english language learners in ousd

English Language Learners in OUSD Jennifer Kaufman EL bilingual - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

English Language Learners in OUSD Jennifer Kaufman EL bilingual specialist March 2014 1 1 English Learners 2 2 Reading at Grade Level 3 3 Cohort Graduation 4 4 OUSD Grades 6-8 Enrollment 2013-14 5 Long Term English Learners (LTELs)

  1. English Language Learners in OUSD Jennifer Kaufman EL bilingual specialist March 2014 1 1

  2. English Learners 2 2

  3. Reading at Grade Level 3 3

  4. Cohort Graduation 4 4

  5. OUSD Grades 6-8 Enrollment 2013-14 5 Long Term English Learners (LTELs) are students who have been in the U.S. school system as English Learners for more than 6 years. 5

  6. Reclassification 6 Number and Percent of 2011-12 English Learners in Grades 2-8 Who Were Reclassified in 2012-13 1800 28% 1600 Number of Students 1400 468 1200 15% 25% 1000 155 # reclassified 800 9% 227 # not reclassified 13% 3% 9% 56 600 % reclassified 76 17 46 400 200 1184 907 664 595 517 471 525 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Grade in 2011-12 6

  7. Reclassification Rates over 16.5% 7 Schools with over 100 English Learners and Our expectation is that all Reclassification Rate* of 16.5% or Higher in English Language 2012-13 35.0% Learners reach academic 30.0% English fluency (in 30.6% 25.0% speaking, listening, 23.9% reading, and writing) 23.3% 20.0% within 6 years of entering 15.0% 17.9% 16.5% U.S. schools. The overall 10.0% district Reclassification 5.0% Rate should be at least 0.0% 16.5% (or one-sixth per Urban ACORN Lincoln Think College Bella Vista year). Promise Woodland Elementary Now Elementary Academy Elementary n=369 n=162 n=266 n=124 n=142 % Reclassified among English Learners in 2011-12 who were still active in 2012-13 7

  8. Examples of Promising Practices Fostering Quality Dual Language Academic Pathways Discussions Goal Setting with English Language Learners and their Families 8

  9. Dual Language Pathways Esperanza Elementary 9

  10. Dual Language Pathways Our aspiration: All bilingual students have the opportunity to earn the Seal of Biliteracy 10

  11. Dual Language Pathways What are ways that your school community can value, build on, and develop students’ home language skills? Heritage language classes – Recognition and awards for Spanish for Spanish community service using speakers home language Promotion of the Seal of Biliteracy Internships that require the home language or translation 11

  12. Fostering Academic Discussion 12 Purposeful conversations about content that require co-construction of ideas Key strategy to increase engagement & develop academic language, discussion skills, and reasoning needed for college and career 12

  13. Goal Setting Students and their Families ELLs need regular and explicit feedback on their academic and language progress - CELDT level - District and classroom assessments A-G completion - Co-construct goals with students and families and regularly monitor progress toward these goals 13


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