lee#: A Doctor • Hisham AI Mohtasill (Embryology) Date • 8\12\2011 Done lip • Slides 0--- DOCTOR 2011 I ju I'' /~-.e:~ /LajnehMedcom D
f'~'•c.~n ~-.!.c.! IV\~ ~\- ~ f'l•!>~.,.·,\ \o.~ ~t.e.~ l,~ ~ '\o\~ c\~o.\.\cw~ \0.~ -~ ._,_~ ~-~ ~ '~ ~ ~,v.,.s.~ ~uc.~\~T.,~;f,;i; 42 Chapter 2 buccopharyngeal membrane medial nasa'-"' \~ forming floor of process stomodeum olfactory pit mandibular 5 weeks 5.5 weeks B i 'l A medial nasal process o\s; .. 'i\ loov....!..• _ / olfactory pit M... ~ ~ .· · . ··. laJe.ral nasay l : ,.., ,., ' . prQC.ess maxilla """C\IIoo. ~C)' \>f"•CCS\ L"'"'t\ ~ 31 ~cs~.-.\ ·,s ~-d. '/ future external ear c 6.5 weeks D mandible 8 weeks Figure 2-5 Different stages in development of the face. .. __,. ~.,._
e«~S MJ•~ ~\"~ ~l'Ec. ~ ~'ec.~ a.~- "-~' l'\"'\"'~ ~" ~' ~'- ~'~. ~_,·*-"\. ~\ ~ ~ UJ~"'"' ~ ~\c.~lt '~ ~ &lc.~j -.A"~ "'~ C.~\~ \.a.~'\"-.~'-~ 1.\~ ~ \MfV)(~ ~" ~-.!l S~\.c._,.\4\ \o-.~val "'o.~o-1. ~\-.1 ~"' ~\ot."' ~· ·-~ middle concha communication between nasal inferior conc.1a ct-.._ s\"'"\~t palatal process of maxilla .\ \\-u.. "'"t.\of a.S ~t~(uS.o. '"'\o'. M..Lk\\\, nasal cavity · · \Jo '-' t.. .. ,. .,. mouth cavity - ~ """'""'""' 4 &"'~"~-"'- o\ ~ primary ... 2 formation of secondary palate 4 Figure 2:-6 A. The f~r~ation of the palate and the nasa: septum (coromil section). B. The d1fferent stages m the formation of the palate. .;,)e W\~J tn, ~ 'Ae>St.. t~"'~\~\"J 't '-\lt ~ • ~.~\a. ~ '' \-u.• , ... ~" q "-. .. \t.... -t ,~ • ~ '"""""'.,9 ~'-h \t ~4l ,,\.s_Ji t..-.lo., ,~ .. 'W' ~ ... \, "-- "'"'"~ \....... • '"'~ .. ~V' .
'"'•"s~ k~.j. ~\"'Of¥\ 0'\A~"'"'~l-l-~·"' w~ \."'~ ~' l.j~ ~ ~.,"' ~ \o~C!~ ~" ~ <L~"'-o-~W'I -~+a~.a -~ w~ ~,~v·~ 'otA'j.~ ~VW\o~\'-~ ~Y\~\"' ~ ~ ~"'~-.). 'o~ Sc.op~ ~t'•"~c \-n_~ ~ ,'M~\~\c.« _\~X\.t ~t\' ~\.ey. ~- s"'.,."'"tl'~ '-fcJ•clt"'~ .. '" .. <) Hea Attachment of buccopharyngeal membrane A 8 Laryngotracheal c."'"'' ~f&u, 3- ~\o.~ ewe.. elf~.,.) orifice .. ~\'A~ 1\a.. lta"'-!.~ Figure 12.1. A. Embryo of approximately _35 days gestation showing the relation of the respiratory diverticulum to the heart, stomach, and liver. B. Sagittal section through the cephalic end of a 5-week embryo showing the openings ofthe pharyngeal pouches and the laryngotracheal orifice. -- \"'"'•~ .. '"'~ • c:.uu9dll ~ 't. Uo~O~Ut•~ r\ ..., J.~.\)t.\"'\.k~"' Esophagotracheal ridge Foregut Esophagus cecum Epiglottal swelling . Laryngeal . sNell1ngs orifice .... ~'-l~ .. R_Ac":j.J. \\. \\.. ~,~ Figure 12.2. A, B, and C. Successive stages in development of the respiratory divertic- ~ ulum showing the ~haotracheal ridses.and formation af the sepl!Jm, splitting the foregut into esophagus and trachea with lung bu.,g~. D. The ventral portion of the pharynx seen from above showing the laryngeal orifice and surrounding swel!jgs. • 1[.. f'CSp\~'1 :tr C.\M\A.\1\~"' .,J,v., "'..,..""'"' ~ • .,.\,C.~
