workshop plastics white hat or black

Workshop Plastics White Hat or Black? David Edwin-Scott May 2019 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Workshop Plastics White Hat or Black? David Edwin-Scott May 2019 Technical Director Plastics Packaging and Waste Agenda and Timetable Plastic Waste Introduction Plastic issues within the Sealing Industry (approx 20 min) Gathering

  1. Workshop Plastics – White Hat or Black? David Edwin-Scott May 2019 Technical Director

  2. Plastics Packaging and Waste

  3. Agenda and Timetable Plastic Waste – Introduction Plastic issues within the Sealing Industry (approx 20 min) Gathering your ideas (approx 20 mins) Possible solutions (approx 20 mins) Action points (approx 15 mins) End around 12:00

  4. Size of the problem 400

  5. Size of the problem Polyethylene, Polypropylene & PVC dominate Engineering plastics less than 10%

  6. What to do with the waste? Mechanical recycling Feedstock recycling Energy recovery

  7. Slovenia 62% Netherlands 52% Germany, Italy, Spain 40-50% Ireland 30-40% France less than 30%

  8. Landfill

  9. The Effects Click here

  10. We are the good guys

  11. Sealing technology is all about ….. ……. the safe containment of fluids Contributing to …….. ……. a safe and clean environment

  12. We are the good guys or are we ? White hats or black?

  13. What are your thoughts?

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