wps grades 5 8 configuration 2018 2019

WPS Grades 5-8 Configuration 2018-2019 Exploring the Options Option - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WPS Grades 5-8 Configuration 2018-2019 Exploring the Options Option 1 Two grades 5-8 middle schools Option 2 One grade 5-6 intermediary school and one grade 7-8 middle school Potential financial savings Increase equity

  1. WPS Grades 5-8 Configuration 2018-2019 Exploring the Options

  2.  Option 1 – Two grades 5-8 middle schools  Option 2 – One grade 5-6 intermediary school and one grade 7-8 middle school  Potential financial savings  Increase equity amongst our schools  Additional instructional time for students in grade 5  Return all students to Westfield (from Russell)  Delay in construction of the new elementary school

  3. Projected FY18 School Enrollments (Option 1) 3. Adding Grade 5 to current Middle Schools with the same feeder schools (NMS = 151 more students than SMS) School Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 TOTAL North Middle School 218 249 203 227 897 South Middle School 175 178 193 200 746 4. Adding Grade 5 to Middle Schools with Franklin Ave going to NMS & Munger Hill Going to SMS (SMS=13 more students) This would be required in order to have two grade 5-8 middle schools as North’s capacity is 850 students. School Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 TOTAL North Middle School 178 207 203 227 815 South Middle School 215 220 193 200 828

  4. Projected FY18 School Enrollments (Option 2) Creating one 5-6 Intermediate School and one 7-8 Middle School School Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 TOTAL Intermediate School 393 427 820 Middle School 400 427 827

  5. Curriculum and Instruction  Students will be physically located in 5/6 and 7/8 arrangements whether they are in two separate schools or within the same school.  Students in grades 5 and 6 will follow a departmentalized approach, while students in grades 7 and 8 will follow a middle school teaming model.  Existing curriculum materials and instructional practices at all grade levels will be used with both options.  Positive Behavioral Intervention Systems (PBIS) will provide a social / emotional framework to the schools as a whole.

  6. Special Services  One 5-6 middle school (SMS) and one 7-8 middle school (NMS)  Equivalent programs at each school  Comparable number of eligible students  Equivalent number of special education teachers  Equivalent number of special education paraprofessionals  Two 5-8 middle schools  Varied programs at each school (same as current model)  Comparable number of eligible students  Varied number of special education teachers  Varied number of special education paraprofessionals

  7. Title I and Interventions  Potentially, in either grade/school configuration, both schools could receive Title I funding – meaning there is not more federal funds available, just now spread out over more schools  If both schools are Title 1, some Tier 2 and 3 Interventions could be administered by grant funded interventionists to students in need with potentially equitable programs and staffing  In either configuration, additional intervention materials and training for staff will be required to ensure student success

  8. English Learner Program  One grade 5-6 school and one grade 7-8 school  Equitable for All Students  Provides an opportunity for EL students to attend their neighborhood intermediary and middle school  Staffing and Resources  District would have to relocate ESL staff and/or hire additional staff to provide services for ELs at both sites  Additional ESL curricular resources would have to be purchased to accommodate ESL classrooms at both sites  Two grades 5-8 schools  EL Program remains at South Middle School  Staffing and Resources  District would have to relocate ESL staff and/or hire additional staff to provide services for ELs at South Middle School  Additional ESL curricular resources would have to be purchased to accommodate an additional ESL classrooms at South Middle School

  9. TRANSPORTATION Westfield Public Schools Petitt Bus Company Two 5-8 Grade Schools One 5-6 School & One 7-8 School *Applies t to both s scenar arios  No additional buses needed  Requires restructuring transportation system  Frees up 5-buses on the C- run*  Need 5-6 more buses and additional mini-vans  5 th grade walking distance  Need to change St. Mary’s increases from 1.5 to 2 miles* time or use Middle Schools as hubs.  Recommend later ending time to elementary school day*

  10. IF YOUR DESE LICENSE IS…  Elementary 1 -6  MUST teach more than one subject (e.g. Math and Science)  Are able to teach grades 5 & 6 in either model  Elementary K -8  MUST teach more than one subject (e.g. ELA and SS)  Are able to teach all grades in either model  Subject Specific 5 -8  MUST teach only that subject (e.g. all Math or all Science)  Are able to teach all grades in either model


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