Workshop Presentations Wednesday 8 July Graduate Student Workshop Preserving Population Diversity for the Multi�Objective Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows Abel Garcia��ajera Diversity preservation, Similarity measures, Multi�objective optimization, Vehicle routing problem � Some Techniques to Deal with Many�objective Problems Antonio Lopez Jaimes, Carlos Coello Coello Multiobjective optimization, many�objective optimization, preference relations � Improving &SGA�II with an Adaptive Mutation Operator Arthur Gonçalves Carvalho, Aluizio F. R. Araujo Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization, Parameter Control, Adaptive Mutation Operator � Solving the Eltrut Problem with Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms Benjamin James Bush Evolutionary Algorithms, Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms, Eltrut, Turtle graphics, LOGO Turtle � An Exploration of Learning and Grammars in Grammatical Evolution Erik Hemberg Grammatical evolution, meta grammars, representation � Gene &etwork Inference using a Swarm Intelligence Framework Kyriakos Kentzoglanakis, Matthew Poole gene regulatory networks, inference, scale�free, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, swarm intelligence � Multi�colony Ant Colony Optimization for the &ode Placement Problem Leonor Albuquerque Melo node placement problem, ant colony optimization, multi�colony �
Workshop Presentations Wednesday 8 July Learnable Evolution Model Performance Impaired by Binary Tournament Survival Selection Mark Coletti evolutionary computation, machine learning, cultural algorithms, learnable evolution model, function optimization � Combined Effect of the Direction of Information Transmission and the Spatiality over Sustaining Cooperation Ivette C Martínez, Klaus Jaffe cooperation, selfish herd, information transmission, spatial effects, complex networks � Rapid Prototyping Using Evolutionary Approaches: Part 1 �ikhil Padhye, Subodh Kalia Rapid Prototyping, Evolutionary Algorithms � Black Box Optimization Benchmarking (BBOB) &oiseless Functions Black�Box Optimization: Evaluation of a Hybrid Particle Swarm with Differential Operators José García��ieto, Enrique Alba, Javier Apolloni Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, &oiseless Functions, Hybrid Algorithms, Particle Swarm, Differential Evolution � BBOB: &elder�Mead with Resize and Halfruns Benjamin Doerr, Mahmoud Fouz, Martin Schmidt, Magnus Wahlstrom Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Evolutionary computation � AMaLGaM IDEAs in &oiseless Black�Box Optimization Benchmarking Peter A.�. Bosman, Jörn Grahl, Dirk Thierens Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Evolutionary computation � A Memetic Algorithm using Local Search Chaining forBlack�Box Optimization Benchmarking 2009 for &oise Free Functions Daniel Molina, Manuel Lozano, Francisco Herrera Evolutionary computation, Memetic Algorithms, Hybrid Metaheuristics, Black�box optimization, Benchmarking �
Workshop Presentations Wednesday 8 July Black�Box Optimization Benchmarking for &oiseless Function Testbed using an EDA and PSO Hybrid Mohammed El�Abd, Mohamed S. Kamel Benchmarking, Black�box Optimization, Evolutionary Computation, Particle Swarm Optimization, Estimation of Distribution Algorithms, Hybrid Algorithms � Black�Box Optimization Benchmarking for &oiseless Function Testbed using Particle Swarm Optimization Mohammed El�Abd, Mohamed S. Kamel Benchmarking, Black�box Optimization, Evolutionary Computation, Particle Swarm Optimization � Black�Box Optimization Benchmarking for &oiseless Function Testbed using PSO_Bounds Mohammed El�Abd, Mohamed S. Kamel Benchmarking, Black�box Optimization, Evolutionary Computation, Particle Swarm Optimization, Hybrid Algorithms � Black�Box Optimization Benchmarking: Results for the BayEDAcG Algorithm on the &oiseless Function Testbed Marcus R Gallagher Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Evolutionary computation � A Continuous Variable &eighbourhood Search Based on Specialised EAs: Application to the &oiseless BBO�Benchmark 2009 Carlos García�Martínez, Manuel Lozano Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Evolutionary computation, Hybrid metaheuristics, Variable neighbourhood search, Specialised evolutionary algorithms � A Stigmergy�Based Algorithm for Black�Box Optimization: &oiseless Function Testbed Peter Korosec, Jurij Silc Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Stigmergy � Black�Box Optimization Benchmarking of Prototype Optimization with Evolved Improvement Steps for &oiseless Function Testbed Jiri Kubalik Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Evolutionary computation, Stochastic local search �
