PS PS- -P&N Training Outline P&N Training Outline Who Supports This Initiative? Who Supports This Initiative? Interagency Leadership Team (ILT) Problem Statement Problem Statement •NCDOT Introduction and and •FHWA PS Basics- why, what, who, when, how •USACOE Purpose & Need Purpose & Need P&N Basics- why, what, who, when, how •DENR Crafting a PS or P&N •USFWS TRAINING TRAINING •EPA Wrap Up •National Marine Fisheries Service •Dept. of Commerce •Dept. of Cultural Resources •NC WRC Date, 2010 Date, 2010 PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training PS PS- -P&N Learning Outcomes P&N Learning Outcomes What’s the Opportunity? What’s the Opportunity? PS PS- -P&N Relation to Other Initiatives P&N Relation to Other Initiatives Be Able to Craft A Problem Statement Integration Be Able to Craft a Purpose & Need Statement Effort to improve the linkage of long range Understand the appropriate use of each planning to project development Streamlining Effort to examine the Merger process to determine how it can be conducted more efficiently PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training Why Should I Care About This Stuff? Why Should I Care About This Stuff? What’s the Opportunity? What’s the Opportunity? What Happens Currently? What Happens Currently? Planning Project Design Alternatives P&N Development CTP Based on In PS P&N Alts PA (Proposed P&N NEPA Doc Projects) Planners (TPB/MPO/RPO) SPOT Projects Develop Develop P i Prioritized iti d Feasibility Studies P&N PDEA Designer Projects Start of Programmed Study Public/Agencies /FHWA Planning Project Development Key: = my PS or P&N responsibility = my PS or P&N interest PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training 1
What Is The New Process? What Is The New Process? PS Basics PS Basics Components of a Full PS Components of a Full PS WHY WHY , what, who, when, how , what, who, when, how CTP Alternatives P&N (Proposed Based on In Identified Problem FHWA “Linking Planning & NEPA” Projects P&N NEPA Doc with PS) - Justification of Need SAFETEA-LU: Statewide Transportation - Community Vision and Problem History Planning and Metropolitan Transportation Planning (23 USC Section 134, 135) PS CTP Project Proposal Projects refined refined Prioritized P i iti d - Project Description and Overview Appendix A of 23 CFR Part 450: Linking into P&N the Transportation Planning and NEPA - Natural & Human Environmental Context Processes - Relationship to Land Use Plans - Linkages to Other Plans and Proposed Project History Projects Project Start of Environment and Planning Linkage Programmed Initiation Study - Multi-modal Considerations Processes Legal Guidance - Public/ Stakeholder Involvement Planning Transition Project Development PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training PS Basics PS Basics PS Basics PS Basics Components of a Minimum PS Components of a Minimum PS WHY , what, who, when, how WHY , what, who, when, how Include: Why 23 CFR 450.212, .318, & Appendix A Concise description of the problem What “The results or decisions of these Primary purpose(s) & goal(s) to be accomplished transportation planning studies may be used Who Describe the concept of the proposed project as part of the overall project development When process consistent with NEPA process consistent with NEPA… ” Briefly, any known supporting information (e.g. other Briefly any known supporting information (e g other applicable elements from Full PS) How - P&N or goals & objective statements - General travel corridor and/ or mode(s) definition - Basic description of environmental setting - Preliminary identification of environmental impacts & mitigation PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training PS Basics PS Basics PS Basics PS Basics PS Referencing P&N Underway PS Referencing P&N Underway WHY WHY , what, who, when, how , what, who, when, how why, WHAT why, WHAT , who, when, how , who, when, how Include: Purpose Concise description of the primary goals the proposed Communicate the context, concept and project is expected to accomplish Full PS justification for proposed projects (all modes) Summary of the concept and purpose Minimum PS in a CTP A reference to the P&N underway y PS that References a P&N Underway or Intent Completed Form substantial core of P&N Save time in preparing and/or agreeing to the purpose and need in project development PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training 2
