your database experts presentation map

Your Database Experts PRESENTATION MAP 3. About our company 4. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Your Database Experts PRESENTATION MAP 3. About our company 4. Nearshoring Database Consulting was founded in 2009 as an outsourcing and Oracle Database 5. Forms to APEX migration specialised education centre with in-house

  1. Your Database Experts

  2. PRESENTATION MAP 3. About our company 4. Nearshoring Database Consulting was founded in 2009 as an outsourcing and Oracle Database 5. Forms to APEX migration specialised education centre with in-house developed trainings and workshops. We are an 8. APEX Dedicated Applications Oracle Approved Educational Centre since 2015. 10. APEX Office plugins Our team is very much comprised of a creative and forward-thinking experts in Oracle 11. APEX Mobile Applications technology, specialised in APEX, Forms and Data Warehousing. 12. APEX in the Cloud We subsequently provide services in the following fields of expertise: developers, 13. Oracle migration to the Cloud analytical teams, administrators, tuning experts, project management teams. 15. Data Warehousing and Big Data 17. Cooperation models 19. Contact us

  3. Database Consulting Oracle Experts Our team is very much comprised of a creative and forward-thinking experts in Oracle technology, specialised in APEX, Forms and Data Warehousing. We subsequently provide services in the following fields of expertise: developers, APEX analytical teams, administrators, tuning experts, project management teams etc. DBA Furthermore, we also offer comprehensive database Managed Services that will ensure the security and stability of our clients business. Database Consulting was founded as an Oracle Database specialised education centre with in-house developed trainings and workshops. We are an Oracle SQL Business Approved Educational Centre since 2015. For our clients we also provide highly- specialised services coupled with tailor made consulting to meet our client’s Analyst needs. We have previously cooperated with Swiss, German and Polish: banks, & healthcare companies, insurance, re-insurance companies, retailers and government institutions. PM We can most assuredly say that Database Consulting offers a very core base of experienced experts who care about their clients throughout Europe, helping and assisting them to succeed through innovative technology. PL/SQL Forms Average experience per person: 13 years In total: 129 years of professional experience, 10 Oracle Experts Database Big Data Tuning All our consultants have over 10 years of experience & Data Warehousing Company founded in 2009 Database Consulting 2019 3

  4. Nearshoring Outsourcing to a nearby country Outsourcing of IT processes to a company in a nearby country is called nearshoring. Our headquarter is less than 3 hours away with direct flights from English and German speaking countries in Europe. THE SAME BUSINESS CULTURE THE SAME WORKING HOURS SHORT, DIRECT FLIGHTS HIGHLY SKILLED EXPERTS SIMILAR LEGAL REGULATIONS Database Consulting 2019 4

  5. Forms to APEX migration Migrate your outdated system to modern, low-code, beautiful, solution with responsive, accessible and mobile design ORACLE APEX You stuck with outdated technology? Low-Code FORMS TO APEX Web and ease to maintain Improvements take Maintenance is too MIGRATION mobile ready too much time? expensive? ORACLE FORMS & REPORTS No additional license costs Reasons to migrate How it works? Forms to APEX migration Our experienced team in both APEX and Forms and is able to o Reduces license costs by moving from paid Forms & o We plan the entire migration for you perform a complete migration of your current database Reports to free Oracle Application Express o We rewrite your current business processes from Forms to solutions, written in Forms 6i, 9i or any newer version of o Leaves outdated solutions that are hard to maintain and Oracle APEX Forms, to Oracle Application Express. costly to develop o We map old Forms components to APEX equivalent when o Uses the newest technologies and advanced Oracle APEX it is possible APEX is the best replacement for Oracle Forms since it has components o We utilise the newest APEX capabilities to improve your a similar Rapid Application Development approach and is o Integrate your application with your other web system and user experience SQL & PL/SQL-centric. applications or mobile solutions o We have extensive experience in Forms and APEX Learn more at Database Consulting 2019 5 5