Part Two I Systems-based Embryology ?OS t I Proximal blind- end part of esophagus Bifurcation . ' A D I E Figure 14. J Variations of esophageal atresia and/or tracheoesophageal f.; .ula in order of their frequency of appearance: A, 90%; B. 4%; : , 4%; D, I%; and E, I%. ---Longitudinal rotation axis ! esser .- .... rvature Stomach -c curvature A 8 curvature curvature D Pylorus Figure 14.8 A-C. Rotation of the stomach along u.s longitudinal axis as seen anteriorly. D,E. Rotation of the stomach around the anteroposterior axis. Note the change in pos1tion of the pylorus and cardia.
\.';~. ~ t-\~\O~ '-~·, \o~u) ~ ~'t'tJ"'~·, ~s ~ 'tor•~ ~.,.~ ~ ~Pr~;W\k ~ '-u.~'" It~ '"'~ ~\-d) '-~ ~ \-v-.~ul ~ oS'r"'~ ~ ~:.~ '-·~ ~ ~v-.-1. ~A.V-e. ~"~._,., ~v-.~, ,~-~.~\. ~ -\.~'c.~" s~ "'-.·~itv~"'oW\-., ~ \K~ ~ ~ ~\ov.L \~V\Se> \~" ;~\o A_'~"'haklJ ~ ~\1~ ~ ~-u."'-u9 ,~._ ~"'-1~\c.l ~ ~.,. ~clv.(' v•(•~"'~"' ~ ,v.~(:_"'~'~."' ~\,e."- Epiglottis Laryngeal orifice Figure 12.4. Laryngeal orifice and surrounding swellings at successive stag3s of development. A. 6 weeks. B. 12 weeks. - S"'As~u.e~\-~ 9 .cJv~N;d lr"'v. '-- . \ nc.£U~) \-U!"'- ~ \w"'f"·_.· ~ .& ~"~c.~ \;C!)v:ls. L '5"'' ·\~"'l~.:a, oc 'l.~"'·.-~'-'•~ 'ALc.t.· ,..., Trachea -.¥- -.'~·~"·~· :;- "*'' Lung Right B --· buds middle lobe "u..\,.._ .. \o-rw\. "" ~cl\~ Cl( J,tJ. !i kli !.\ 'ou.ls C Pc, ... ~ .. ~D Q.. IV ttLtW'A'"" 'o~ fft.c.. t.t'IJAd\,._,t>IA.Cll IM\A~ Figure 12.5. Stages m development of the trachea and Junm. A. 5 weeks. B. 6 weeks. C. 8 weeks. "- \on;"'-~·~ • ~b \_S ·-' 3 'S~c.~ a.s ~ «. ~ \..."" »-~ """\)d.. ~u.\.4\~ t"" ~\d&-~ - s; c Co-A~ ..... ~ ..... • \0 ""' ~\. ............... ~5~ o\ .... \"'\o ~ ~ .. · • - •. ;._, ~-"'
~wtb ~\~ So"'-~\c ~ ·~orar.ic ~-J. f\~ <o.a.t\"-~ ~ ~ ~"' f.,.\~ ~ari!:!tRI (.a.u\"~ ck¥~ ~,_.~-A:f. c.e.rl~ ~.,."' ~ cle~v. v\~,~ ~\~ v\sc:.~ waes~!'"'- (,oN~\-") (y,~.,;._, ~ ~6-.v,._W ~\~ ,.,~._) c:':.tn.~ ~ltu.~ ~\~ l'b,.U~PJo/\aoJI "-~.,.," ~\~s ~ ,~ ~-~ ~.J Cw~ ~ 'ou·~t- (w\"'~ ~._t.c. I> _- 98 coelomic cavity coelomic cavity I p?rietal pleura parietal pleura - ~ '-""-l' ~\.10 A\" .. ,k )I • "'" 'VI.\.. •. - - ~'~ visceral pleura .. ~c."\(~\ \ "1 \1 t"" \-v..S.., visceral pleura pleural cavity '"Jail '4A ~w.~ , .. ~it"'~ ~ ... ,t ... , 0 ~t~ '\1)'V\ t~ costodiaphragmatic recess Figure 3-19 Formation of the lungs. Note that each lung bud invaginates the wall of the coelomic cavity and then grows to fill a greater part of the cavity. Note also that the lung is covered with visceral pleura and the thoracic wall is lined wit!'- pleura. Thepriainal "2elomic cavity is reduced t,g a slit!ike space called the e_leural cavity a: •· result of the of t'he lunQ. · 'M .. ,. ... 1L.. a,~Jj.w.tl .;! v\~c.t":v.S>
