10 tressillian crescent innovation and conservation 10th

10 Tressillian Crescent Innovation and Conservation 10th June 2017 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

10 Tressillian Crescent Innovation and Conservation 10th June 2017 10 Tressillian Crescent a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation 10 Tressillian Crescent a collaborative architecture Tressillian

  1. 10 Tressillian Crescent Innovation and Conservation 10th June 2017

  2. 10 Tressillian Crescent a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  3. 10 Tressillian Crescent a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  4. 10 Tressillian Crescent a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  5. Site Analysis Existing Building a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  6. Planning Status Previous Concept remove roof of existing house add side, rear and roof extensions resulting three storey form a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  7. Planning Status Previous Application Ground Floor First Floor Second Floor Garden Family / Dining Utility wc Family Ensuite Ensuite Bathroom Kitchen Master Bedroom Family Bedroom Bathroom Hall Hall No.12 Entry No.8 Study / Snug Living room Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom External works New Planting Take down and/or repair defective part of garden wall to street. Relocate and re-use existing gate to side entrance. Upgrade existing concrete driveway and pathers with Marshalls ‘Tegula Drivesett’ classic block paving. Three block sizes laid in random patterns for a traditional look on weak mix sand/cement bedding with joint filling sand for natural drainage. Landscaping Soft landscaping with ground cover and shrubs. Mostly green for structure and year round foliage. Hedge - Viburnum tinus, laurustinus. Shrubs - Buxus, lavender underplant, geranium rozanne, verbena bonariensis. Existing driveway a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  8. Planning Status Previous Concept a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  9. Site Analysis Tressillian Crescent CROFTON PARK 0.8 MILES TO RAIL STATION 0.6 MILES TO BROCKLEY 14:30 16:00 RAIL STATION 13:00 17:30 11:00 9 : 0 0 1 1 0 : 0 0 Y A W T R E S S I L L I A N R O A D T 0 8 : 3 0 N E C S E R C 8 TRESSILIAN CRESECENT - 06:00 PREVIOUSLY ATTACHED TO NUMBER 10 PRIOR TO BOMB DAMAGE 1.1 MILES TO LEWISHAM T R E S S I L L I A N C R RAIL / DLR STATION E S C E N T DLR N HOUSES NOTED FOR D R A K E R O A D THEIR MORE CONTEMPORARY 0.5 MILES TO ST JOHN APPEARANCE RAIL STATION a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  10. Initial Ideas Massing Studies a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  11. Initial Ideas A Re-Imagined Roof street elevation rear elevation remove roof of existing house add side, rear and roof extensions resulting three storey form a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  12. Initial Ideas An Inhabited Roof a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  13. Initial Ideas Ground Floor ground floor plan key: 01 - front garden 09 - living room 17 - en-suite bathroom 02 - porch 10 - kitchen 18 - bedroom 03 03 - WC 11 - dining area 19 - second floor landing 04 - entrance hallway 12 - rear garden 20 - bedroom 04 05 - stair 13 - first floor landing 21 - bedroom 05 06 - study/guest bedroom 14 - bedroom 01 22 - bathroom/en-suite 07 - snug 15 - bedroom 02 23 - dressing room 08 - cloakroom/utility 16 - family bathroom 24 - bedroom 06 a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  14. Initial Ideas First Floor first floor plan key: 01 - front garden 09 - living room 17 - en-suite bathroom 02 - porch 10 - kitchen 18 - bedroom 03 03 - WC 11 - dining area 19 - second floor landing 04 - entrance hallway 12 - rear garden 20 - bedroom 04 05 - stair 13 - first floor landing 21 - bedroom 05 06 - study/guest bedroom 14 - bedroom 01 22 - bathroom/en-suite 07 - snug 15 - bedroom 02 23 - dressing room 08 - cloakroom/utility 16 - family bathroom 24 - bedroom 06 a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  15. Initial Ideas Second Floor second floor plan key: 01 - front garden 09 - living room 17 - en-suite bathroom 02 - porch 10 - kitchen 18 - bedroom 03 03 - WC 11 - dining area 19 - second floor landing 04 - entrance hallway 12 - rear garden 20 - bedroom 04 05 - stair 13 - first floor landing 21 - bedroom 05 06 - study/guest bedroom 14 - bedroom 01 22 - bathroom/en-suite 07 - snug 15 - bedroom 02 23 - dressing room 08 - cloakroom/utility 16 - family bathroom 24 - bedroom 06 a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  16. Materials Proposed Palette London stock brick as commonly found on Warm grey brick tone sympathetic Timber / aluminium window frames painted Stained white larch to be used on the rear Natural slate roof Standing seam zinc to rear/side extension Tressillian Crescent to London stock, but slightly more a pale warm grey (matte finish). A lighter ground floor extension only roofs to compliment brickwork and natural contemporary tone than the brick to more closely reflect slate (not visible from street). the white frames found of No.8 and No.12 a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  17. Initial Ideas Elevations a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  18. Pre-Application 01 Feedback a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  19. Design Development Streetscape Analysis No.16 & No. 14 No.12 No.10 & No.8 No.6 & No.4 Pair Single Pair Pair Existing Streetscape No.16 & No.14 No.12 No.10 & No.8 No.6 & No.4 Pair Single Pair Pair Proposed Streetscape a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  20. �� �� �� �� �� �� �� Design Development Front Elevation Option. 01 Facade projected to create a large street facing gable and add depth to the facade The secondary windows are aligned. Option. 02 Facade projected to replicate the bay element of No. 8 Secondary window o ff set as on No.8. Option. 03 The logic of mirroring No.8 is inverted The bay elements of both No.8 & No.12 are referecned A small symmetrical gable projects forward across half of the facade. a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  21. Design Development Rationale 1. Roof form: The roof form of the proposed building is guided by 1. Existing eaves level its neighbours. The street facing pitched roof of no. 8 2. Roof eave aligned with 12 Tressillian Crescent is replicated to re-establish the relationship between 3 3. Roof eave aligned with 8 Tressilian Crescent these two buildings. We have aligned our eaves with the eaves level of both no. 8 and no. 12 Tressillian Crescent in order to create a stronger rhythm to the streetscape, 2 without overly dominating either of the neighbouring buildings. 1 2. Mirroring of No. 8 The facade of the proposed building is created through an analysis of the facade of no. 8. The design attempts to replicate the facade arrangement by mirroring the key architectural elements. The existing openings of the building are largely retained so that the proposal still feels subordinate in scale to its far grander neighbour. 1. Roof Form C C A. Prominent bay, subdivided with 3 windows B. Secondary openings C. Inhabited roof space above bay D. Centring of secondary opening D D D D B A A B 7 metres 7 metres a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  22. Design Development Rationale 3. Verticality A recurring pattern in the houses of the crescent is the verticality created by the window arrangement. Our proposal reestablishes this verticality on the facade of No. 10 by replicating the alignment and proportions of the windows on the neighbouring buildings 4. Facade Projections and Recesses Another prominent feature of the houses on the crescent is the projection of the gable and the bay which gives a sense of depth to the building facades. Our design echoes this form by projecting part of the facade forward, which again helps strengthen its relationship with No.8. 3. Verticality 4. Facade Projections and Recesses a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  23. Design Development Facade Options a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  24. Design Development In Context a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  25. Design Development In Context a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  26. 10 Tressillian Crescent A Locally Distinctive Building No. 10 Tressilian Crescent as existing No. 10 Tressilian Crescent as proposed a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  27. Internal Design Development Rear Extension and Kitchen a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

  28. Internal Design Development Staircase Design a collaborative architecture Tressillian Crescent - Innovation and Conservation

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