1 relational database domains snoopyfamily male

1 Relational Database Domains SNOOPYFAMILY - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 Relational Database Domains SNOOPYFAMILY Male Female Primary Key SQL ID NAME SEX 1 SNOOPY Male Select NAME 2 CHARLIE BROWN Male From SNOOPYFAMILY 3 SALLY

  1. 資料庫系統實驗室 指導教授:張玉盈 1

  2. Relational Database Domains SNOOPYFAMILY Male Female Primary Key  利用 SQL 做查詢: ID NAME SEX 1 SNOOPY Male Select NAME 2 CHARLIE BROWN Male From SNOOPYFAMILY 3 SALLY BROWN Female Cardinality 4 LUCY VAN PELT Female Tuples Where SEX = ‘ Male ’ ; 5 LINUS VAN PELT Male  結果: 6 PEPPERMINT PATTY Female 7 MARCIE Female ID NAME SEX 8 SCHROEDER Male 1 SNOOPY Male 9 WOODSTOCK - 2 CHARLIE BROWN Male 5 LINUS VAN PELT Male Attributes 8 SCHROEDER Male Degree 2

  3. Image Databases S M H T (a) An image picture (b) The corresponding symblic representation 2D String : x : M<H<T=S y : H=T<M<S 3

  4. Image Database 應用層面:辦公室自動化、電腦輔助設計、醫學影像擷取 … 等等。  影像資料庫中的查詢 (Queries) :  Spatial Reasoning( 空間推理 ) : 在一張影像中推論兩兩物件之間的空間 • 關係。 Pictorial Query( 圖像查詢 ) : 允許使用者給予特定的空間關係以查詢相 • 對應的影像。 Similarity Retrieval( 圖形相似擷取 ) : 藉由使用者所提供的資訊在影像 • 資料庫中找尋出最相似的圖形。 Pe Fr Lucy Marc Linu Char (a) An image picture (b) Symbolic Picture 4

  5.  Uids of 13 spatial operators 5

  6. C B D (48) J (40) P (50) (16) (16) < < <* <* < | < | | ] | [ | / / /* /* / /* /* /* /* = ] [* [* = Another View of 169 relations | |* |* < <* <* <* <* <* <* | <* <* % | = | ] / / /* /* ] /* /* [ ] [* [* ]* ]* < | <* <* | |* |* < |* |* | / | /* /* | / ] /* /* ] / [ ] ] [* [* [* [* < |* |* <* <* |* |* |* |* <* <* |* |* |* |* / |* |* /* /* |* |* /* /* [ / = /* /* = % ] [* [* %* %* < / <* <* / ]* ]* < |* |* / ]* ]* | [* [* | /* /* % [ / % / = [ ]* ]* [* [* < /* /* <* <* /* /* ] <* <* |* |* /* /* %* %* | % |* |* / % [ /* /* % /* /* = % ]* ]* %* %* < ] <* ] <* = < |* |* ] ] |* |* = |* |* ]* ]* ] [* [* ] %* %* ] % % = ]* ]* < [ <* <* [ % < |* |* [ [ |* |* ]* ]* |* |* ]* ]* / [* [* / %* %* / = = = = < % <* % <* [* [* < |* |* % [* [* |* |* ]* ]* /* /* [* [* /* /* %* %* /* /* % = ]* ]* = < = <* = <* / < |* |* = %* %* |* |* [* [* [ %* %* [ ]* ]* [ ] = = [* [* < ]* ]* <* ]* <* ]* /* /* < |* |* ]* ]* | /* /* ] ]* ]* [ ]* ]* % ]* ]* [ = = %* %* < [* [* <* <* [* [* %* < %* |* |* [* [* | / ] [* [* [ [* [* % [* [* [ % ]* ]* ]* ]* < %* %* <* <* %* %* / <* <* |* |* %* %* | ] ] %* %* [ %* %* % %* %* ] % %* %* %* %* [* [* <* <* % <* <* /* /* <* <* | %* %* | = ]* ]* % /* /* ]* ]* = /* /* % [ %* %* [* [* = <* <* ]* ]* <* <* %* <* %* <* | [* [* | % / [* [* [* [* % /* /* [* [* = / [ [ %* %* ]* ]* 6 [ <* <* [ < ] < | ]* ]* | [ / %* %* %* %* % /* /* %* %* / ]* ]* ] [ %* %* =

  7.  5 Category Relationships(C AB ) Disjoin : Contain : A A B B Meet : A B Inside : B A Partly Overlap : A B 7

  8.  Decision tree of the CATEGORY function oid x , oid y > 4 T F oid x , oid y > 2 7 ≦ oid x , oid y ≦ 10 T F T F 10 ≦ oid x , oid y ≦ 13 Contain Join Disjoin T F Belong Part_Overlap 8

  9.  UID Matrix representation(cont.) a b d c f 1 a b c d a b c d      a 0 /* * /* a 0 6 2 6      b 0 /* % b 1 0 6 9           c % * * 0 c 13 2 0 1           d % * 0 d 1 13 1 0 9

