year end fye19 workshop updates

Year End FYE19 Workshop (Updates) June 3, 2019 CITY & COUNTY - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Year End FYE19 Workshop (Updates) June 3, 2019 CITY & COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Office of the Controller WebEx Users: E-mail with questions Questions 2 For WebEx Users If you have any questions during the

  1. Year End FYE19 Workshop (Updates) June 3, 2019 CITY & COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Office of the Controller WebEx Users: E-mail with questions

  2. Questions 2 For WebEx Users If you have any questions during the presentation, please e-mail: WebEx Users: E-mail with questions

  3. 3 Updates to Pending Items WebEx Users: E-mail with questions

  4. Pending Items 4 Allocations after June 30 and its impact on cash movement – Cash sh movement ment is allowed ed after er • 6/30/19. . Refer er to to the e Year ar End Q Q&A Payable/Receivable in IDS billings- Refer er to to subseq sequen uent t IDS slides • If departments accrue A/R as abatement of expenditure and use Analysis Type GLE, it will create • revenue recognition in Project Costing module. Solution to this issue is TBD; Recommendation is to not process accruals as expenditure abatement, but as revenue only. – Still l pending BI updates on FYE19 encumbrance balances after PO Roll – Still ll pending • Journal Date to use for the FM13 accrual entries – Confirm rmed ed to to be 6/30/19 • A/P and A/R accrual in CAFR ledgers – Refer er to to the e Year ar End Q&A • SU or budget movement in FM13 - Refer fer to to the Year ear End d Q&A • Cash deposit correction after AR module is closed - Refer er to to the e Year ar End Q Q&A • WebEx Users: E-mail with questions

  5. Pending Items 5 Yea ear r En End d Q & A – year-end-close WebEx Users: E-mail with questions

  6. 6 Interdepartmental Services (Work Orders) Jane Yuan Of Office ce of the Contr troller oller WebEx Users: E-mail with questions

  7. IDS (Work Orders) 7 Month 13 IDS (Work Orders) Billing Entries (Original Plan) Performing Department Responsible Dept for Fiscal Fiscal Auto Entry Module Source Line Journal Class *Ledger Account Account Description Fund Dept Authority Project Activity An Type Amount Note Entry Year Month Reverse Requesting 581 Charges Performing Dept 2019 13 1 GL Yes Perf Dept 1 YEACCRADJ ACTUALS 581xxx IDS Account xxxxx Dept Code xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx GLE 10,000 Perf Dept 486 Recovery Performing Dept 2019 13 1 GL Yes Perf Dept 3 YEACCRADJ ACTUALS 486xxx Recovery Account xxxxx Code xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx GLR (10,000) TBD Interfund Payable Requesting Instructions to be provided Performing Dept 2019 13 1 GL Yes Perf Dept 2 YEACCRADJ ACTUALS TBD Intrafund Payable xxxxx Dept Code xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx BAL (10,000) TBD Interfund Receivable Perf Dept Instructions to be provided Performing Dept 2019 13 1 GL Yes Perf Dept 4 YEACCRADJ ACTUALS TBD Intrafund Receivable xxxxx Code xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx BAL 10,000 FY 20 real billing Performing Dept 2020 1 3 GL No IDS 1 None ACTUALS 486xxx Recovery Account xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx GLR (10,000) FY 20 real billing Performing Dept 2020 1 3 GL No IDS 2 None ACTUALS 581xxx IDS Account xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx GLE 10,000 Requesting Department Responsible Dept for Fiscal Fiscal Auto Entry Module Source Line Journal Class *Ledger Account Account Description Fund Dept Authority Project Activity Bud Ref Amount Note Entry Year Month Reverse - FY 20 budget adjustment - For Continuing Fund only Requesting Dept 2020 1 2 KK N/A Req Dept 1 YEPOSTROL CC_Detail 581xxx IDS Account xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx 4 (10,000) Add all l relat lated ed documen uments (both th reques uestin ting and performi forming) g) in the e long g descrip ription tion • The e use of Payable ble and d Receiv eivable, able, incl cluding uding thei eir r accou ount codes s and the use of auto rever versal al, in the e • entr try above ve is pending ding wheth ether er cash sh movement vement will ll be allow lowed ed after er June e 30 WebEx Users: E-mail with questions

