
1 Introduction Hello. Thank you for taking the time to be here this - PDF document

We seek to make children BOTH smarter and happier, making learning easier, faster, and healthier. We do this through emotional intelligence technology. This can save teachers 4 hours a week while allowing them to better know their students.

  1. We seek to make children BOTH smarter and happier, making learning easier, faster, and healthier. We do this through emotional intelligence technology. • This can save teachers 4 hours a week while allowing them to better know their students. • This can help students increase their academic, emotional, and social success – leading to higher graduation rates and career salaries • This can help schools more easily integrate prosocial culture, meet SEL state standards, retain teachers, and save costs. STRUT Learning connect@learn2stru.com mitch@learn2strut.com (direct) https://www.learn2strut.com/ https://www.learn2strut.com/pitch (pitch deck) https://www.eq123.com (What’s your EQ score?) V08.23.20 1

  2. Introduction Hello. Thank you for taking the time to be here this morning. As an educator, I spent tremendous time getting to know my students and planning my lessons and activities. As a father of a remote learner, I am learning to do the same. With a new school year, COVID, and remote learning, knowing who students are and how they feel will be more challenging than ever. We hope to provide you some easy and tangible solutions. Hello, my name is Mitch. Im a former teacher and a founder at STRUT Learning. At STRUT we are a passionate, volunteer run startup of teachers, researchers and SEL experts seeking to make children smarter and happier through emotional intelligence and technology. Id like to thank Walter Taylor and CTUF for this opportunity to present. Im also delighted to introduce our co-presenters: 2 are CPS teachers: Fernando, Chase, and another educator- Grace, and all , along with Kelly- project manager and Dr. Yau who has taught SEL. 2

  3. Let me go over a brief outline of todays workshop… After this introduction… Now Kelly, the EQ assessment project manager, will show you a demo 3

  4. LIVE Demonstration Kelly: ed SELDA version 2.5 and 3.0 upgrades After registration or login, one is taken to a simple dashboard. At any point a user can come back to this dashboard. Basic features: 1. Take assessment 2. Manage users (students/ children) 3. See assessment progress or results 4. Simple results comparison 5. Help videos 6. Log out Based on User: 1. Teachers can a) take assessment on themselves b) set up classes/ takes assessments on students c) take assessment on their child as parent 2. Parents can a) take assessment on themselves b) take assessment on their child 3. Adult can a) take assessment on themselves 4. Principals have a different dashboard due to administrative nature of their role 5. District specialists (SEL Director, Social Worker, School Psychologist) 4

  5. Fernando Gutierrez: • Chicago Public Schools (CPS) Case Manager at Seward Academy • 12 years teaching diverse learners from K through 8th grade • Developed 6 competency, 18 sub-competency SEL framework, and assessments for SELDA SELDA’s value for our students, our families, and our practice: 1- Easy to administer, with immediate results, and comprehensive in scope. 2- Research based and designed to support the MTSS process. 3- Supports professional development for educators, communication between teachers and families, and a common language of socio-emotional development that stakeholders with diverse literacy levels can access. 5

  6. Chase Shaeff: • CPS Teacher at Skinner West • 8 years teaching with SEL focus • Developed SELDA assessment framework, questions, and visual website design SELDA’s value continued • Easy to implement • Quantitative SEL data • Allows student perspective • Created by and for CPS teachers! 6

  7. You seen a small demo on our EQ assessment, SELDA. You have heard some benefits to teachers, students, and schools. There’s no better way to experience something than hands on - a little constructivist action! The next 10 minutes will allow you time to create an account and start an assessment. Meanwhile, we will answer questions from the chat/ audio. For more complex questions/ conversations we will add you to a breakout room with one of our presenters. 1. I will go briefly over the process first and then let you begin. [DEMO IT] 2. Keep the zoom channel open so you can hear us. We will resume in about 10 minutes and give a 1 minute warning. 3. In another window, open an internet browser like Chrome. Go to www.eq123.org 4. You select English, then you can practice or launch. Its pretty straight forward so you can hit launch. 5. Then lets register as an adult- its quicker. Enter your personal email and create a password. Then hit register. 6. You will be taken to the dashboard. Now hit Assess Yourself. 7. You will get pre-assessment questions every 6 mo. Then the assessment will begin. 8. If you hit the help, return home/ dashboard, or close out the window, on the dashboard you will find your last session and can always resume. 9. You can always find your results on this dashboard as well. 7

  8. 1. We can now break into small groups with a facilitator in each group for 10 minutes. Then we will return to share group feedback for 5 minutes. 2. When a message pops up to accept the breakout groups please accept. 3. At the end, a 1-minute warning will pop up. Afterward you will be returned to the main group automatically. Group facilitators: • Fernando, Kelly • Chase, Grace • Mitch, (Doug) Possible topics: 1. SELDA creation/ validation/ Features 2. How can we use SELDA in the classroom 3. About SEL , About activities Resources: 1. Children friendly covid masks 2. SELDA (recommendations, different users, help videos) 3. SEL daily activities, 4. SEL activities workbook for SELDA 8

  9. STRUT is an ALL - volunteer run startup of passionate, visionary, teachers, academic researchers, SEL experts as well as technologist and entrepreneurs. Our goal is simple- to make learning easier, faster, and healthier for teachers and students. We want to save schools time, costs, and logistics and make it a more enjoyable space. We have built and are continuing to build tools and seek educator and education partners. I hope you will have a chance to visit or share our website and resources: learn2strut.com 9

  10. Learning during COVID and remote learning is difficult for everyone. We want to help. We need your help. We have 5 simple requests: 1. Exit survey & share name/ email in the chat box – we will send you the presentation and links to our resources 2. Complete the adult version of SELDA: https://www.learn2strut.com/selda 3. Share COVID flyers: https://www.learn2strut.com/flyers 4. Join Sign-on Letter : https://www.learn2strut.com/join-the-movement 5. Share the quick link for SELDA with others or use in the classroom https://www.eq123.org 6. Gift card for top person 10

  11. • Thank you to Walter, CTUF, and for all of your dedication. • I always like to end by asking- What would it be like, if the ones you loved, were 10% happier and 10% more successful? STRUT Learning connect@learn2stru.com mitch@learn2strut.com (direct) https://www.learn2strut.com/ https://www.learn2strut.com/pitch (pitch deck) https://www.eq123.com (What’s your EQ score?) 11

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  15. The SELDA Team within STRUT: Project Managers: James, Kelly and Derick SEL & Assessment Managers: Grace SEL & Curricula expertise: Ferando, Chase, Grace, Dr. Doug, and Mitch SEL & Assessment Design: James, Fernando, Chase, Dr. Dan, and Mitch Data Science: Dr. Dan, Mitch Design: Alex and Chase Technology: Kelly, Derick, Mamta, Mukaram, Asha 15

  16. If connected to internet, please click to play demo video. • Our EQ adaptation increase engagement and retention, while shortening learning time. • Together, they improve grades, confidence, and sociability. 16


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