. . . . WP6 Query Transformation Diego Calvanese Free Univ. of Bozen-Bolzano Optique Kickoff Meeting November 7th, 2012, Oslo
. .. . The Optique Project 2 / 6 Optique Architecture
. .. . The Optique Project 2 / 6 Optique Architecture: WP6
. .. . What: development, implementation, and evaluation of the Optique query transformation system. How: Make use of optimized ontology and mapping layers: 1. Design of optimized ontology and mappings. 2. Adaptation based on requirement changes. 3. Tuning based on execution feedback. Who: FUB (66 PMs), UNIROMA1 (16 PMs), UOXF.BL (12 PMs), U.o.A (12 PMs) The Optique Project 3 / 6 WP6 : Query Transformation
. .. . Design, implementation, and testing of a collection of techniques for: query transformation system. over the data sources. system in response to changes in The Optique Project 4 / 6 WP6 : Objectives . (Semi-)automatic configuration of the various levels of the . Automatic efficient rewriting of end-user queries into queries . Tuning the different components of the query transformation . the ontology and mapping layers, . the query load, and . the data source configuration.
. Contributors: UOXF.BL and UNIROMA1 on optimizations The Optique Project Contributors: UOXF.BL on evaluation Lead: FUB T6.4: Query Transformation Sub-System Implem. and Evaluation Contributors: U.o.A on cloud technique for updates and tuning Lead: FUB T6.3: Transformation System Tuning Lead: FUB .. T6.2: Runtime Query Rewriting U.o.A on initialization for cloud Contributors: UNIROMA1 on mapping analysis Lead: FUB T6.1: Transformation system configuration . 5 / 6 WP6 : Tasks
. .. . D6.1: WP6.1 Year 1 progress report (month 12) D6.2: Transformation system configuration techniques (month 24) D6.3: Runtime query rewriting techniques (month 36) D6.4: Transformation system tuning techniques (month 48) The Optique Project 6 / 6 WP6 : Deliverables
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