youth homelessness

Youth Homelessness Walter Philips, CEO, San Diego Youth Services - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Youth Homelessness Walter Philips, CEO, San Diego Youth Services Laura Tancredi Baese, CEO, Home Start Susanne Terry, Project Specialist, SDCOE January 18, 2018 Definitions of Y outh Homelessness A homeless youth is an individual between the

  1. Youth Homelessness Walter Philips, CEO, San Diego Youth Services Laura Tancredi ‐ Baese, CEO, Home Start Susanne Terry, Project Specialist, SDCOE January 18, 2018

  2. Definitions of Y outh Homelessness A homeless youth is an individual between the ages of 12 and 24, inclusive, who is living on their own without a parent or guardian and lacks a stable or permanent address. 3

  3. Context for the Definitions  HUD vs. Mc K inne y-Ve nto  She lte r po lic ie s  F a milie s with Childre n  Rura l o r sub urb a n a re a s  Sa fe ty 4

  4. Causes of Y outh Homelessness “I have n’ t me t a single runaway yo uth ye t who didn’ t le ave ho me fo r a go o d re aso n.” Sue K ., Ro c kfo rd Pub lic Sc ho o ls, I llino is

  5. High Risk Populations 6

  6. Consequences of Homelessness 7

  7. San Diego Initiatives  CoC – HU D funde d pro grams  CAHP - Yo uth S ubc o mmitte e  Home le ss Youth E am – S tate me r ge nc y Se r vic e s and Housing Pr ogr Offic e o f E me rge nc y S e rvic e s  HUD – Yo uth Ho me le ss De mo nstratio n Pro je c t  Voic e s of Youth Count  PIT – Yo uth Co unt 8

  8. Counting Y outh Who Are Homeless 9

  9. 2017 PIT – Y outh Homelessness Under 18 18-24 T otal % c hange She lte re d 27 240 267 +4% Unshe lte re d 41 842 883 +54% HUD T o ta ls 68 1082 1150 +39% Unsta b ly Ho use d 57 133 190 10

  10. 2016-17 Students Who E xperienced Homelessness County Office of E ducation 42 Sc hool Distr ic ts in San Die go County 505,310 stude nts e nr olle d in San Die go County sc hools 23,459 stude nts e xpe r ie nc e d home le ssne ss at one time dur ing the sc hool ye ar using the Mc Kinne y-Ve nto de finition of home le ssne ss. 11

  11. Voices of Y outh Count – Key Findings 467 y o uth who we re ho me le ss o r unstab ly ho use d 80% ide ntifie d as no n- white (28% Afric an Ame ric an) 20% b e twe e n the ag e s o f 13- 17 42% sy ste m y o uth (fo ste r c are and/ o r pro b atio n) 40% o f fe male s we re pre g nant o r pare nting 51% e xpe rie nc e d family ho me le ssne ss 93% pre vio usly c o uc h surfe d 42% ide ntifie d as o the r than he te ro se xual 12

  12. Summary Youth who ar e home le ss or unstably house d look diffe r e nt than the ste r e otypic al home le ss pe r son. Youth who ar e home le ss ar e diffic ult to c ount. Inte r ve ning and pr oviding stable housing and suppor t for youth now is c r itic al in pr e ve nting c hr onic home le ssne ss in the futur e . We ne e d a c oor dinate d, inte gr ate d, multi-syste m, inte r se c tional appr oac h to addr e ssing this pr oble m. Housing, suppor t se r vic e s and appr oac he s ne e d to be age appr opr iate and tailor e d to me e t the unique de ve lopme nt ne e ds of youth. 13

  13. 14 Thank Y ou Walter Philips: Laura Tancredi ‐ Baese: ltancredi ‐ baese@home ‐ Susanne Terry:


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