wren high school wren high school the freshman academy

Wren High School Wren High School The Freshman Academy Academic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to Welcome to Wren High School Wren High School The Freshman Academy Academic Support Create an atmosphere of success Develop good habits Encouragement and recognition Provide opportunities for Involvement Promote

  1. Welcome to Welcome to Wren High School Wren High School

  2. The Freshman Academy • Academic Support • Create an atmosphere of success • Develop good habits • Encouragement and recognition • Provide opportunities for Involvement • Promote class pride

  3. We Want Kids to Enjoy School • Treat students as young adults • Recognition and Awards • Class Pride • Field Trips • Class Trip • Parental Involvement  Social Media, Website, Parent Group

  4. Freshman Academy • Three teams • Each team has 4 teachers: English, math, science & social studies • AE teacher is one of the four • Protected environment


  6. WHY NJROTC? ◼ Advanced Military Enlistment ◼ Area / National Competitions ◼ Joint Military Ball ◼ Leadership Academy ◼ Professional Development ◼ Promotion & Advancement ◼ ROTC Scholarship ◼ Service Academy Nomination ◼ Summer Sail Training


  8. Scheduling Timeline • March 5 th : Students request courses • March 19 th & 20 th : CAPS Conferences (3:30-6 PM, 8 AM-Noon) • April 13 : Deadline for changes • April-June : Build schedule • August : Receive schedule

  9. Academy Schedule A Day B Day 1 st 1 st English (45 min) English (45 min) 2 nd 2 nd Math (45 min) Math (45 min) 3 rd 3 rd Science (45 min) Science (45 min) 4 th 4 th Social Studies (45 min) Social Studies (45 min) Lunch Lunch 5/6 th 5/6 th AE (90 min) Elective #1 (90 min) 7/8 th 7/8 th Elective #2 (90 min) Elective #3 (90 min)


  11. Fine Arts Courses Music Appreciation VIDEO LINK 356110CH Prerequisite: None Description: This course is designed to provide interested students with an opportunity to study music from an analytical approach. Students will learn to read music and analyze various music styles. Chorus 1 VIDEO LINK 354111CW Prerequisite: None Description: This course is offered to students who are interested in choral music. All types of music will be studied and performed. This class is a prerequisite for all other chorus classes. Concert performances are a requirement for this course. Orchestra/Strings 1 VIDEO LINK 354111CW Prerequisite: None Description: This course is offered to students who have participated in the strings program in middle school. Students will continue to develop skills and techniques. Concert performances are a requirement for this course.

  12. English 302400CW English I CP 302500HW English II Honors Your current Science 321100CW Physical Science CP teachers have 321100HW Physical Science Honors made Mathematics 310300CW Transition to Algebra recommendations 411400CW Algebra I CP 411500HW Algebra 2 Honors for your core academic classes. Social Studies 331000CW World Geography CP 337900AW AP Human Geography Required Academic Elective 379939CW Academic Enhancement

  13. Elective Group A (Choose at least 1.5 Electives Group B (Use to complete schedule) units from this group) Academic Electives Fundamentals Comp Sci A/B (0.5 units) Current Events (0.5 units) Law Education (0.5 units) P.E. I (1.0 units) Creative Writing (0.5 units) NJROTC I (1.0 units) Family, Consumer and Career Electives Foods 1 (1.0 units) *Spanish 1 (1.0 units) Family Life (0.5 units) *German 1 (1.0 units) Fine Arts Electives Art 1 (0.5) *Spanish 2 (1.0 units) Theater 1 (0.5) *PLTW Intro Engineering (2.0 units) Theater 2 (0.5) Chorus 1 (1.0) Band 1: Concert (1.0) Orchestra/Strings I (1.0) Music Appreciation (0.5) Business Electives Personal Finance (0.5 units)

  14. Welcome to Welcome to Wren High School Wren High School

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