~ ~_, Parietal pleura Lung bud Viscer Pericardioperitoneal pleura canal Phrenic nerve B cardinal vein Visceral peritoneum Heart Figure 12.6. Expansion of the lung buds into the ~ricardioperitoneal canals. At this stage the canals are in communication with the peritoneal and pericardia! cavities. A. Ventral view of lung buds. B. Transverse section through the lung buds showing the pleuropericardial folds_Jhat will divide the thoracic portion of the body cavity into the pleural and pericardiill._ cavities. Figure 12.7. Once the pericardioperitoneal canals separate from the pericardia! and peritoneal cavities, respectively, the Lungs expand in the pleural cavities. Note the visceral and parietal pleura and definitive pleural cavity. The visceral pleura extends -L..&.·L- '··--- I._ ... _·---- ..&.1-- 1-L--
~'" ~ '\~ ~X ~"~c.N' "-~" ~ c~".kt~ ~-~\'\. ~c. ~ ;~'t- ~ ~ ~ries ,~ ~ ~ ~Nil~t \~ \•~ ~\l&k. '-~' (.~,\.,.t. ~-'-•~ \.~\{ ~o.l- ,C~lp,f.oho"' aaoac •~-• Maturation of the lungs Pseudoglandular 5-16 weeks Branching has continued to form terminal bron- period chioles. No respiratory bronchioles_ or alycoll, rirc prescr-1~. Canalicular 16-26 weeks Each terminal bronchiole divides into 2 or more period respiratory bronchiolesJ which in turn divide into 3-6 alveolar ducts. ·" Terminal sac 26 weeks Terminal sacs (p__r:imitive alveo~i) forn:, and ~1- • • period to birth establish close cont<!ct. Alveolar 8 months to Mature alveoli have well-developed epithelial period childhood - endothelial (capillary) contacts; " Thin squamous epithelium Flat endothelium cell of blood Terminal llary Terminal A bronchiolus Figure 12.8. Histological and functional development of the lung. A. The ~-19£ Qi!ri.QQ lasts from the 1£tb tQ_tb_e 26th we~. Note the cuboidal cells lining the respiratory bronchioli. B. The !!llminal sac perio_c!,begins at the end of the sixth ant! beg!g!JjiJg 9,f tj)e S!(Venth.prenat.aLmont~. Cuboidal cells become very thin and intimately associated with the endothelium of blood and lymph capillaries or form terminal sacs (primi- -'D"' .. '"'' .,.~ r\.L : tive alveoli~) fll\t.. ,.. s~\lc UM\ ~ . • . 'N\0\1\ . c..tll.s WC.C.'W'~ 6.,...'-.s.\ c\.~ ! Thrn squamous_ • (' . ., ! epithelium • $v.~c.,._._ 't. a1v .. \ ... ) Bl~od c. C.~.s caprllary ... )S:' t.d)w 6 ~- Ytl'\.'11;..,..""' Terminal bronchiolus Figure 12.9. Lung ~is~u_e in a newborfl. Note the thin squan-:ous epithelial cells (also known as alveolar epithelial cells, type I) and surrounrling capillaries protruding into mature alveoli.
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