  6. Complete and smooth Forms to APEX migration Smoothness of the migration is almost so important as the entire transition process This optional step is to We start the transition make the transition 03 01 05 07 from business and smoother . It is possible to During the recoding technical analysis to phase we try to reuse as migrate application determine the scope of many Oracle Forms code modules separately and migration, business as it ’ s possible. To do connect them with the old requirements, use cases part of the system while that we use our tools to as well as current other modules migration make development easier technical solutions and is still in progress and in and faster. future constraints. parallel. TESTING RECODING ANALYSIS SMART DECISION REDESIGN PLAN PREPARATION FORMS2APEX BRIDGE 02 efforts and timelines. 04 when it is necessary. 06 Decisions about Based on an analysis step This is very important Migration is a good migration are crucial. we prepare the plan of step that is based on moment to take a wide Migration of complex migration with results from analysis. We look at on system design database systems brings well-defined milestones, automate testing as and improve it or change a lot of benefits but it is a estimation of required much as its possible to demanding process that make the testing scope requires commitment wider and deeper. and involves a lot of resources. Learn more at 6

  7. Forms to APEX bridge – a way to evolve from Forms to APEX Integrate new APEX modules with old Forms system to make migration smoother Migration is too big step to make it at once? Oracle Forms & Reports Oracle APEX Forms to APEX bridge U Keep old Forms application working and integrate it with new modules written in APEX. Forms to APEX bridge gives you the possibility to continue the usage of Forms where Exchange Links between Single necessary and create new application modules in the modern APEX environment. It allows you session state modules sign-on to communicate between old Forms which are part of the system and new APEX modules. That keeps old code almost untouched and lets you to develop new parts of the system with all the fancy APEX features, Low-Code and RAD approach. Forms to APEX bridge can also be used as a temporarily solution to make the complete migration to APEX smoother. It is possible to migrate application modules separately and connect them with old parts of the system while other modules migration is still in progress Learn more at Database Consulting 2019 7 7 and in parallel

  8. Oracle APEX Dedicated Applications Customized software is key for success of your Business M Customized software Web and mobile Secure and Safe System Integration APEX technology Rapid Low-Code Customized Software is key Oracle APEX allow you to Oracle APEX is Powered By Oracle APEX and Oracle Business processes in your Oracle APEX can be used to for your success. Every work with data on desktop Oracle. the most complete, Database have multiple build a wide variety of apps Company need to be agile Business is different and computers and portable integrated, and secure options for integration with for any industry. From the and flexible. That means requires limitless tools that devices. It has responsive, database solution for any other systems or data that software changes and simplest app that turns a allow you to input, process, accessible, modern design scale deployment. However sources . With external spreadsheet into a web app, implementation of new interact and analyse your and set of mobile APEX gives you much more tables, SQL Loader, Data creating a secure single requirements need to be data in a way suitable for components to make your than data integrity and Pump, REST, WebService really fast. APEX is unique in source of information, to a your needs. APEX allows you application available for security – business stability. support. BigData SQL, mission critical app that is the market Rapid to utilize all advantages of people anywhere. That APEX is a mature solution Oracle Gateway and other accessed daily by tens of Application Development Oracle, SQL and PL/SQL. means that your system can with over 18 years of techniques it is perfect tool that allow you to create thousands of users. Oracle Dozens of components and be used faster, better and development and clear choice for customized APEX can also be used to applications very fast, based region types, analytic SQL, without boundaries of your statement of direction what database applications used on data you store in Oracle build internal apps, for a few SQL, pattern matching, office space. makes its usage very secure for data collection, database. With Low-Code users, the department, or statistic functions and other for your business. processing. the whole organization, or approach it is faster to tools allow you to interact create solution that is easy to build public-facing apps and analyse your data as to modify in future. for customers and partners. you wish. Database Consulting 2019 8


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