zta 2018 01

ZTA #2018-01 2017 Zoning Ordinance Annual Updates City Council - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ZTA #2018-01 2017 Zoning Ordinance Annual Updates City Council Land Use Committee October 26, 2017 Overview Annual review of the zoning ordinance: To make technical corrections and updates. To ensure that the code remains in

  1. ZTA #2018-01 2017 Zoning Ordinance Annual Updates City Council Land Use Committee October 26, 2017

  2. Overview • Annual review of the zoning ordinance: • To make technical corrections and updates. • To ensure that the code remains in compliance with current requirements of state and federal laws. • 2017 updates includes changes to address two state laws (Small Cell Wireless and Short-Term Rentals) and four technical corrections.

  3. Short-Term Rentals • Zoning ordinance permits the short-term rental of property as long as a dwelling unit is not used as a boardinghouse. • Proposed ZTA would: • Clarify prohibition on boardinghouses and, consistent with new state law, reduce the maximum number of consecutive days for a residential guest to stay from 45 to 30. • Increase maximum number of consecutive days for a Bed and Breakfast from 14 to 30.

  4. Small Cell Wireless • New state law for small cell wireless facilities requires localities to permit these facilities by-right. • Proposed ZTA would permit these facilities by-right but adds requirements: • Historic district review and approval • Screening requirements • Removal when a facility is discontinued

  5. Recommendation • Technical changes: • Requirements for accessory lot coverage • Non-conforming lots • Parking for professional personal service uses • Height waivers, with an approved SUP, in residential zoning districts • Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval of ZTA #2018-01.

  6. ZTA #2018-01 2017 Zoning Ordinance Annual Updates City Council Land Use Committee October 26, 2017


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