
1. Meet Our Team! -- ---- ----- ---- -- --- ---- -------- --- -- -- - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1. Meet Our Team! -- ---- ----- ---- -- --- ---- -------- --- -- -- --- -------- --- -- --- --- -------- --- --- ,- - _:- - - -- - Qyr Mission --- --- __,,.- -- - --- - ---: - - - - ----- ----- ----- 2. 3. VocRehab - Co . unselor S

  1. 1.

  2. Meet Our Team! -- ---- ----- ---- -- --- ---- -------- --- -- -- --- -------- --- -- --- --- -------- --- --- ,- - _:- - - -- - · Qyr Mission --- --- __,,.- -- - --- - ---: - - - - ----- ----- ----- 2.

  3. 3.

  4. VocRehab - Co . unselor S ,-. Rocke Gieselman, Transition Cou nselor Jeanne Boucher, Senior Counse lor ......... Emlly Shiels. -- L LC Career Co unselor Elizabeth Bull, RID Cl/CT - Paul Coates, VR Counselor for tile Deaf General Counselor • & Hard-of-Hearing ----... 4.

  5. en-t . ream .: Q ur Employm . -,u • , .._ \ .~ 1--- •c.::~ ' ..... . J~~ -- ...... ...... Zoe Cartwright Jennifer Barrett, Business Account Supervisory Manage r Employment Consultant ...... ...... ........._, l{evh, Fiinnegan, ........._, -- ........ LLC Y outh Emp loyment ........ Specialist ...... ...... -- ........._, ........._, -- ........ ........ ...... ....... ........._, Ana l<olbach, l(im ; Ra1n.e , --. Youth Em ployment ........ E mployment C onsultant ...... Specialist ........._, ........._, 5.

  6. _- suppor-t-Ser..vices -- - Rachel l<napp , Marybeth Cairey, Debra Olivetti, ............. . Assistive Technology Specialist Benefits Counselor EAP Specialist ---- --- --- ............. - - ............. ---- --- ---- --- ............. - ...____ - ---- --- ---- --- ...____ ............. 6.

  7. ---.. ........... ......... • ......... .. ............ ---.. ............ ......... ......... ---.. , K ............ ............ ,, ~- - ............ ......... ...... ---.. ............ , ,~. - . ,,.:,," ......... - - )i.·~•. · - ---.. - ............ H~lli V1 idal - .,t.:. Shawnee Seaver ......... · Administrative S. e · rv1ces Program Tech , ........... Coordinator - ---.. - ---.. - ............ ......... ......... ---.. ............ - ---.. - ............ ......... ......... ---.. ............ ---.. ............ 7.

  8. - - .._, - - -... VocR'ehab Vermont has a.mission to ..... ....._ • Help people with disabilities who live in Ver1 mont prepare for. obtain, and maintain meaningful employment and pursue careers • Help emp 1 loyers recruit, train, and retain empi loyees with disabilities .__. 8.

  9. 9.

  10. ~ - - -- -- - - ---- - - -- - - - - ----- - - ---- -- ----- - ---- -- - - ---- ---- - - - - - _ Eligibility -----· -- ----- ---- --- - - • VocRehab is a voluntary program ---- -- - - - ---- ----- through the Agency of Human Services --- - - --- ---- that supports individuals with disabilities ---- ---- - - - to find and maintain employment and -- ------ - - -- pursue care, ers - - --- - - • VocRehab Cou ns , elors will work with you --- Jobs&- - ---- to identify jobs that are a good fit based - on your previous work history, training, Careers - ---- --- and interest areas 10.

  11. ._, - --- - ---- --- ---- --- --- e El igi ble - for - -- To , b, ---- ... --- -- ..-,:- --- . VocRehab-Services - • You must have: • A chronic health or mental health condition that impacts your ability to find or maintain a job --- --- • Your Voe Rehab Counselor will work with you to --- ,__ -- request medical information or other documentation - - that will help you qualify for our services -- • l lncome and/or resources do not impact your abiUty - - to receive services 11.

  12. Jobs & Careers • VocRehab works with all consumers to help them plan in both the short and long term • We are here to help you find a job that pays the bills, along with helping you explore possible career paths that match your interests and may lead you to earning a higher wage 12.

  13. ........ ........ --- ........... "" ........ .__ --- ........... .... ........ ._ --- ._ ........... ........ • VocRehab works with all consumers to help them ---. --- plan in both the short and long term .... .__ .__ --- • We are here to help you find a job that pays the -- bHls, along with helping you explore possible .__ career paths that match your interests and may --- lead you to earning a higher wage ----. --- .......... --- ........... ........ ......... ........... 13.

