Cranfield Astrobiological CASS • E Stratospheric Sampling Experiment (CASS•E) for BEXUS 2009/2010 Selection Workshop ESTEC, ESA, NL. Wednesday 16 th December 2009
CASS • E Presentation structure : 1. Introduction 2. The Team 3. The Experiment 4. The Design 5. Identified Risks 6. Testing 7. Outreach 8. Schedule 1 of 22
1. Introduction: CASS • E Background 1. Detection of stratospheric microorganisms: To study life in extreme environments. • Panspermia? • 2. Previous experiments flown to detect microbes in Stratosphere: Levels of organisms expected in • stratosphere are very low. Human mouth contains 10 13 bacterial cells. • How can we be confident any microbes. • detected are stratospheric? 2 of 22
1. Introduction: CASS • E Experimental Idea Planetary Protection and Contamination Control (PP&CC): 1.How do you clean/sterilise your hardware? • Dry Heat Microbial Reduction (DHMR) 2.How do you keep it clean once it has been sterilised? • Biobarriers 3.How do you measure how clean it is? • Swabbing and culturing • Other microbiological assays e.g. ATP detection • Fluorescent beads as a proxy of contamination 3 of 22
1. Introduction: CASS • E Aims & Objectives 1. To design, build and fly an experiment that is capable of collecting microorganisms in Earth’s Stratosphere. 2. To ensure that microorganisms collected are truly stratospheric rather than contamination introduced during payload assembly, integration, ground handling, launch, flight and recovery. 3. To improve understanding of PP&CC implementation in life detection experiments for stratospheric and broader Astrobiology missions. 4 of 22
2. The Team: CASS • E Bios Lolan Clara Catherine Carla Satinder Vinay (South Africa) (Spain) (UK) (Portugal) (UK) (India) Team Leader Bioassay and Biological Electronic & Mechanical & Process & Electronics PP&CC Engineer Systems Structural Engineer & Specialist Engineer Engineer Outreach • B.Eng. • M.Eng. Computer • M.Sci. • B.Eng. • B.Eng. • B.Sc. Chemical Biological Systems Chemistry Engineering. Electronics & Mechanical Engineering Engineering • PhD Assay • MSc. Molecular • B.Sc. Physics Satellite Engineering. • MSc.. Space • MSc. Space • MSc. Space Development Medicine. Engineering Engineering • PhD Receptor • MSc. Space for Astrobiology Engineering Engineering • PhD. Development Engineering Instrumentation for for Astrobiology Astrobiology. 5 of 22
2. The Team: CASS • E Support & Facilities 1. Prof Cullen, Cranfield University: Lead Supervisor, Bioscience facilities and support. 2. Dr Roberts, Cranfield University: Workshop facilities and mechanical engineering support. 3. Mr Waller, Kent University: Electronic engineering support. 4. Dr Pillinger, Open University: PP&CC support and environmental test facilities. 5. Prof Sims, University of Leicester: Environmental tests facilities, systems design support. 6 of 22
CASS • E 3. The Experiment: Overview • Design based on similar systems flown on stratospheric balloons. • Fluorescent beads to be sprayed as proxy for contamination. 7 of 22
CASS • E 3. The Experiment: Process Flow Pre-Launch Flight Post flight 1. Design, assembly 1. Biobarrier opens in 1. Shipping to and testing stratosphere Cranfield 2. Cleaning and 2. Pump draws air 2. Recovery of filters sterilisation* through filter in cleanroom collecting bacteria environment 3. Shipping to launch site 3. Valve closes to seal 3. Assessment of system during contamination *With continuous landing and present on filters measurement of recovery contamination throughout process 8 of 22
CASS • E 3. The Experiment: Results 1. Delivery of complete experiment. 2. Improved understanding of PP&CC requirements for Stratospheric balloon missions. 3. Demonstrated PP&CC protocols. 4. Information about sources of contamination. 5. Microorganisms? 9 of 22
CASS • E 4. The Design: Status CAD drawings. • Preliminary selection of components. • Initial budgets. • 10 of 22
CASS • E 4. The Design: Power Components Quantity Time Current Voltage Power Total Vacuum pump 2 10 20 Latching solenoids 2 9 18 Foil Heater 3 2.5 7.5 PCB 1 2 2 Temperature Sensors 5 Pressure Sensors 2 H-bridge controllers for 2 pumps Bio-barrier opening mechanism Total 14 23.5 47.5 Total with 20% margin 28.2 57 Note this is total power during flight, during ~2hours (standby mode just has sensors, heaters and board on). 11 of 22