  8. IDS (Work Orders) 8 Month 13 IDS (Work Orders) Billing Entries (Updated Instruction) Performing Department Responsible Dept for Fiscal Fiscal Auto Entry Module Source Line Journal Class *Ledger Account Account Description Fund Dept Authority Project Activity An Type Amount Note Entry Year Month Reverse Requesting 581 Charges Performing Dept 2019 13 1 GL No Perf Dept 1 No Need ACTUALS 581xxx IDS Account xxxxx Dept Code xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx GLE 10,000 Perf Dept 486 Recovery Performing Dept 2019 13 1 GL No Perf Dept 3 No Need ACTUALS 486xxx Recovery Account xxxxx Code xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx GLR (10,000) Inter-IntraUnit Cash Requesting Cash Balancing line Performing Dept 2019 13 1 GL No Perf Dept 2 No Need ACTUALS 100005 Balancing xxxxx Dept Code xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx BAL (10,000) Inter-IntraUnit Cash Perf Dept Cash Balancing line Performing Dept 2019 13 1 GL No Perf Dept 4 No Need ACTUALS 100005 Balancing xxxxx Code xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx BAL 10,000 Requesting Department Responsible Dept for Fiscal Fiscal Auto Entry Module Source Line Journal Class *Ledger Account Account Description Fund Dept Authority Project Activity Bud Ref Amount Note Entry Year Month Reverse - FY 20 budget adjustment - For Continuing Fund only Requesting Dept 2020 1 2 KK N/A Req Dept 1 YEPOSTROL CC_Detail 581xxx IDS Account xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx 4 (10,000) Add all l relat lated ed documen uments (both th reques uestin ting and performi forming) g) in the e long g descrip ription tion • Cash sh move vemen ment t has s been determin termined d as all llowable. wable. Perfo formi rming departmen tment t shoul ould d proce cess ss work order r • billing llings s as usual. ual. Reques uestin ting departmen tments ts must t submi mit t FY FY20 budget et adju justmen tment t if continu tinuing fun und. d. WebEx Users: E-mail with questions

  9. IDS (Work Orders) 9 Auto Reversal WebEx Users: E-mail with questions

  10. 10 Reminders WebEx Users: E-mail with questions

  11. Reminders 11 • DO NOT un un-post post FY FY19 9 Voucher hers with th due date e after er 6/ 6/30/19. 30/19. This his will ll cause se PO PO unusable able in FY FY20 20, , eve ven if this s PO w was rolle lled d from FY FY19 9 to to FY FY20 20 succe cessfu sfull lly. If a voucher line is deleted after roll (and it’s associated encumbrance reversal with it) ) then n the encum umbrance brance will ll be retur urned ed to the distribution stribution line e that t was closed osed through ugh the roll ll and canno not t be corr rrec ected. ed. If a vo voucher her line e is delet leted, ed, and the PO e encum umbra branc nce is negativ atively ely impact acted ed, the PO m must be closed. sed. • DO NOT proc ocess ess AP accr cruals als for PO O relat ated ed vo vouche chers. s. CON ON will ll proc ocess. ess. • Use journal urnal class ss YEARACCR CR for r AR accr crual al entr tries. ies. • Enterprise terprise/Fid /Fiduci uciar ary y Fu Funds: : DO N O NOT prov ovide ide new repor ports ts to to audit ditor ors s witho thout ut cont ntacting acting Joce celyn lyn Quintos; s; okay ay to to provide ide repo ports ts that at have ve been en provided ided to to audit itor ors last st fiscal cal ye year ar WebEx Users: E-mail with questions

  12. Accruals 12 Accruals Expenditures that need to be accrued will generally fall into one of four categories. Th This will • determine whether the entries will be processed by the Controller’s Office or the Department. Continuing Fund Annual Fund 1) Accrual Entry in FM13 in FYE19 1) Accrual Entry in FM13 in FYE19 Expenditures 2) Budget Reduction Entry in FYE20 2) Budget Reduction Entry in FYE20 Paid Through PO Vouchers Entries: CON Entries: CON Expenditures 1) Accrual Entry in FM13 in FYE19 1) Accrual Entry in FM13 in FYE19 1) Not Paid 2) Budget Reduction Entry in FYE20 2) Paid through Non-PO Vouchers Entries: DEPT Entry: DEPT WebEx Users: E-mail with questions

  13. Reminders 13 Revenue Accrual Revenue enue accrua crual journal urnal entr try: y: • To rec ecor ord d the e revenu nue e and d receiv ceivable ble (e.g. .g. Accoun ount t 1000 0029 29) ) in FYE19 19 and; d; • To rev everse erse in the first st peri eriod od of FYE20 20 using ng the e auto-reversal ersal function ction in the e syst stem em • If depar artm tments ents accr crue ue A/R as abat atemen ement of expen pendi ditu ture e and d use e Anal alysis ysis Type pe GLE, E, it will creat eate rev evenu enue e rec ecognition ognition in Project oject Costing sting module. ule. Solutio olution to to this s issue sue is TB TBD. Reco commenda mendati tion on is to to not t proc ocess ss accr crua uals ls as expen pendi ditu ture e abat atement, ment, but as rev even enue ue only. • Use journ urnal clas ass s YEARACCR CR for r AR accr crual al entrie tries. s. WebEx Users: E-mail with questions

  14. 14 Interest Allocation WebEx Users: E-mail with questions


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