be told what to believe but you will be liable for your behaviors. - Callahan, 2010

  12. ˜ Youth De th Develo lopme pment & nt & The The 3 R’s 3 R’s ˜ SL SLCs - Cs - 9 th th & & 1 10 th th Grade Grade T Teams ams o POW!; Freshman Seminar; College visits; CAHSEE Preparation; Day of Understanding ˜ PBIS & PBIS & R Rest storativ rative J Justice stice o Intervention Protocol; RtI; Peer Mediators & Mentors ˜ Mast Master Sche r Schedu dule le De Develo lopme pment nt o Elimination of Non-A-G options; AP Recruitment; Teacher Assignments; Co-Teaching ˜ Pare arent/Co nt/Commu mmunity In nity Involv lveme ment nt o Spring Fling, Parent Volunteers, Report Card Chats, Workshops, Parent Liaison, Newspaper

  13. The The P Patrio atriot W t Way y (Stu (Stude dent Handbo nt Handbook) k)

  14. Scho School- l-Wide Wide Expe Expectatio ctations ns

  15. Int Interventio ntion n Pr Protoco col l


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