year 4 maths

YEAR 4 - MATHS Week 7-8 ACTIVITIES Activity 1 P lace value - Page - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

YEAR 4 - MATHS Week 7-8 ACTIVITIES Activity 1 P lace value - Page 3 Activity 2 Order and compare numbers - Page 12 Activity 3 Order and compare numbers with decimals - Page 22 Activity 4 Rounding - Page 39 Activity 5 Rounding

  1. Rounding Which multiple of 1000 is it closet to? If your are rounding to the nearest 1000 you have to find the multiple of 1000 it is closest to.

  2. Rounding Which multiple of 1000 is it closet to? If your are rounding to the nearest 1000 you have to find the multiple of 1000 it is closest to.

  3. Rounding Thinking about what you have just learnt. What do you think you do if you are rounding to the nearest 10 or 100?

  4. Rounding Thinking about what you have just learnt. What do you think you do if you are rounding to the nearest 10 or 100? If your are rounding to the nearest 10 you have to find the multiple of 10 it is closest to. If your are rounding to the nearest 100 you have to find the multiple of 100 it is closest to.

  5. Rounding to the nearest 100

  6. Rounding to the nearest 100

  7. Rounding to the nearest 100

  8. Rounding Use your learning and look at these rounding rules to help you complete activity 4 (M (Maths aths Task sks s Document cument page 4)

  9. Activity 5 – Starter Let’s warm up our brains ☺ Play game 1 to practise your mental addition and subtraction CHALLENGE – Also play games two and three

  10. Rounding Wh What at do you rem emem ember er about ab t rounding ding an and t the e rule les? s?

  11. Rounding If your are rounding to the nearest 10 you have to find the multiple of 10 that it is closest to. If your are rounding to the nearest 100 you have to find the multiple of 100 that it is closest to. If your are rounding to the nearest 1000 you have to find the multiple of 1000 that it is closest to.

  12. Rounding To Today ay we ar e are e lo looking ing at at nu number ers s wit ith h one ne dec ecim imal al pl plac ace a e and r round nding ing to the e nea eares est whole ole number. er.

  13. Rounding Look k at at t the e le letters. ers. Wh Whic ich 2 w whole le nu numbers ers ar are t e they ey bet etwee een? n?

  14. Rounding Look k at at t the e le letters. ers. Wh Whic ich 2 w whole le nu numbers ers ar are t e they ey bet etwee een? n?

  15. Rounding Look k at at t the e le letters. ers. Wh Whic ich whole le nu number er ar are t e they ey clo lose sest st to?

  16. Rounding Look k at at t the e le letters. ers. Wh Whic ich whole le nu number er ar are t e they ey clo lose sest st to?

  17. Rounding Use se yo your r le lear arni ning ng to compl plete ete ac activ ivity ity 5 ( (Mat aths hs Tas asks s Document ent pa page 5) e 5)

  18. Activity 6 – Starter Let’s warm up our brains ☺ 2 x tables hit the button game

  19. Negative Numbers Start at 10 and count backwards as fast as you can.

  20. Negative Numbers Start at 10 and count backwards as fast as you can. Did you stop at zero or did you say some negative numbers?

  21. Negative Numbers Negative numbers are less than zero

  22. Negative Numbers Use the number line to count backwards from 7 to -3

  23. Negative Numbers Use the number line to count forwards from -8 to 3

  24. Negative Numbers What is one more than -5?

  25. Negative Numbers -4. You move right along the number line to find one more or left to find one less.

  26. Negative Numbers Where could you see negative numbers in real life?

  27. Negative Numbers Temperature You read about negative numbers in weather reports and on food packaging. The temperature -5°C is ‘negative five degrees’ and it means 5 degrees below zero.

  28. Negative Numbers Buildings In some buildings, if you watch the floors as you go down in a lift, you’ll see negative numbers. I get in a lift at floor two and go down. 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2 In this example building, -2 is the second floor underground.

  29. Negative Numbers Use your learning to complete activity 6. (Maths Tasks Document – page 7)

  30. Activity 7 – Starter Let’s warm up our brains ☺ Play archery addition – 2s and 5s ery-Arithmetic-Multiplication

  31. Discuss – How would you solve this addition? Th Th H T O 1 4 2 1 3 5 5 6 +

  32. Discuss – How would you solve this addition? Steps Th Th H T O - Add the ones 1 4 2 1 3 5 5 6 +

  33. Discuss – How would you solve this addition? Steps Th Th H T O - Add the ones 1 4 2 1 3 5 5 6 + 7

  34. Discuss – How would you solve this addition? Steps Th Th H T O - Add the ones 1 4 2 1 - Add the tens 3 5 5 6 + 7

  35. Discuss – How would you solve this addition? Steps Th Th H T O - Add the ones 1 4 2 1 - Add the tens 3 5 5 6 + 7 7

  36. Discuss – How would you solve this addition? Steps Th Th H T O - Add the ones 1 4 2 1 - Add the tens - Add the 3 5 5 6 hundreds + 7 7

