zaheennanji learned how to cope

@zaheennanji Learned How to Cope Mombasa to Nairobi Positive In - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

50 Shades of Resiliency Building Resiliency in Communities FCSS Directors Network Conference @zaheennanji Learned How to Cope Mombasa to Nairobi Positive In Intent of f Change Reframe Problem Opportunity Strength Weakness Lack of

  1. 50 Shades of Resiliency – Building Resiliency in Communities FCSS Directors Network Conference @zaheennanji

  2. Learned How to Cope Mombasa to Nairobi

  3. Positive In Intent of f Change

  4. Reframe Problem Opportunity Strength Weakness Lack of Understanding Unkindness

  5. What does Kettlebell have to do with Reframing and Resilience? Lifting 8 KG (20 lbs)

  6. Tools to Reframe What’s the worst thing that could/can happen but may not? In the past, can you recall a negative experience? How did that cause positive things later?

  7. Finding the Cost of f Change - Handout 6 Critical questions Chart to Build Emotional resilience Download your handout at:

  8. Victim Mindset Victor Mindset Reprogram What do I want and when do I want it? What’s wrong? When I get what I want, what else in my life will How long will I have this problem? improve? Whose fault is it that I have this problem? What resources do I have available? Why do I have this problem? What can I do now to improve this situation?

  9. Victor Mindset – Thrive in Life Show

  10. Reprogramming Tool – Mentor Magic Who do you look up to? What would he/she do in your position?

  11. Resolve

  12. Resolve is also Realistic Optimism People tell me, "You're such an optimist". Am I an optimist? An optimist says the glass is half full. A pessimist says the glass is half empty. A survivalist is practical. He says, "Call it what you want, but just fill the glass." I believe in filling the glass. ― Louis Zamperini


  14. Logical Levels of Change

  15. Contact


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