  14. 14.

  15. - -- --- -- ----- p h. --- ----- artn~ 1p .,,.. ..._ - - --. ..._ - - ..._ - Services ........ --. - --. ..._ - ..._ -- - - --. - --- -- -- --- - - - -- --- -- --- - - --- --- 15.

  16. ~ ~ ~ - --. .......... --- ._. - -- .......... - ---- .......... - .......... ---- ---- .......... ._. 16.

  17. --- --- ,_ .......... - - --. ......... ......... --- --- .......... - - • .......... - ......... ......... --. --- .......... - -- .._. - .......... ......... --. --- ............ -- - -- -... - -- -- .......... --.... .._. 17.

  18. - -- --- -- ----- p h. --- ----- artn~ 1p .,,.. ..._ - - --. ..._ - - ..._ - Services ........ --. - --. ..._ - ..._ -- - - --. - --- -- -- --- - - - -- --- -- --- - - --- --- 18.

  19. --- -..... - --.. Wh} Do ... We Partner? --- ............ ............ .. VocRehab works with many agendes across the state to provide you with the most well-rounded Creative em ploym, ent supports ..... workforce Solution~ • These partners help us outreach to as many businesses as possible to find employm 1 ent and training opportunities for our participants - Department of Lab_ o 1 """-'A gency of --. Education .._ 19.

  20. --- --- --- - ,-. ............. --- ..___ --. - ........... --- - --- ............. ........... ..___ - ........... - ............. ---.. _ VA ~ BIR -- - --- ,-. ..___ ........... ..___ - ........... - ............. ............. --- ..___ ........... - ........... - --- ............. ..___ ........... ---- - ·--- -- --- - ............ -- --- - --- --- --- - -- --- the ........... - ........... - ............. -- ............. ........... ..___ ........... 20.

  21. ~ ---- --- ............ - --- --- V JL & VAB/R · ............ --- ............ - , Work Together. _ ---- ........... • - --- • VABIR (Vermont Association of Business Industry and Rehabilitation) partners with VocRehab to - provide you with individualized supports to help you meet your employment goal -- • VABIR Employment Consultants are housed in the same office space as your VR Counselor • Employment Consultants work with businesses in your community to identify job openings and potential training opportunities that could be a fit for you and your goals and will help you app; ly for and connect to any of them that you are interested in 21.

  22. • CWS is designed to bring together local employment programs to help connect businesses and job seekers • CWS teams work together to share labor market information, connect with interested businesses, and develop jobs and careers for people living in Vermont • VocRehab and VABIR are both partners with CWS 22.

  23. ---.. ---- ............. --- ............. ---- ---- ............. Department of~ Lab , or , -- ...___ - ........_, ---- ---........... - • Vo, cRehab partners with the Department of Labor (DOL), another great resource for job seekers ._ • VocRehab and VABIR staff will often help participants connect ---. to their local DOL office and create an account with their job searcn database called JobUnk • Some local employers will host hiring events at their local DOLoffice • DOL may coordinate apprenticeship and training opportunities that could be a match for you ~ VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF LAB - OR 23.

  24. eF ihg w.ith '-- Partn , ......... 'Age'l£Y Of Edu_cation ........ ........ ._ • The Agency of Education (AOE) isn 1 t just here to support students in elementary or high school. AOE -~ Career& works with a number of other educational providers Technical to offer a wide range of education and training Education -- opportunities to youth and adults Centers • Your VocRehab Counselor will work with you to good fit to help you reach your employment goal ........ VERMONT Higher --- . , AGENCY OF EDUCATION Education .....__ 0 24.

  25. ~ ~ ~ ~ ---.. - ............ ....___ ...... .___ ............ ....___ ,......._ Adult Basic Ed ...... --... -- • GED or Adul lt Diploma • High School Completion Program • Vermont Adult Learning • English Language Learner Sites • Partner with Strengthening Working Families Initiative _ • Digital or Computer Literacy ~ Improve Math and Reading Skills 25.

  26. ~ I ~ . ■ 1 ■ - 1 ■ ■ •■ '--. c <He er& -- .......... " Technical · Cent . ers What is Career and T echnica l Education? • Career & Technical Education (CTE) Centers are not just for hi gh school students .... - .. Many CTE programs offer courses for adults where you can earn c• ertificates such as: • LNA, CDt . Culinary, Welding, HVAC, . II Building Trades, Automotive . -■ 26.

  27. ....._, What is Career and Technical Education? tion (CTE) Centers l st udents courses fo r adul ts icates such as: el. di ng ,. HVAC, ot i ve ~ E~ 27.