Workshop Presentations Wednesday 8 July BBOB�Benchmarking a Simple Estimation of Distribution Algorithm with Cauchy Distribution Petr Posik Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Local search, Estimation�of�distribution algorithms, Evolutionary computation, Cauchy distribution � BBOB�Benchmarking the DIRECT Global Optimization Algorithm Petr Posik Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Evolutionary computation, DIRECT, Global optimization � BBOB�Benchmarking the Generalized Generation Gap Model with Parent Centric Crossover Petr Posik Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Evolutionary computation, Generalized generation gap, Parent centric crossover � BBOB�Benchmarking Two Variants of the Line�Search Algorithm Petr Posik Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Evolutionary computation, Brent's method, fminbnd, STEP � BBOB�Benchmarking the Rosenbrock's Local Search Algorithm Petr Posik Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Local search, Rosenbrock's algorithm, Evolutionary computation � Particle Swarm Hybridized with Differential Evolution:Black Box Optimization Benchmarking for &oisy Functions José García��ieto, Enrique Alba, Javier Apolloni Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, &oisy Functions, Hybrid Algorithms, Particle Swarm, Differential Evolution � AMaLGaM IDEAs in &oisy Black�Box Optimization Benchmarking Peter A.�. Bosman, Jörn Grahl, Dirk Thierens Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Evolutionary computation � A Memetic Algorithm using Local Search Chaining for Black�Box Optimization Benchmarking 2009 for &oisy Functions Daniel Molina, Manuel Lozano, Francisco Herrera Evolutionary Computation, Memetic Algorithms, Hybrid Metaheuristics, Black�box optimization �
Workshop Presentations Wednesday 8 July A Continuous Variable &eighbourhood Search Based on Specialised EAs: Application to the &oisy BBO�Benchmark 2009 Testbed Carlos García�Martínez, Manuel Lozano Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Evolutionary computation, Hybrid metaheuristics, Variable neighbourhood search, Specialised evolutionary algorithms � A Stigmergy�Based Algorithm for Black�Box Optimization: &oisy Function Testbed Peter Korosec, Jurij Silc Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Stigmergy � Black�Box Optimization Benchmarking: Results for the BayEDAcG Algorithm on the &oisy Function Testbed Marcus R Gallagher Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Evolutionary computation � Benchmarking a BI�Population CMA�ES on the BBOB�2009 Function Testbed �ikolaus Hansen Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Evolutionary computation, CMA�ES � Benchmarking a BI�Population CMA�ES on the BBOB�2009 &oisy Testbed �ikolaus Hansen Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Direct search, Evolutionary computation, CMA�ES � Benchmarking the &elder�Mead Downhill Simplex Algorithm With Many Local Restarts �ikolaus Hansen Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Direct search, Evolutionary computation, CMA�ES � Benchmarking the BFGS Algorithm on the BBOB�2009 Function Testbed Raymond Ros Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, BFGS, Quasi�newton � Benchmarking the BFGS Algorithm on the BBOB�2009 &oisy Testbed Raymond Ros Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, BFGS, Quasi�newton �
Workshop Presentations Wednesday 8 July Benchmarking the &EWUOA on the BBOB�2009 Function Testbed Raymond Ros Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Derivative�free optimization � Benchmarking the &EWUOA on the BBOB�2009 &oisy Testbed Raymond Ros Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Derivative�free optimization � Benchmarking sep�CMA�ES on the BBOB�2009 Function Testbed Raymond Ros Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Evolutionary com� putation, Covariance matrix adaptation, Evolution strategy � Benchmarking sep�CMA�ES on the BBOB�2009 &oisy Testbed Raymond Ros Benchmarking, Black�box optimization, Evolutionary com� putation, Covariance matrix adaptation, Evolution strategy � Benchmarking the (1+1) Evolution Strategy with One�Fifth Success Rule on the BBOB�2009 Function Testbed Anne Auger Benchmarking, Black�Box optimization, Evolutionary Computation, Evolution Strategies, One�Fifth success rule, adaptive search � Benchmarking the (1+1)�ES with One�Fifth Success rule on the BBOB�2009 &oisy Testbed Anne Auger Benchmarking, Black�Box optimization, Evolutionary Computation � Benchmarking the (1+1)�CMA�ES on the BBOB�2009 Function Testbed Anne Auger Benchmarking, Black�Box optimization, Evolutionary Computation, CMA�ES � Benchmarking the (1+1)�CMA�ES on the BBOB�2009 &oisy Testbed Anne Auger Benchmarking, Black�Box optimization, Evolutionary Computation, CMA�ES �
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