RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby
You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby… RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group
RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group …general experience indicates that "husky" girls…are likely to be more even-tempered and efficient than their underweight sisters. Give every girl an adequate number of rest periods during the day…you have to make some allowances for feminine psychology. A girl has more confidence and consequently is more efficient if she can keep her hair tidied, apply fresh lipstick and wash her hands several times a day. Give the female employee a definite day-long schedule of duties so that she won’t bother the management for instructions every few minutes. Numerous properties say that women make excellent workers when they have their jobs cut out for them but that they lack initiative in finding work themselves.
RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group 11 Tips for Hiring Women: 1. Pick young, married women; they won’t be as flirtatious as single women. 2. Impress upon older women the importance of friendliness and courtesy. 3. Husky girls are more even-tempered and efficient than slim girls. 4. Have a Dr. check their “female” condition to avoid physical or mental weaknesses. 5. Stress the importance of time, or service will be slower. 6. Give a clear schedule or they will bother management asking for instructions all the time. Women lack initiative in finding work for themselves. 7. Change up their jobs. Women are less nervous and happier with change. 8. Frequent rest periods. You have to allow for feminine psychology. 9. Never criticize a woman; it breaks her spirit and cuts her efficiency. 10. Don’t use strong language. 11. Make sure uniforms have a proper fit; this keeps women happy. Transportation Magazine, 1943
RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group Checklist #1 __ Most people describe me as professional __ I have a reputation for being credible __ I am known for being assertive __ I am told I am capable __ When I speak, others know that I am intelligent __ I am comfortable with being direct __ Others describe me as articulate __ I am politically astute in the workplace __ My middle name is “self confident” __ I know how to self-market well
RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group Checklist #2 __ I think there’s gender bias at my work, but I can’t prove it __ I often feel overwhelmed __ I work as hard or harder than my peers but am not rewarded equally __ I feel I’ve hit a wall when it comes to gaining power __ Others dump their work on me…and I do it __ I shouldn’t have to ask for raises or promotions; they know I work hard __ I stay out of all office politics __ I feel I am not heard or my ideas are dismissed __ I’m not sure how to deal with the jerks and bullies in my workplace __ I second- guess myself or think I’m not ready for some opportunities
RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group Gender-bias; real or imagined 26 percent of men; 39 percent of women prefer a male boss. 48% from 2000 Source: Gallup, October 2014
RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group Gender-bias; real or imagined • Women still earn 79 cents for every dollar a man earns - Economic Policy Institute, 2014 • Women score less favorably on performance evaluations than men • Fortune magazine reports only 27 of the 1,000 largest U.S. companies are headed by women. In 2012, it was a whopping 20. So what? “Rationalizing, defending and bemoaning won’t get you where you want to be. It’s an excuse to stay where you are.” - Lois P. Frankel, Author, Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office
RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group Overwhelmed? You may be working too hard. Myth: “Women have to work twice as hard to be considered half as good” • Everyone is expected to carry their fair share; but there’s more to a job than work. • Building relationships is as important as working on tasks. Spend 5% of your day building relationships in your company and industry. • People are promoted because of their character; not just because they work hard.
RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group I get title changes but no real power • Define what you want; what you really, really want • Create action steps • Learn to negotiate like a ninja • Know your walking point
RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group How to establish a “no dumping” policy • Practice saying, “No.” “You know, I’d love to help you, but I’m just swamped.” • Work on losing the guilt “I don’t have to feel guilty about seeing that my own needs are met.” • Managers: Don’t let people delegate up. It isn’t better to just do it yourself. Suggest a co-worker to help or use it as a teaching opportunity.
RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group I shouldn’t have to ask “ Perks are like your wardrobe; they introduce you to your associates.” - Gail Evans, Author, Play Like a Man, Win Like a Woman • Ask; don’t hint. • Approach from a sense of ‘worthiness’ • Speak up in declarative sentences • Toot your own horn • Be ready for someone to not like you for it
RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group Office politics are terrible! The business of politics is the business of relationships • Learn quid pro quo • Be willing to concede on small points to get what you want • Let others see you as a problem-solver; not the problem • Remember, workplace politics are just like any other relationship; it’s all give -and-take and relationship-building
RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group I just said that! • You can disagree without being disagreeable • Practice giving your opinions at meetings • Practice not giving your opinion about everything • Don’t speak ‘weak’ • Stand up for yourself Brilliant idea, Alice! Now that’s channeling your Y chromosome.”
RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group Bullies and jerks and blockheads, oh my! • Trust your instincts • Distance yourself from them • Politely, but firmly, tell the jerk to take a hike • Re-direct unwarranted blame back to the proper source “You’ve got to bully a bully.” - Barbara Corcoran, Real Estate Mogul, Author
RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group Ready or not, here I come! Remember, it’s about your choices Expand your possibilities at every fork in the road Consider unconventional choices Be aware of self-limiting thoughts: • “I’m not that brave” • “They’ll never approve this” • “I’m not really qualified” Learn from other successful women Accept uncertainty Take a risk “If you want to get noticed, write your name on the wall.” - Barbara Corcoran, Real Estate Mogul, Author
RAB, BMI & MIW Radio Group
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