
Worcestershire Apryl Pheasant BSc (Hons) MEI Energy Manager - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Energy Management in Worcestershire Apryl Pheasant BSc (Hons) MEI Energy Manager www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange Energy Management in Worcestershire Background why do we do it?

  1. Energy Management in Worcestershire Apryl Pheasant BSc (Hons) MEI Energy Manager www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  2. Energy Management in Worcestershire • Background – why do we do it? • Sustainability and climate change • Energy and carbon management – How we do it? • Benchmarking • Carbon Management Plan • AMR • Working with schools • Corporate energy management www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  3. Why manage carbon and energy? • Corporate priorities • Legislation: CRC, DECs • Policy: CMP Carbon Management Plan • Risks • Costs • Sustainability www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  4. Worcestershire Priorities The four corporate priorities for the council are: • Open for Business • Children and Families • The Environment • Health and Wellbeing • Challenging times, budget cuts www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  5. Risks: Sustainability & Climate Chamge www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  6. www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  7. Legislation CRC and DECs! • Worcestershire CC 36,290 tonnes of CO 2 • Allowances cost £435,480 in phase 2! • 269 DECS • 10% B rated 59% C rated 29% D rated www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  8. The Energy hierarchy 1) Behaviour change, reduce the need for energy (e.g. reduce temperatures, switch off equipment when not needed). 2) Improve air tightness and reduce heating losses: Insulate and draught proof. 3) Use energy more efficiently (e.g. fit energy saving light bulbs, buy more A-rated electrical appliances) 4) Any continuing use of fossil fuel should be clean and efficient (e.g. condensing gas boilers) 5) Use renewable energy (in order of effectiveness, e.g. biomass, ground source heat pumps, solar thermal). www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  9. www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  10. Carbon Management Plan www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  11. www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  12. AMR data www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  13. AMR Training www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  14. Big bar charts! www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  15. AMR data interpreted www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  16. The Energy Awards This project has a strong link to the County's Switch it Off project usually taking place in October/November Schools were encouraged to launch a series of energy saving initiatives across curriculum, campus and community over Switch it Off! Fortnight (Autumn term) and maintain a focus on energy use over a six month period. This allowed a review of energy use against previous years. Winners of the project included St Nicholas CE Middle School (Pinvin) & Perdiswell Primary School (Worcester). By participating in the scheme and taking a whole school effort to reducing their energy use, they cut their energy bills by 14% and 18% respectively resulting in a financial saving of approximately £1000 each! www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  17. Working with schools • SLA: 97% sign up to energy management module • 90% Ecoschools – 71 Green Flags • AMR coverage and training • Newsletters, Walk rounds, policy and guidance • BEMS support • DECs tender and coverage • Spend to save funding: Academies can access www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  18. Support for schools www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  19. School ICT Energy Saving support www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  20. Spend to Save funding £1m capital fund over 3 years approved by Council • Fund is essentially in the form of interest free loan • Investment is repaid annually from the energy savings • obtained, these are calculated and fixed. Maximum payback period is 10 years – more flexible than • Salix The school can contribute if the payback exceeds 10 years. • Schools keep the ongoing savings once investment is paid • back www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  21. Solar PV projects www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  22. Corporate energy management • AMR training officers in charge: E-learning • Benchmarking • IT settings – power down • PV at Wildwood and Libraries • Projects at County Hall: LED Lighting, Draughtproofing, Biomass, Eco cooling www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  23. www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  24. County Hall Biomass www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange

  25. www.worcestershire.gov.uk/climatechange


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