‘ Afri can Bi osphere R eserves as pilot sites for monitoring and conservation of migratory bir ds ’ Pre-check attendance and sound 1. Click on the headset icon to open the Voice Conferencing drawer. 2. Make sure you select “ Microphone and Speakers (VoIP)” 3. Then click on Start Voice Conference Moderation Please make use of emoticons functionnalities When not invited to talk by the moderator we encourage to Mute your microphones to avoid echos When having sound reception problem, please click „I am unsatisfied “ When you want to talk, please click either „I have a question “ or „I want to say something “ to notify the moderator A fri B i R ds 1
A fri B i R ds f i e r o s i s e c p r a h v n e e r s e Project Advisory Committee (PAC) NABU/BirdLife, 23.03.2017 13.30 (UTC +1)
‘ Afri can Bi osphere R eserves as pilot sites for monitoring and conservation of migratory bir ds ’ Program Hour UTC+1 Presentation Speakers 13.30-13.35 Logistic and sound check meeting session NABU team 13.35-13.55 Introductions (each note ~ 3 min. + 1 min. per organization) Welcome note from NABU Svane Bender-Kaphengst Welcome note from BirdLife Julius Arinaitwe Welcome note from BfN Florian Carius PAC members ´ introduction All 1 min. per organization 13.55-14.10 Project Overview (10 min. presentation + 5 min. overall discussion) Svane Bender-Kaphengst Rationale, Goal, Objectives Work plan Expected results 14.10-14.30 Project Progress (each topic ~ 3 min. + 10 min. overall discussion) Topic 1: literature collection Samuel Fournet Topic 2: review globally used bird monitoring systems Alex Ngari Topic 3: upcoming bird monitoring surveys African biosphere reserves Samuel Fournet 14.30-14.50 Project Governance (each point ~3 min. + 10 min. overall discussion) Alex Ngari Why PAC is important? Strategic partnerships Julius Arinaitwe Communication plan Samuel Fournet 14.50-15.00 Closing remarks Svane Bender-Kaphengst A fri B i R ds 3
‘ Afri can Bi osphere R eserves as pilot sites for monitoring and conservation of migratory bir ds ’ Welcome notes NABU: Svane Bender-Kaphengst • (replaced by Samuel Fournet) BirdLife: Julius Arinaitwe • (replaced by Alex Ngari) BfN: Florian Carius • A fri B i R ds 4
‘ Afri can Bi osphere R eserves as pilot sites for monitoring and conservation of migratory bir ds ’ PAC members shortintroduction BMUB • Michael-Otto-Institut im NABU • A&W / Living on the edge project • African Bird Club / RSPB • AfriMAB • CMS Secretariat • Percy Fitzpatrick Institute • Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative • ZFMK • UNEP/AEWA secretariat • Not available for the meeting: UNESCO office // APLORI // IFV • A fri B i R ds 5
‘ Afri can Bi osphere R eserves as pilot sites for monitoring and conservation of migratory bir ds ’ Project Overview(1) Rationale, Goal, Objectives Goal: develop and implement a pilot scheme for • long-term monitoring of bird populations including Palaearctic migrants in African biosphere reserves as a template for application in other biosphere reserves and the wider landscape Duration: from Dec. 2016 to Aug. 2019 • Budget: ~240.000 € ( 82% BfN-BMUB // 18% NABU • Staff (part-time) : 6 (1 NABU, 3 BirdLife, 2 pilot site) • A fri B i R ds 6
‘ Afri can Bi osphere R eserves as pilot sites for monitoring and conservation of migratory bir ds ’ Project Overview(2) Work plan WP1 Evaluation of bird monitoring systems for African Biosphere Reserves Dec. 16 to Dec. 17 Monitoring system review and recommendation • Consultation and identifications of pilot sites • WP2 Pilot implementation and promotion Sep 17 – Jun 18 Preparing Monitoring Team, Training, Test and refine data collection July 18 – Aug. 19 Running/Analysing Jul 17 – Aug. 19 Promoting Strategic awareness plan A fri B i R ds 7
‘ Afri can Bi osphere R eserves as pilot sites for monitoring and conservation of migratory bir ds ’ Project Overview(3) Expected results Test a monitoring and conservation framework for birds in two suitable pilot biosphere reserves to obtain a resilient scheme for a broader implementation across Africa and among the heterogeneity of natural habitats • the difference of societal contexts and related • footprint A fri B i R ds 8