CASS • E 4. The Design: Mechanical Total weight Components Quantity (Kg) Vacuum pump 2 3 Valves 2 1 Frame and covers 1 6 Electronics box 1 0.5 Ultra clean zone box 1 0.6 Piping 2 sets 1 Bio-Barrier 1 0.1 PCB & batteries 1 set 1 Sensors 1 set 0.5 Total 14 13.7 Total with 20% margin 16.44 These mass estimates are based upon the Stratospheric CENSUS experiment flown on BEXUS 7. 12 of 22
CASS • E 4. The Design: Mechanical The dimensions are estimated to be 350 x 320 x • 200mm. Need access to exterior to draw air in. • Shock absorbers • 13 of 22
CASS • E 4. The Design: The Bio-barrier 2 mini bio-barriers made of Tedlar and Mylar over • the tubing exposed to outside air. Mechanism to open: • Hot wire and spring loaded mechanism (JPL). • 14 of 22
4. The Design: CASS • E Budgeting Electrical Supplier Specs Product Number Quantity Price Total Components Vacuum pump 2 Latching solenoids 4 Temperature Sensors 2 Pressure Sensors 2 H-bridge controllers 2 for pumps Microcontroller 1 Batteries need to be advised 1 set Foil heaters 2 Total 15 0 0 Mechanical Supplier Specs Product Number Quantity Price Total Components Frame and covers 1 Electronics box 1 Ultra clean zone box 1 Piping 2 sets Bio-Barrier 1 Cabling 1 set Filters 6 Filter holders 6 Hand warmers 2 sets Total 16 0 0 • £5000 from Cranfield University. • Intend to approach companies for free components and sponsorship. • Travel to conferences and workshops. 15 of 22
CASS • E 5. Identified Risks: 1. Many risks negated by: • Redundancy. • Flight experience (our own CGN Stratospheric balloon experiment and BEXUS’ CENSUS ’08-‘09). 2. Electronic Risks: • Microprocessor fails, nothing starts up. • Pressure sensor that dictates when bio-barrier opens and pumps turn on fails (manual override from ground). 3. Power Risks: • Batteries power pumps, bio-barrier and valves hence need to perform extensive testing to avoid failure. 16 of 21
CASS • E 5. Identified Risks: 4. Bio-barrier (single point failure): • Bio-barrier loses integrity prior to reaching desired altitude. • Bio-barrier fails to open (single point failure). • Designs to be based on bio-barriers developed at JPL 1 , use of secondary opening mechanism. 5. Contamination due to structural damage during landing and recovery: • Very unlikely. 1) Salinas et al, IEEEAC paper # 1216, 2006 17 of 22
6. Testing: CASS • E 1. Structural: • Vibration (system integrity, especially bio-barrier). • Testing of shock absorbers. • Testing of the bio-barrier opening mechanism. 2. Thermal: • Foil heaters (do they maintain working conditions?) 3. Electronics (low pressure & low temperature conditions): • Batteries, pumps, valves, board and sensors. 4. Software: • Control of valves and bio-barrier as well as sensors. 18 of 22
7. Outreach: CASS • E 1. Press releases. 2. Presentations and activities in local schools and community groups. 3. Cranfield University seminars. 4. Competitions for children. 5. Website ( 19 of 22
8. Schedule: CASS • E Gantt Chart ‘1 Years: ‘09 ‘09 2010 2010 2010 2010 1 Months: 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 Application preparation Selection Workshop at ESTEC Final selection HW & SW Design Phase PDR at ESRANGE HW & SW Dev. Phase HW & SW Testing Phase CDR Final Check-up Phase Delivery of CASS•E to EAR Launch at ESRANGE Outreach activities Documentation preparation Submission of Final Report
CASS • E 8. Schedule: The next 6 weeks • Analyse components in detail. • Biobarrier design and testing as a priority. • Establish procedures for assessing contamination. • Launch outreach programme. 21 of 22
CASS • E Thank you 4 of 12
Misc Photos CASS • E Valves Beads
DHMR Table CASS • E Tempera perature e Surface 110 °C 115 °C 120 °C 125 °C Free and 32 hr 18 hr 11 hr 6 hr Encapsulated 156 hr 90 hr 52 hr 30 hr Mated If a unit is to be subje subject to DHM DHMR, material terials must be st be compatible with the time temper mperature regim regimes given in iven in the table table above 4 of 12
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