Many Mornings die Story Our Story MANY MORNINGS entstand und produziert in Aleksandrów Łódzki, Polens „Strumpfhausen“, dem Ort, an dem seit über einhundert Jahren Strümpfe produziert werden und wo die Geschichte beinahe jeder Familie im Textilgewerbe wurzelt. Im Geiste handwerklicher Tradition erreichen wir eine neue Qualität. Wir unterstützen die Region und produzieren 2 unsere Socken in einem Familienunternehmen mit 25-jähriger Erfahrung. Der Hunger nach den aufregendsten Mustern und den frischesten Farben ist dabei das Fundament von MANY MORNINGS. MANY MORNINGS was founded and is still based in Aleksandrow Lodzki, the sock capital of Poland. It’s a place where sock manufacture has been going strong for over a hundred years. Almost every family in the area has ahistory of working in the textile industry, enriching our fresh new designs with the tradition of craftsmanship. We are proud to support the local economy: our socks are made by a family business with 25 years of experience, enabling us to go even further in our search for unique patterns and bold colour palettes – the heart of the MANY MORNINGS brand.
Many Mornings die Produktion About product Many Mornings sind die Fusion jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung im Łódzer Textilhandwerk, regionaler Kunstfertigkeit und einer einzigartigen Herangehensweise an Design. Wir schätzen hohe Qualität, daher verwenden wir nur hochwertigste Rohstoffe. Die Inspiration für neue Motive ziehen wir aus dem was uns umgibt: den Begegnungen mit 3 Freunden, neuen Erfahrungen und zahlreichen Reisen. Wir kreieren die Socken, die wir selbst tragen wollen. Es ist für uns vor Allem Lebensfreude die wir gerne teilen! MANY MORNINGS socks combine decades of experience in the Łódź textile industry with a unique approach to design and a love for a well-made product. Quality matters to us – our production process uses only the fjnest materials. When it comes to design, we fjnd inspiration in everything that surrounds us. Meeting friends, trying new things, traveling – we learn from each experience to design socks that we would want to wear ourselves. It gives us a joy which we love to share with others! 80% cotton 17% polyamide 3% elastan
Many Mornings Größentabelle Size tables Herren Men Damen Women 4 Kids Kinder
Many Mornings Themen 23 Collections Kids 6 Animals 5 26 17 Other stories Low 11 Black and white 30 Food
Many Mornings Animals 6 Animals Fluffy Bee Frutti di Monkey The Red Forfitter Alpaca Bee Mare Business Fox
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Many Mornings Animals 8
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Food The Lemons Craft Beer 11 Watermelon Onion Splash Rings Garden Beetroot Carrot
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Many Mornings Food 16
Other stories Space Retro Trip Camera 17 Nordic Pirate Lighthouse Island Summer Fiesta Cactus Mexicana
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Many Mornings Other Stories 21
Many Mornings Other Stories 22
Kids Apache Tribe Bee Bee Kids Kids 23 Pineapples Frutti di Mare Kids Kids The Lemons Watermelon Kids Splash Kids
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Many Mornings Kids 25
Low The Lemons Watermelon Low Splash Low 26 Frutti di Mare Pineapples Low Low Summer Cactus Space Trip Low Low
Many Mornings Low 27
Many Mornings Low 28
Many Mornings Low 29
Black and white Black Maze 30 Brush Strokes Random Forms
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Many Mornings Black and white 32
Many Mornings Where we are 33
Many Mornings Contact us Bernhard Hluszik & Head of Business Development Sales Many Mornings T: +43 (0)664 340 27 05 M: bernhard@manymornings.com 34 Office in Austria - Sonja Hluszik Customer Service Many Mor nings T: +43 (0)664 125 66 15 M: sonja@manymornings.com /32 A- 8282 Bad Loipersdorf A: Schaffelbadstrasse 219 www.manymornings.com manymornings manymornings
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