‘ Afri can Bi osphere R eserves as pilot sites for monitoring and conservation of migratory bir ds ’ Project Progress (1) Literature review Collection and reporting of literature review • Sharing platform on published knowledge • and on grey literature Thanks for sending close-related references • you hold in your organization and in your personal archive Samuel.Fournet@NABU.de http://www.pik-potsdam.de/~fournet/AfriBiRds/Literature%20review/ • A fri B i R ds 9
‘ Afri can Bi osphere R eserves as pilot sites for monitoring and conservation of migratory bir ds ’ Project Progress (2) Review globally used bird monitoring systems The idea is to be avoid ‘re - inventing the wheel’ and be as objective • as possible Use the existing knowledge as far as it applicable, learn from • experiences and practice to see what is adaptable at the biosphere reserves(BR) The global reach of this exercise is based on the fact that we will • develop and apply pilot schemes – which could then be applied across BR in Africa and other landscapes some relevant schemes identified so far: • - IBA monitoring framework – BL International. - Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme (PECBMS) - European Bird Census Council (a similar scheme exists for North America) - Common Bird Populations Monitoring in Africa – BL International - Water fowl counts/monitoring - Wetlands international - Online databases to capture observed birds: e.g. Global Bird Track, Bird atlassing schemes A fri B i R ds 10
‘ Afri can Bi osphere R eserves as pilot sites for monitoring and conservation of migratory bir ds ’ Project Progress (3) Upcoming bird monitoring surveys African biosphere reserves Objective of the survey: to develop an updated • knowledge base about the BR and also support objectivity in site selection Contacts of African Biosphere Reserves managers • collected The survey is currently under development • Request a close collaboration of UNESCO and • Afri/ArabMAB institutions to enhance success of the survey‚ Multi criteria for the identification of pilot sites • A fri B i R ds 11
‘ Afri can Bi osphere R eserves as pilot sites for monitoring and conservation of migratory bir ds ’ Project Governance(1) Why PAC is important? Membership (16) spans organizations with different but • relevant mandates provide strategic advice on the implementation of the • project and achievement of its aims for greater impact provide valuable input from an external eye • provide a channel through which relevant information • about the project is made available to relevant stakeholders and processes be involved in the promotion/follow-up of the project • provide a forum for discussion on use of the information • and lessons learned from the project Strategic partnership – given the broader goal of the • project A fri B i R ds 12
‘ Afri can Bi osphere R eserves as pilot sites for monitoring and conservation of migratory bir ds ’ Project Governance(2) Locations African Biosphere reserves (July 2012) Strategic partnerships shared interest (birds, habitats, • sites, science, policy etc.) complementarity of efforts • none can do it alone sustaining and expanding • monitoring efforts A fri B i R ds 13
‘ Afri can Bi osphere R eserves as pilot sites for monitoring and conservation of migratory bir ds ’ Project Governance(3) Communication plan Project update with the PAC: • April with minutes of PAC meeting • August light newsletter for larger audience ‚Project Stakeholder Group‛ • December, update and next PAC meeting setting Development of awareness and dissemination plan • Discussing suitable conference, workshop, congress • Discussing potential collaboration with on-going program Agreement to use PAC partner logos https://en.nabu.de/projects/afribirds/ • A fri B i R ds 14
‘ Afri can Bi osphere R eserves as pilot sites for monitoring and conservation of migratory bir ds ’ Closingremarks A fri B i R ds 15 15
‘ Afri can Bi osphere R eserves as pilot sites for monitoring and conservation of migratory bir ds ’ Thank you for your participation! Let´s now open the floor for complementary discussion A fri B i R ds 16
‘ Afri can Bi osphere R eserves as pilot sites for monitoring and conservation of migratory bir ds ’ A fri B i R ds 17
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