0 85 pef with ac coupled inverter stacking for

0.85 PEF with AC-coupled Inverter-Stacking for Noise Efficiency - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

An ECG Chopper Amplifier Achieving 0.92 NEF and 0.85 PEF with AC-coupled Inverter-Stacking for Noise Efficiency Enhancement Somok Mondal and Drew A. Hall University of California, San Diego Outline Motivation and Introduction Noise

  1. An ECG Chopper Amplifier Achieving 0.92 NEF and 0.85 PEF with AC-coupled Inverter-Stacking for Noise Efficiency Enhancement Somok Mondal and Drew A. Hall University of California, San Diego

  2. Outline • Motivation and Introduction • Noise Efficiency Enhancement by OTA Stacking • ECG Amplifier Architecture • Circuit Implementation • Simulation Results • Conclusion 2

  3. Motivation World of IoTs and m-Health Miniaturized Wearable & Implantable Devices • Automated, remote monitoring • Early detection/diagnosis Major Challenges: • Continuous reliable monitoring via a small integrated unit • Ultra-low power sensing circuits with long battery life 3

  4. ECG Acquisition Amplifier Power consumption Amplifies weak, low-bandwidth is noise-limited physiological signals Noise Efficiency Factor (NEF)  noise-current trade-off 2𝐽 tot 𝑂𝐹𝐺 = 𝑤 ni,RMS 𝑊 T 4𝑙 B 𝑈𝜌𝐶𝑋 Power Efficiency Factor (PEF)  noise-power trade-off 𝑄𝐹𝐺 = 𝑂𝐹𝐺 2 𝑊 DD 𝐽 tot : amplifier current, 𝑤 ni,RMS : input referred noise, 𝐶𝑋 : bandwidth, T : thermal voltage, 𝑈 : temperature, 𝑙 B : Boltzmann’s constant 𝑊 4

  5. Noise Efficiency Limitation For a differential amplifier if Fundamental NEF Limit • only input diff-pair noise 𝟑 • devices in sub-threshold 𝑶𝑭𝑮 𝒑 = 𝝀 𝟑 ≅ 𝟑. 𝟏𝟑 𝜆 : gate-coupling coefficient typically ~ 0.7 NEF Improvements: Prior Art • Current Reuse [1]: Inverter-based OTA 𝐻 m = 𝑕 mn + 𝑕 mp 𝑶𝑭𝑮 = 𝑶𝑭𝑮 𝒑 / 𝟑 • Dual Supply [2]: [1] - Chae TNSRE ‘09 𝑸𝑭𝑮 ≅ 𝑸𝑭𝑮 𝒑 /𝟓 [2] - Yaul ISSCC ‘16 5

  6. Proposed Stacked OTA AC-coupled inverter-based transconductor Equivalent small-signal model Stacked OTA 6

  7. Proposed Stacked OTA 𝐻 m = 𝑶𝐻 mo [3] G m boosting: 𝑆 out = 𝑆 o /𝑶 𝐵 v = 𝐻 m 𝑆 out = 𝐻 mo 𝑆 o 𝐻 m , 𝑆 out : compound transconductance, output impedance 𝐻 m0 , 𝑆 o : single inverter transconductance, output impedance 𝐵 v : OTA Gain [3] - Iguchi ISSCC’16 (crystal oscillator start -up) 7

  8. Proposed Stacked OTA 𝐻 m = 𝑂𝐻 mo G m boosting: Input-referred noise: = 4𝑙 B 𝑈𝛿 2 𝑤 ni,thermal 𝑶𝐻 mo 𝐿 p 1 𝐿 n 2 𝑤 ni,flicker = + 4𝑶𝑔 𝐷 ox 𝑋𝑀 n 𝐷 ox 𝑋𝑀 p 𝛿 , 𝐷 ox , 𝐿 n , 𝐿 p : device parameters 𝑋𝑀 n,p : device sizes 2 : input referred noise PSD 𝑤 ni Noise efficiency enhancement: • 𝟑𝑶 times improvement in 𝑂𝐹𝐺 • 𝟑𝑶 times improvement in 𝑄𝐹𝐺 (same 𝑊 DD ) For a differential 2-stack NEF limit : 1.01 implementation: 3-stack NEF limit : 0.82 8

