workshop on environmental information in europe

Workshop on environmental information in Europe overview and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Workshop on environmental information in Europe overview and introduction on Environmental Information Systems in Germany Markus Meinert Martins Brussel EU, Boulevard Charlemagne 80, 1000 Brussel, Belgium, 08.02.2018 1. Introduction

  1. Workshop on environmental information in Europe overview and introduction on Environmental Information Systems in Germany Markus Meinert Martin’s Brussel EU, Boulevard Charlemagne 80, 1000 Brussel, Belgium, 08.02.2018

  2. 1. Introduction administrative boundaries (Germany) Where to find EIS in Germany ? • considering the federal structure EIS are run by local, regional and national authorities What kind of data do they cover ? • considering the users interest they offer statistical and spatial data as well as pictures or alphanumerical information like fact sheets, description, legal acts and agreements Who is adressed by the EIS ? • considering rising interests on the state of the environment they are adressed to GIS- /data professionals as well as to citizens, scientists or policy makers and others What content is covered by the EIS ? • considering a broad environmental approach it is about …

  3. 1. Introduction Which EIS did we put to the EU-questionnaire ? • focus on the EIS on national level (e.g. summarizing reporting data) Which agencies provide the main EIS on national level ? • German Environment Agency 2. Ø Geographical Information System on the Environment (GISU) • Federal Agency for Nature Conservation 3. Ø database and data collections on nature and biodiversity • German Federal Institute of Hydrologie Ø communication and reporting platform „WasserBlick“ • Federal Office for Radiation Protection • Federal Institute for Research on Building, urban Affairs and spatial Development • Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany • Federal Office of Statistics • Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy

  4. 2. Geographical Information System on the Environment (GISU) What is GISU ? • a central interdisciplinary Geoportal run by the German Environment Agency (UBA) • a tool connecting geospatial services, metadata and catalogues • an important node of the german spatial data infrastructure • an instrument to fulfil european INSPIRE-obligations • an instrument mainly adressed to GIS- and data-professionals What is offered by GISU ? • granting access to interdisciplinary and heterogeneous environmental data • satisfying rising interest in spatial data on the state & development of the environment • link to the INSPIRE-GeoPortal and the National GeoPortal What are the components of GISU ? • a GISU-catalogue as a central metadata-catalogue on spatial data, spatial services datasets and applications run in accordance with the INSPIRE metadata-regulation • a GISU-map service offering visual access to datasets searched in the catalogue and connecting interoperable services of other providers

  5. 2. Geographical Information System on the Environment (GISU) services next to GISU environmental research database • descriptions & results of more than 100.000 scientific environmental projects in the german language area semantic webservices • environmental thesaurus • spatial thesaurus • environmental chronology linked environment data • pilot project on connecting all open environmental data based on W3C standards

  6. 2. Geographical Information System on the Environment (GISU) simple search • keywords extended search • fulltext search • access availibility • SNS-connection categorized search • thematical approach

  7. 2. Geographical Information System on the Environment (GISU) linked services metadata pdf download data locations of urban waste water treatments plants (UWWT) – 91/271/EEC locations of urban waste water treatments plants (UWWT) – 91/271/EEC air quality data – 2008/50/EC air quality data – 2008/50/EC European pollutant release & transfer register – 166/2006/EC European pollutant release & transfer register – 166/2006/EC open a map INSPIRE view services of UWWT plants INSPIRE download services of UWWT plants

  8. 2. Geographical Information System on the Environment (GISU) urban waste water treatments plant • spatial location „Ruhleben“ in Berlin attributes/ • name further • nuts identifier • data interval information • coordinates • treatable volume • methods • etc.

  9. 2. Geographical Information System on the Environment (GISU) metadata pdf locations of urban waste water treatments plants (UWWT) – 91/271/EEC

  10. 3. database & data collections on nature and biodiversity What is the database on nature and biodiversity ? • an information system run by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) • a tool informing about the state of the nature • an instrument adressed to citizens and policy makers for rising interest on the state of the nature and biodiversity What is offered by the database on nature and biodiversity ? • access to maps, descriptions, fact sheets, literature, legal acts, CITES-information etc.a • distribution, development & description of species • locations, extensions & characteristics of protected sites of national/international interest What are the components of the database on nature and biodiversity ? • media-center, library, register of legal acts, contracts and agreements, brochures, map server, …

  11. 3. database & data collections on nature and biodiversity maps/map viewer fact sheets on landcapes protected sites register of biosphere reserve landscape plans

  12. 3. database & data collections on nature and biodiversity spatial information – map service biosphere reserve characterisation • common landscape • mostly covering requirements of natural protected sites or a nature preserve • serving for conservation, development or recreation of landscape and species international background (UNESCO) • promotion of a balanced relationship between humans and biosphere function • conservation of landscapes, ecosystems, species and genetic diversity • promotion of sustainable socio-cultural and ecological development

  13. 3. database & data collections on nature and biodiversity basic information - natural protected site • kind of protected area • name • size • codes (CDDA) • year of affirmation basic information - habitat directive • kind of protected area • name basic information • size - birds directive • codes fact sheet • kind of protected area • detailed • name information • size • codes basic information fact sheet - biosphere reserve • detailed • kind of protected area information • name • size • UNESCO affirmation

  14. 3. database & data collections on nature and biodiversity source: EEA-reporting fact sheet – bird directive fact sheet – habitat directive • habitat types • species • description • description description of habitat types • based on natura 2000

  15. 4. summary/for a closer look Ø different, user-driven approaches in design and functionality Ø based on or including environmental reporting data • Geographical Information System on the Environment (GISU) internationales/information-als-instrument/geografisches-informationssystem-umwelt-gisu;jsessionid=0F1D8AB3A9E6D34B7F00E150281E3B03 • data base and data collection on biodiversity and nature • water data • marine data • statistical environmental data • radiaton data<<<

  16. Thanks for your attention !


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