World Fit For Kids Benefit Concert Personal Project by Leslie Garcia
Background My main inspiration for this project was Chancelor Bennett’s, Chance the Rapper, work with the non-profit organization Social Works. This organization hosts events across the city of Chicago to raise money to fund arts programs in Chicago Public Schools. This inspired me to: Become more knowledgeable about non-profit organizations ● Give back to programs that have helped myself and others improve on different skills ● provided through WFIT Understand the process of planning events like these all for a good cause ● Take up responsibilities that required me to stay consistent of my work habits ●
World Fit For Kids Non-profit organization ● “provides vital healthy behaviors programming and targeted academic support to instill in ● youth the knowledge, skills and confidence required to make healthy choices that last a lifetime.” Training activities for volunteers for these programs ● Present in middle schools and high schools ● Run after school programs which include: ● - physical activities - musical ensembles - mentoring - academic support
Planning Used the organizer resources that were provided for this project to create a timeline that ● I would use to stay on top of my project - success criteria - research plan - action plan Discussed with Ms. Silverman the things that I needed to do in order to plan this event ● - Master Calendar event - Speak to the ensembles - Speak to Stage crew - Gather items for concessions etc.
Taking Action Master Calendared event ● Created a timeline for this event ● Asked the groups to perform at this event before break ● Created flyers ● Spoke to stage crew ● Created programs ● Gathered items for concessions ● Advertised this event through: ● - social media - flyers - speaking to my teachers and classes to spread word about this event
Big Band Program was introduced spring semester of the 2016-2017 school year ● Directed by Mr. Mark Masters ● Meets every Thursday ● Open to students in 7-12th grade ● Teaches students how to improvise by the various exercises of free bop used during ● rehearsals to help students become comfortable with improvisation
Big Band
Mr. Mark Masters, Big Band Director
Andeanna Olivas (left), Matthew Trejo (right), Big Band Leslie Garcia (left), Nicholas Padilla (right), Big Band
Henry Baskin, Big Band
Kayson Capati, Big Band
Thelonious Monk Jazz Combo Provided by The Thelonious Monk Jazz Institute at UCLA through Beyond the Bell Arts ● and Entertainment Students from this institute help instruct this small ensemble at ERHS ● Meets every Wednesday ● This ensemble is the peak of your instrumental music standing ● - Teachings of music theory including understanding chord changes, establishing concrete understanding of improvisation, and much more Knowledge on music theory expands in this ensemble which ultimately leads to being able ● to audition for the All City Jazz band which is directed by Mr. Anthony White and Dr. JB Dyas in representation for LAUSD
Thelonious Monk Jazz Combo
Luke Lambino, Thelonious Monk Jazz Combo
Kailani Tokiyeda, Thelonious Monk Jazz Band
Jacob Cabrera, Thelonious Monk Jazz Combo
Chester Cahill, Thelonious Monk Jazz Combo
Latin Jazz Band Up and running for the last 15 years ● Current director, Mario Candelario, started instructing this group in 2016 ● Meets every Tuesday for two hours ● Open to students in 7-12th grade ● Rehearse Afro-Cuban pieces from composers such as: ● - Ray Baretto - Tito Puente - Eddie Palmieri Perform in community events such as: ● - The Eagle Rock Music Festival - Center for the Arts Ice Cream Socials Voted Best Band in Eagle Rock ●
Latin Jazz Band
Mr. Mario Calendario, Latin Jazz Band Director
Lee Chico, Latin Jazz Band
Alejandro Espinoza (left), Keira Kevany (right)
Jenlane Feng, Latin Jazz Band
Jamie Baranda, Latin Jazz Band
Adrian Diaz, Latin Jazz Band
Reflecting ● The concert was a success in terms of creating a comfortable environment to watch these performances and the donations received. Further understanding about the Fairness and Development Global Context ● ● One is to take initiative and take up responsibilities for the objectives they want to complete.
Thank You
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