  37. Discuss – How would you solve this addition? Steps Th Th H T O - Add the ones 1 4 2 1 - Add the tens - Add the 3 5 5 6 hundreds + 9 7 7

  38. Discuss – How would you solve this addition? Steps Th Th H T O - Add the ones 1 4 2 1 - Add the tens - Add the 3 5 5 6 hundreds + - Add the thousands 9 7 7

  39. Discuss – How would you solve this addition? Steps Th Th H T O - Add the ones 1 4 2 1 - Add the tens - Add the 3 5 5 6 hundreds + - Add the thousands 4 9 7 7

  40. Discussion 2 - How would I solve this addition? Th Th H T O 1 5 6 8 3 6 2 9 +

  41. Discussion 2 - How would I solve this addition? Step 1 – Add the ones Th Th H T O If the number is higher than ten ones, carry the tens underneath the tens column and write the 1 5 6 8 ones in the ones column 3 6 2 9 +

  42. Discussion 2 - How would I solve this addition? Step 1 – Add the ones Th Th H T O If the number is higher than ten ones, carry the tens underneath the tens column and write the 1 5 6 8 ones in the ones column 3 6 2 9 + 7 1

  43. Discussion 2 - How would I solve this addition? Step 1 – Add the ones Th Th H T O If the number is higher than ten ones, carry the tens underneath the tens column and write the 1 5 6 8 ones in the ones column Step 2 – Add the tens (don’t forget any tens carried from the 3 6 2 9 ones) + If the number is higher than ten tens, carry the hundreds underneath the hundreds column 7 and write the tens in the tens column 1

  44. Discussion 2 - How would I solve this addition? Step 1 – Add the ones Th Th H T O If the number is higher than ten ones, carry the tens underneath the tens column and write the 1 5 6 8 ones in the ones column Step 2 – Add the tens (don’t 3 6 2 9 forget any tens carried from the + ones) If the number is higher than ten tens, carry the hundreds 9 7 underneath the hundreds column and write the tens in the tens column 1

  45. Discussion 2 - How would I solve this addition? Step 3 – Add the hundreds Th Th H T O (don’t forget any hundreds carried from the tens) If the number is higher than ten 1 5 6 8 hundreds, carry the thousands underneath the thousands column and write the hundreds 3 6 2 9 in the hundreds column + 9 7 1

  46. Discussion 2 - How would I solve this addition? Step 3 – Add the hundreds Th Th H T O (don’t forget any hundreds carried from the tens) If the number is higher than ten 1 5 6 8 hundreds, carry the thousands underneath the thousands column and write the hundreds 3 6 2 9 in the hundreds column + 1 9 7 1 1

  47. Discussion 2 - How would I solve this addition? Step 3 – Add the hundreds Th Th H T O (don’t forget any hundreds carried from the tens) If the number is higher than ten 1 5 6 8 hundreds, carry the thousands underneath the thousands column and write the hundreds 3 6 2 9 in the hundreds column + Step 4 – Add the thousands (don’t forget any thousands 1 9 7 carried from the hundreds) 1 1

  48. Discussion 2 - How would I solve this addition? Step 3 – Add the hundreds Th Th H T O (don’t forget any hundreds carried from the tens) If the number is higher than ten 1 5 6 8 hundreds, carry the thousands underneath the thousands column and write the hundreds 3 6 2 9 in the hundreds column + Step 4 – Add the thousands (don’t forget any thousands 5 1 9 7 carried from the hundreds) 1 1

  49. Addition Use your learning to complete activity 7. (Maths Task Document page 9)

  50. Activity 8 - Starter Let’s warm up our brains ☺ Play learn your tables – 2s and 5s and 10s

  51. Discuss – how would you solve this subtraction? Step 1 – Subtract the ones. Th Th H T O 9 7 6 4 3 1 2 1 −

  52. Discuss – how would you solve this subtraction? Step 1 – Subtract the ones. Th Th H T O 9 7 6 4 3 1 2 1 − 3

  53. Discuss – how would you solve this subtraction? Step 1 – Subtract the ones. Th Th H T O Step 2 – Subtract the tens 9 7 6 4 3 1 2 1 − 3

  54. Discuss – how would you solve this subtraction? Step 1 – Subtract the ones. Th Th H T O Step 2 – Subtract the tens 9 7 6 4 3 1 2 1 − 4 3

  55. Discuss – how would you solve this subtraction? Step 1 – Subtract the ones. Th Th H T O Step 2 – Subtract the tens 9 7 6 4 Step 3 – Subtract the hundreds 3 1 2 1 − 4 3


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