EWS Anti-Doping Seminar Justin Lessard Legal Anti-Doping Services
Agenda 1. Who’s Who 2. Anti-Doping Rules in 5 points 3. Basic Precautions 4. Report Doping 5. Further information / Education Tools
1 Who’s Wh o Actors & Structure 3
International Level National Level IFs NADOs
2 Anti-Doping Rules in 5 points 1. The Prohibited List 2. Strict Liability 3. Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) 4. Testing 5. Anti-Doping Rule Violations & Sanction 5
2.1 The Prohibited List “ The Prohibited List identifies the substances and methods that are prohibited in- and out-of- competition, and in particular sports.” ▪ Prohibited at all times (e.g. EPO) vs in-competition only (e.g. cannabinoids) ▪ Revised every year by WADA – Effective 1 January ▪ Available online here ▪ Useful Resources: Globaldro.com and download the Antidoping.ch App ▪ Open categories 6
2.2 Strict Liability “ YOU and ONLY YOU are responsible for what goes into your body. ” ▪ Violation regardless of Intention ▪ Take extreme caution before taking any Medication/Supplement. 7
Injuries: Always double check medications ▪ Wounds ▪ Sunburns ▪ Rashes from bike saddle ▪ Flu (pseudoephedrine) 27 June, 2019
Dietary Supplements “The use of any dietary supplement is at your own risk.” ▪ They can contain a Prohibited Substance even if it is not listed on the label ▪ Cross-contamination or mislabelling ▪ Assess the need: consult a professional ▪ Assess the risk: Batch-tested supplements ▪ Assess the Consequences: Up to a 4-year ban ▪ Never buy a supplement on the Internet, especially from a reseller website ▪ High-Risk List 27 June, 2019 9
Recreational Drugs - If Cocaine or Cannabis is found in a sample you provide in-competition, you will be sanctioned even if you used the substance out-of-competition. - It is very hard to predict how long the traces will remain in your body. - The use of Cocaine and Cannabis (even out-of-competition) is therefore very risky. 10
2.3 Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) “A TUE is special permission to use a prohibited substance or method for a legitimate medical condition.” ▪ Managed by NADO/UCI − If the need arises during an EWS Event → contact TUE@cadf.ch − If you are included in the UCI RTP → contact TUE@cadf.ch − Otherwise → Contact your NADO ▪ TUE application shall be made and granted before starting the treatment (unless in case of true emergencies) ▪ UCI TUE Committee: Independent Medical Experts ▪ Further information on TUE: UCI/NADO website 11
2.3 TUEs Requirements – a. The Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method in question is needed to treat an acute or chronic medical condition, such that the Rider would experience a significant impairment to health if the Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method were to be withheld. – b. The Therapeutic Use of the Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method is highly unlikely to produce any additional enhancement of performance beyond what might be anticipated by a return to the Rider’s normal state of health following the treatment of the acute or chronic medical condition. – c. There is no reasonable Therapeutic alternative to the Use of the Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method . – d. The necessity for the Use of the Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method is not a consequence, wholly or in part, of the prior Use (without a TUE ) of a substance or method which was prohibited at the time of such Use . 12
2.4 Testing ▪ IF/NADO/Major Event Organisation/WADA ▪ In-competition /Out-of-competition ▪ Urine and/or blood Sample ▪ Retesting for up to 10 years 13
Testing Rights & Responsabilities Rights Responsibilities To be accompanied Ensure whether you have been selected to undergo Sample collection Select and seal the A and B bottles Remain under the direct supervision of chaperone/DCO Comment on the DCF Report immediately for doping control Receive copy of the DCF Comply with the sample collection procedure/DCO’s instructions 14
2.5 Anti-Doping Rule Violations & Sanction ▪ Presence of a prohibited substance in a rider’s sample ▪ Use or attempted use of a prohibited substance/method ▪ Evading/Refusing or Failing to submit to sample collection ▪ Failure to file athlete whereabouts information and missed tests ▪ Tampering with any part of the doping control process ▪ Possession of a prohibited substance or method ▪ Trafficking a prohibited substance or method ▪ Administering or attempting to administer a prohibited substance or method to an athlete ▪ Complicity in an ADRV ▪ Prohibited Association with sanctioned athlete support personnel 15
2.5 Anti-Doping Rule Violations & Sanction ▪ Suspension: From reprimand to lifetime ban: Type of ADRV Type of the Substance Circumstances Possible repetition of ADRV First Intentional ADRV: 4 years First Not Intentional ADRV: 2 years ▪ Disqualification of results, financial consequences …… ▪ Start of the sanction 16
3 Basic Precautions 17
Basic Precautions ▪ Always cross-check the ingredients with the Prohibited List ▪ Read the leaflet carefully ▪ Consult a sport specialist (Show him the Prohibited List) ▪ Caution in foreign countries (composition/ over the counter) ▪ Avoid supplements or be extremely careful ▪ Do not purchase product on the Internet, especially from a reseller 18
4 Report Doping 19
What to do if you are made aware of potential violations? ▪ Report it to CADF either: - in person; - by email at reportdoping@cadf.ch (see the relevant section on www.uci.org). ▪ The email address allows you to report the information on a completely anonymous basis if this is what you prefer. ▪ Every information could be important. Please help us protect the clean athletes! 20
5 Further information & Education Tools 21
eLearning platform - ADeL – Easy learning through short videos, exercises and a final test – Five different modules focused on particular stakeholders – ALPHA : Athlete Learning Progam – Available in multiple languages – https://adel.wada-ama.org/ 27 June, 2019 22
UCI website CleanSport Section: www.uci.org/inside-uci/clean-sport CADF website: www.cadf.ch/ WADA website: www.wada-ama.org/en LADS Email: LADS@uci.ch
Thank you 24
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