WPS Grades 5-8 Configuration 2018-2019 Exploring the Options
Option 1 – Two grades 5-8 middle schools Option 2 – One grade 5-6 intermediary school and one grade 7-8 middle school Potential financial savings Increase equity amongst our schools Additional instructional time for students in grade 5 Return all students to Westfield (from Russell) Delay in construction of the new elementary school
Projected FY18 School Enrollments (Option 1) 3. Adding Grade 5 to current Middle Schools with the same feeder schools (NMS = 151 more students than SMS) School Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 TOTAL North Middle School 218 249 203 227 897 South Middle School 175 178 193 200 746 4. Adding Grade 5 to Middle Schools with Franklin Ave going to NMS & Munger Hill Going to SMS (SMS=13 more students) This would be required in order to have two grade 5-8 middle schools as North’s capacity is 850 students. School Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 TOTAL North Middle School 178 207 203 227 815 South Middle School 215 220 193 200 828
Projected FY18 School Enrollments (Option 2) Creating one 5-6 Intermediate School and one 7-8 Middle School School Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 TOTAL Intermediate School 393 427 820 Middle School 400 427 827
Curriculum and Instruction Students will be physically located in 5/6 and 7/8 arrangements whether they are in two separate schools or within the same school. Students in grades 5 and 6 will follow a departmentalized approach, while students in grades 7 and 8 will follow a middle school teaming model. Existing curriculum materials and instructional practices at all grade levels will be used with both options. Positive Behavioral Intervention Systems (PBIS) will provide a social / emotional framework to the schools as a whole.
Special Services One 5-6 middle school (SMS) and one 7-8 middle school (NMS) Equivalent programs at each school Comparable number of eligible students Equivalent number of special education teachers Equivalent number of special education paraprofessionals Two 5-8 middle schools Varied programs at each school (same as current model) Comparable number of eligible students Varied number of special education teachers Varied number of special education paraprofessionals
Title I and Interventions Potentially, in either grade/school configuration, both schools could receive Title I funding – meaning there is not more federal funds available, just now spread out over more schools If both schools are Title 1, some Tier 2 and 3 Interventions could be administered by grant funded interventionists to students in need with potentially equitable programs and staffing In either configuration, additional intervention materials and training for staff will be required to ensure student success
English Learner Program One grade 5-6 school and one grade 7-8 school Equitable for All Students Provides an opportunity for EL students to attend their neighborhood intermediary and middle school Staffing and Resources District would have to relocate ESL staff and/or hire additional staff to provide services for ELs at both sites Additional ESL curricular resources would have to be purchased to accommodate ESL classrooms at both sites Two grades 5-8 schools EL Program remains at South Middle School Staffing and Resources District would have to relocate ESL staff and/or hire additional staff to provide services for ELs at South Middle School Additional ESL curricular resources would have to be purchased to accommodate an additional ESL classrooms at South Middle School
TRANSPORTATION Westfield Public Schools Petitt Bus Company Two 5-8 Grade Schools One 5-6 School & One 7-8 School *Applies t to both s scenar arios No additional buses needed Requires restructuring transportation system Frees up 5-buses on the C- run* Need 5-6 more buses and additional mini-vans 5 th grade walking distance Need to change St. Mary’s increases from 1.5 to 2 miles* time or use Middle Schools as hubs. Recommend later ending time to elementary school day*
IF YOUR DESE LICENSE IS… Elementary 1 -6 MUST teach more than one subject (e.g. Math and Science) Are able to teach grades 5 & 6 in either model Elementary K -8 MUST teach more than one subject (e.g. ELA and SS) Are able to teach all grades in either model Subject Specific 5 -8 MUST teach only that subject (e.g. all Math or all Science) Are able to teach all grades in either model
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