xe doping motivation and plans

Xe doping: Motivation and Plans M. Gold, U. New Mexico humanity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Xe doping: Motivation and Plans M. Gold, U. New Mexico humanity light the life of man Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 1 Light low E resolution (10~20)% PID, fiducial BG rejection T 0 for

  1. Xe doping: Motivation and Plans M. Gold, U. New Mexico humanity “light the life of man” Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 1

  2. Light • low E resolution (10~20)% • PID, fiducial • BG rejection • T 0 for non-beam “Scintillation light is becoming the most rapidly developing feature of Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) neutrino detectors due to its capability to enhance and expand their physics reach traditionally based on charge readout. ” Szelc, JINST 11 , February 2016 Xe doping • Shifting λ 128 → 175 nm • NIR 1100-1600 nm Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 2

  3. Wavelength shift: How much Xe do you need? α source ← λ O. Cheshnovsky, B. Raz, J. Jortner, in~1cm 3 cell J. Chem. Phys. 57 (1972) 4628. Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 3

  4. Wavelength shift: How much Xe do you need? in~1cm 3 cell 10 ppm, Xe absorbs > 80% of the energy (nearly all slow triplet) e - beam 175 149 A. Neumeier, et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 800, 70-81 (2015) Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 4

  5. Timing Ar - singlet ~ 10 ns, triplet: ~ 1600 ns Xe - singlet ~ 7 ns, triplet: ~ 20 ns TallBo 25% prompt TALLBo Whittington, et al. arXiv:1511.06345v2 Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 5

  6. Attenuation length Older measurements for λ (128 nm) Ar ~ 66 cm. e.g. N. Ishida, et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 384 380-386 (1997), Neumeier Eur. Phys. J. C (2012) 72:2190 More recent measurement made measured >110 cm. discrepancy attributed to trace Xe in older measurements. Neumeier, et al., Europhys. Lett. 111 12001 (2015) λ 175 (3%Xe) 118-170 cm with difference is attributed to Xe clumping (irrelevant at small concentrations) (Ishida, ibid) Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 6

  7. Trace Xe, very bad Electron beam induced emission, T. Heindl et al., Europhys. Lett. 91, 62002 (2010) Xenon can act as a critical impurity in pure liquid argon scintillation detectors. For a concentration above 0.1 ppm xenon in liquid argon, the mixture is opaque for the scintillation light of pure liquid argon below ∼ 130 nm Neumeier et al. arXiv1511.07725v1 (EPL,2015) Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 7

  8. Wavelength shift simplified process: Neumeier,EPL,106(2014) 32001 as explained by Alex still get Q ~ 25% increase in light. M. Suzuki, et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 327 67-70 (1993) Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 8

  9. Possibilities for direct and indirect 175 nm detection Xe doping can be significant within DUNE proposed light schemes: Reflected light scheme: polished PTFE (teflon) has a reflectivity @175 nm >74%. arXiv:0910.1056 TPB and bis-MSB coated waveguides: evidence that shifting the light to 175 nm gives ~2.5 more light collected by JINST 8 , C12003 (2013). Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 9

  10. Near Infrared Intense Vacuum-Ultraviolet and Infrared Scintillation of Liquid Ar-Xe Mixtures Neumeier arXiv:1511.07723 pure LAr 10 ppm xenon Hamamatsu NIR-PMT Module H10330B-45 SEL Electron-beam induced VUV and IR emission spectra in LAr Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 10

  11. Near Infrared Escobar, et al. arXiv:1603.02290 Neumeier 1511.07722v1 Teledyne Judson InAs Diode Metal-Resistor-Semiconductor Geiger gain Avalanche Photo Diode (MRS GAPD) sensitivity peak 600 nm, extending to 1000 nm. Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 11

  12. Generation 3? Dark Matter single phase LAr : DEAP, MiniCLEAN CERN Yellow Report CERN-2014, arXiv:1504.07050 Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 12

  13. PSD (timing) McKinsey JINST 9 (2014) P06013 pure Ar 1093 ppm Xe Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 13

  14. ? inhomogeneity in 40 cm deep Ar D=fast(<40 ns)/total radon alpha and 228Th gamma events in Ar/Xe 300ppm Schönert, JINST 8 (2008) P08007 Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 14

  15. Possibly improved PSD for dark matter, combining VUV,NIR expect more NIR for denser ionization tracks 86% Neumeier arXv:1511.07723 Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 15

  16. BACoN ♮ 120L, thanks to Keith Rielage (LANL) Ongoing R&D at UNM ♮ tortured acronym Alex Mills Keith Rielage UNM student Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 16

  17. On loan to UNM from LANL 1 . Bacon 100 liter chamber — two chambers with lids, inside the inner can lined with TPB coated teflon sheets 2. Cryomech AL60 refrigerator— compressor, cold head 3. SAES getter 4. 2 R11065 PMTs 5. Lakeshore temperature monitor 6. AMI level sensor 7. Pfeiffer Prisma Plus RGA UNM scrounged vacuum pumps Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 17

  18. Ar condenser designed by undergrad A. Mills (now UNM grad) MDC vacuum, expect delivery now! Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 18

  19. preparing to cool with LN ICARUS Collaboration, “Design, construction and tests of the ICARUS T600 detector”, grease Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A527 329–410 (2004) sampling senior lab vacuum chamber We got cheap RGA! Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 19

  20. well for source Some R&D goals: TPB coated liner put all the pieces together and see light! controlled doping procedure in range 1~10 PPM (precision manometer) measure depth uniformity ( RGA) reproduce previous Ar → Xe in large Vol.,1 glass PMT+TPB coated acrylic disk + VUV sensor (e.g. R11410 arXiv:1202.2628, siPM nEXO in arXiv:1502.07837) efficiency of polished PTFE reflector study NIR emission (sensor, siPM Advatech ) scale up to CAPTAIN Possible Collaborators: R. Cooper, NMSU?,xxx? Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 20

  21. Photon Detector Workshop, CSU May 17-18 2016 M. Gold, UNM 21


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