what is my level of stress rediscovering resilience in

'//" What is my level of stress? Rediscovering Resilience in - PDF document

'//" What is my level of stress? Rediscovering Resilience in Turbulent Times: Session Three Feelings and Empathy NAOMI L. BAUM, PH.D. HI RESILIENCE ASSOCIATES NO STRESS STRESS OU PROJECT RESILIENCE AUGUST, 2020

  1. ו'/לולא/שת"ף What is my level of stress? Rediscovering Resilience in Turbulent Times: Session Three – Feelings and Empathy NAOMI L. BAUM, PH.D. HI RESILIENCE ASSOCIATES NO STRESS STRESS OU PROJECT RESILIENCE AUGUST, 2020 ELUL, 5770 What is my level of stress? HI NO STRESS STRESS When I think of Covid-19 what Homework Check- in: How are we feelings come up for me? doing? Mind and Body (and Soul)  Are we paying attention to our physical selves?  Are we paying attention to our emotional selves?  And more specifically:  Am I breathing regularly?  Am I practicing gratitude?  What else am I doing to help me cope? www.menti.com Code: 323067 1

  2. ו'/לולא/שת"ף Characteristics of Resilience How Does Corona Affect Us?  Bouncing back-bouncing forward?  Uncertainty – Anxiety  Elasticity-flexibility  Fear  Positive adaptation  Lack of Control  Long term  Quarantine  Stamina  Loneliness  Strength  Lack of purpose – Lack of activity  “Ordinary Magic” (A. Masten)  Boredom  Frustration The Building Resilience Intervention (BRI)– 4 Foundations Empathy and Emotions  Self  Strengths and Coping  Empathy and Emotions  Significance and Meaning What determines happiness? Psychology of Happiness What is happiness? Do we need a Benefits:   definition??  Good for our health Sonja Lyubomirski (2007) “…the   Good for our relationships experience of joy, contentment, or  Deal better with the stresses of positive well-being, combined with daily life a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile.”  More productive  More generous Two parts:   Fleeting feelings Bibliography:  Meaningful contentment Sonja Lyubomirski Matthieu Ricard 2

  3. ו'/לולא/שת"ף Happiness – Continued: Happiness Exercise 1. When you are happy, where do you feel it in Free Associations to the word  “Happy”- What does the word your body? happy mean to you? https://padlet.com/naomibaum/h  ftfv0oqnp7b21om 2. How do you know you are happy? Exploring Difficult Emotions What are the things that make you happy?? https:// padlet. com / naomibaum  1. Pick an emotion that is more difficult- something that you have / sb 29 pu 0 v 3 mqgugnd been feeling during COVID-19: sadness, fear, worry, frustration, loneliness, boredom.  2. Write it at the top of your page. Freely associate to that word. Write down whatever comes up for you.  3. Go back to your body- where do you feel the emotion in your body? How does it look/feel? temperature? texture?  4. What do you do when you are feeling this way?  5. Can people tell how you are feeling? how?  6. What kinds of things/situations bring on this feeling?  7. What helps you when you feel this way? Guided Imagery: Safe Place So how should I express my emotions? And where?  Some ideas:  Journaling (lots of studies show that this way works well)  Drawing/Painting  Playing Music or Singing  Sharing with a partner or friend  Or any other avenue that suits you to express yourself 3

  4. ו'/לולא/שת"ף And just to review: Let’s take another moment to check in and breathe: Minute of Mindfulness Resilient people experience ALL 1. emotions. If we shut down one emotion, it 2. impacts on the way we experience all emotions Allow the more difficult emotions to 3. surface. Find a way that suits you to express 4. your emotions. www.naomibaum.com Naomi.baum@gmail.com www.naomibaum.com 4


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