PS Basics PS Basics PS Basics PS Basics P&N Basics P&N Basics why, WHAT WHAT , who, when, how why, what, who, when, HOW HOW why, , who, when, how why, what, who, when, Why Transfer & Use Criteria for selecting projects for Full PS: What For CTP: Conceptualize/ document Time Frame Who problems & Link problems to proposed - 5-year Work Program and STIP* solutions When - 10-year Work Program For prioritization: informs relative needs How - Closest interim years, project priorities list For project initiation: provides PDEA with Scope project information - major new location, major multi-lane widening, major projects other modes For P&N: foundation of P&N PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training PS Basics PS Basics PS Review PS Review Why P&N? Why P&N? why, what, WHO why, what, WHO , when, how , when, how National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Why “… To declare a national policy which will What encourage productive and enjoyable harmony Developed by NCDOT-TPB or MPOs, in Who between man and his environment …” consultation with RPOs & municipal/ county staff When Full PS: TPB will request review by PDEA Full PS: TPB will request review by PDEA How Coordinate with Agencies & Public as part of the CTP process PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training PS Basics PS Basics Questions? Questions? Why P&N? Why P&N? why, what, who, why, what, who, WHEN WHEN , how , how NEPA applies to Federal discretionary actions “ There's more than one way to look at a problem, and they all may be right ” During CTP development (documented as -- Norman Schwarzkopf part of CTP report) Upon Request by PDEA (if CTP has less Upon Request by PDEA (if CTP has less than full PS & for areas TPB has provided planning assistance in the past) PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training 3
Why P&N? Why P&N? What: Primary v. Secondary Purpose What: Primary v. Secondary Purpose Who Develops P&N? Who Develops P&N? CEQ regulations for an EIS require: To communicate the full range of factors considered in decision-making: Responsibility rests with the lead Federal “ The statement shall briefly specify the agency preparing the NEPA document underlying purpose and need to which the A primary purpose is a “driver” of the project (a agency is responding in proposing the For Federal-aid projects, the lead Federal fundamental reason for the project) alternatives including the proposed action .” g p p agency is FHWA (NCDOT through g y ( g Stewardship Agreement) CEQ regulations for an EA require: A secondary purpose (“other desirable outcome”) is desirable, but not a core purpose “ Shall include brief discussions of the need for the proposal …” PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training What: Need What: Need Exercise Exercise Who Do We Coordinate With for P&N? Who Do We Coordinate With for P&N? Which alternative(s) meet PS or P&N? Which alternative(s) meet PS or P&N? PP#1 PP#1 PP#2 PP#2 ODO#1 ODO#1 ODO#2 ODO#2 CEQ regulations: no requirement for Describes key problem(s) & causes agencies/public Alt 1 Alt 1 N N Y Y Y Y N N Scoping: forum for agencies/public input Provides the factual & quantifiable foundation for the purpose statement SAFETEA-LU Section 6002: “opportunity for Alt 2 Alt 2 Alt 2 Alt 2 Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y E t bli h Establishes evidence of current or future id f t f t involvement” for agencies/public involvement for agencies/public transportation problems or deficiencies Alt 3 Alt 3 Y Y Y Y N N N N Establishes and justifies logical termini Alt 4 Alt 4 Y Y N N Y Y Y Y PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training What: Purpose What: Purpose What: Purpose What: Purpose Who Do We Coordinate With for P&N? Who Do We Coordinate With for P&N? States clearly and succinctly why the project is being proposed Avoid stating the purpose as a solution: SAFETEA-LU Section 6002: joint lead Articulates positive intended outcomes agencies (JLA) share FHWA’s authority to “The purpose is to widen the road to 4 lanes” define the P&N Presents objectives to address the need “The purpose is to replace the bridge” Disagreement between JLA must be g resolved Avoid the “kitchen sink” approach JLA consider input from agencies/public, but ultimately decide on P&N PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training PS-P&N Training 4
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