  10.  Similarity Retrieval based on the UID Matrix(1) Definition1 Picture f’ is a type- i unit picture of f , if (1) f’ is a picture containing the two objects A and B, represented as x : A r x ’ A,B B, y : A r y ’ A,B B. (2) A and B are also contained in f . (3) the relationships between A and B in f are represented as x : A r x A,B B, and y : A r y A,B B. Then, (Type-0): Category(r x ’ A,B , r y ’ A,B ) (Type-1): (Type-0) and (r x ’ A,B = r x A,B or r y ’ A,B = r y A,B ) (Type-2): r x ’ A,B = r x A,B and r y ’ A,B = r y A,B 10

  11.  3 type-i similarities A B B A f(A/B, A/*B) type-0(A/*B, A%*B) A B B A type-2 (A/B, A/*B) typ ype-1 (A/B, A[*B) 11

  12. Image Mining: Finding Frequent Patterns in Image Databases Setting the minimum support to ½. 12 Charlie Brown often appears to the right of Snoopy .

  13. Video : Image + Time …… Time Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image N 範例: 一幕幕的 Snoopy 影像,編織成一部精彩的 Snoopy 影片 + + + + + 13

  14. Multimedia Database - Pictures - Pictures with the depicted texts 你喜歡史奴比 嗎? Yes No 你可以加入我們實 到別的實驗室看看 驗室。 吧! - Voice - Video - Flow Chart 14

  15. Spatial Database : Nearest Neighbor Query Where is the nearest restaurant to our location ? 15

  16. Query Types 1. 精確比對查詢: 哪一個城市位在北緯 43 度與西經 88 度? 2. 部分比對查詢: 哪些城市的緯度屬於北緯 39 度 43 分? 3. 給定範圍查詢: 哪些城市的經緯度介於北緯 39 度 43 分 至 43 度與西經 53 度至 58 度之間? 4. 近似比對查詢: 最靠近東勢鎮的城市是? 16

  17. Difficulty  No total ordering of spatial data objects that preserves the spatial proximity. c c d d a a b b a b c d ? / a c b d ? 17

  18. Space Decomposition and DZ expression 18

  19. The Bucket-Numbering Scheme Bigger 5 7 13 15 4 6 12 14 1 3 9 11 Smaller 0 2 8 10 (c) (b) (a) the uptrend of the N-order Peano Curve bucket numbers of an object 19

  20. Example O(l,u) = (12,26) The total number of buckets depends on the expected number of data objects. maximum bucket number: Max_bucket = 63 20

  21. Example the data (b) the corresponding NA-tree structure (bucket_capacity = 2) 21

  22. The basic structure of the revised version of the NA-tree 22

  23. NN (Nearest Neighbor)  NN problem is to find the nearest neighbor of q (query point). Nearest neighbor of q q Query point Managed by a Peer 23

  24. Spatial Databases: KN KNN N Ke Keywor word d Qu Quer ery Where are the 2 nearest points with keywords B and C? 24

  25. Road Network Databases: K K Ne Near arest est Ne Neighbor ghbor Qu Quer ery Where are the 3 nearest restaurants? 25

  26. Spatial Databases: Top op- k Sp Spat atial al Key eywo word d Qu Quer ery Where are the top- 1 ‘Snoopy hotel’ near Kaohsiung? 26

  27. RNN (Reversed NN)  The q is the nearest neighbor of the blue points.  RNN is a complement of NN problem. Reverse nearest neighbor of q Reverse nearest neighbor of q q Query point Reverse nearest neighbor of q Managed by a Peer 27

  28. • Reverse Nearest Neighbor(RNN) Query means : to obtain the objects which treat the query as their nearest neighbor. • Application : Business strategy Location B Location A Five residents treat Location B as their NN. Three residents treat Location A as their NN. Location B is a better place to run the Query q store. Residents 28

  29. • Reverse Nearest Neighbor(RNN) Query means : to obtain the objects which treat the query as their nearest neighbor. • Application : Traffic police B A Traffic smooth Traffic jam Five cars treat Location A as their NN. Query q Three cars treat Location B as their NN. A Query move Location A is a better place to the police for patrol. Cars 29

  30. Spatial Database : Continuous Nearest Neighbor Query Find the nearest E gas stations from the starting point to the ending point. S 30

  31. Spatio-temporal Database What is the traffic condition ahead of Where is the available me during the next gas station around 30 minutes? my location after 20 minutes? 31

  32. P2P System I want to eat a pumpkin. I have it and Who has it? let’s share it. 32

  33. Client-server vs . Peer-to-Peer network  Example : How to find an object in the network • Client-server approach  Use a big server store objects and provide a directory for look up. • Peer-to-Peer approach  Data are fully distributed.  Each peer acts as both a client and a server.  By asking. 33

  34. Data Grids I want I want File-A . File-X . 34

  35. Protein Database Find the patterns from Sequence 1 KGGAKRHRKIL the protein Sequence 2 KVGAKRHSKRS Sequence 3 KVGAKRHSRKS database. Sequence 4 KGGAKRHRKVL 判斷蛋白質 判斷蛋白質 所屬家族 功能 35

  36. Data Mining 收銀台 Peanuts Supermarket 大家排隊來結帳 PC 顧客通常在 買麵包時也 會買牛奶 利用資料挖礦的技術 對大家購買的紀錄作分析 36


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