  9. Trade-offs Inverter-Stacking Trade-offs: 𝑊 DD,min = 𝑂𝑊 INV + 𝑊 tail 𝑂𝐹𝐺 ∝ 1/ 𝑂 𝑄𝐹𝐺 min ∝ 𝑊 𝐽𝑂𝑊 + 𝑊 tail /𝑂 𝑊 INV , 𝑊 tail : voltage headroom for single inverter, tail source Normalized minimum PEF: • 2-stack: 0.82 • 3-stack: 0.75 • 4-stack: 0.72 3-stack with 1 V supply is optimal 9

  10. ECG Amplifier Architecture Key Challenges: • AC-coupling of low bandwidth ECG (~250 Hz) would require very large capacitors • Signal swing with OTA stacking is limited 10

  11. ECG Amplifier Architecture Key Challenges: • AC-coupling of low bandwidth ECG (~250 Hz) would require very large capacitors • Upmodulate to a higher (chopping) frequency  simpler ac-coupling • Signal swing with OTA stacking is limited • First stage with low signal swing 11

  12. ECG Amplifier Architecture Other Requirements: • Low in-band flicker noise • High CMRR (for 60Hz noise) • Electrode polarization offset • High input impedance 2 nd stage DC bias • 12

  13. ECG Amplifier Architecture Other Requirements: • Low in-band flicker noise • High CMRR (for 60Hz noise) • Electrode polarization offset • High input impedance 2 nd stage DC bias • 13

  14. ECG Amplifier Architecture Other Requirements: • Low in-band flicker noise • High CMRR (for 60Hz noise) • Electrode polarization offset • High input impedance 2 nd stage DC bias • 14

  15. ECG Amplifier Architecture Other Requirements: • Low In-band flicker noise • High CMRR (for 60Hz noise) • Electrode polarization offset • High input impedance 2 nd stage DC bias • 15

  16. Circuit Implementation Fully Differential Stacked OTA: • 𝐷 ci , 𝐷 co , 𝐷 Dn,p  low impedance (ac-shorts) at the chopping frequency (5 kHz) • 𝐷 Dn,p are 25 pF MOS capacitors to account for 1/𝑕 m source impedance ~ 6M Ω . (40 × 40 μm 2 ) • Differential operation aids the decoupling with source nodes acting as virtual shorts. 16

  17. Circuit Implementation Mid-band gain: Fully Differential Stacked OTA: 𝐷 Ci 𝑂𝐷 co 𝐵 M1 = − 𝐻 mo 𝑆 o 𝐷 ci + 𝐷 in,tot 𝑂𝐷 co + 𝐷 L1 Large 𝐷 L1 required for Miller compensation  Use load compensation used instead 𝐷 Ci,o are 4 pF MOM capacitors 17

  18. Circuit Implementation 2 nd stage OTA: 𝑾 𝐃𝐍 generation: Design Summary: • 1 V Supply 1.2 nA (7%) 0.22 nA (1%) 2.3 nA (13%) Constant-G m bias: 14 nA (79%) 18

  19. Simulation Results Stacked OTA simulations Open-loop gain Input-referred noise 19

  20. Simulation Results Closed-loop amplifier simulations Amplifier differential-mode gain Amplifier loop-gain (using PAC analysis) (using PSTB analysis) Phase Margin ~ 90° 20

  21. Simulation Results 100 monte-carlo runs (over process Amplifier transient and mismatch variations) response and spectra CMRR > 75 dB SFDR = 54 dB PSRR > 60 dB THD = 0.3% 21

  22. Simulation Results Amplifier noise performance with inverter-stacking 148 nV /√Hz with only 14 nA! 22

  23. Summary and Comparison Best reported NEF of 0.92 and PEF of 0.85! 23

  24. Conclusion • AC-coupled Inverter-stacking for G m -boosting leading to noise efficiency enhancement • Best-reported NEF/PEF from simulations • Useful technique particularly for IoT mHealth applications 24

  25. Backup Slides 25


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