women s omen s health ealth alliance of lliance of jordan

Womens omens Health ealth Alliance of lliance of Jordan ordan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Womens omens Health ealth Alliance of lliance of Jordan ordan Professor Raeda Al Qutob MD, MPH, DrPH Senator, Jordan Senate Part time professor Family and Community Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine The University of Jordan

  1. Women’s omen’s Health ealth Alliance of lliance of Jordan ordan Professor Raeda Al Qutob MD, MPH, DrPH Senator, Jordan Senate Part time professor Family and Community Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine The University of Jordan 3/9/2014

  2. Women’s omen’s Health ealth Alliance of lliance of Jordan ordan “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” (WHO).

  3. Women omen’s s Health ealth Alliance of lliance of Jordan ordan Women’s health in Jordan Various providers at different stages in a women's life Fragmented !!!!??? Little coordination Public services are coordinated by the MoH Private and NGOs women’s health providers need overarching body ?? Gaps in the provision of care Need for an umbrella to represent the interests of women and connect them to their providers

  4. Women omen’s s Health ealth Alliance of lliance of Jordan ordan Relevance To deal with regional or Capacity building and to scale international bodies and to up and sustain useful advocate and follow up for initiatives and interventions. more resources Need for overarching representative body Steered by the private and civil society sector to provide Bring a comprehensive and health care in its totality, in a longitudinal women's health complementary manner and approach to the country in partnership with public resources.

  5. Women omen’s s Health ealth Alliance of lliance of Jordan ordan Overall aims Bring together all the key actors in women’s health • Build on each other's strengths to create synergy • Advocate for the development of innovative approaches to women's health in Jordan. Function as a platform for Women's health in Jordan • Build the capacity of Women's health providers about emerging issues, latest techniques, challenges to be met, and • Create a space for all the actors to meet, talk and communicate, hence identifying common needs and stimulating new ideas.

  6. Women omen’s s Health ealth Alliance of lliance of Jordan ordan Specific Objectives Capacity building - Establish linkages with multiple national, regional and international bodies. - Enhance the women’s health providers accessibility to the latest global scientific advancements and knowledge on women's health. - Provide sustainable capacity building through providing continuous medical education, latest knowledge and skills that are built on each other. - Arrange for the women’s health providers to gain internationally recognised certification and accreditation.

  7. Women omen’s s Health ealth Alliance of lliance of Jordan ordan Specific Objectives Capacity building - Identify local experts, and stimulate local research in women’s health - Distribute women’s health Knowledge effectively to all the actors and capitalize the potential for Jordan to become a regional training hub for women health issues. - Collaborate with the Jordan Medical Council, Jordan Nursing Council and Medical Syndicate, to arrange Continuous Medical and Nursing Education. - Advocate and assist in setting the accreditation and re-licensing. criteria for women’s health clinics and providers. - Assist in building institutional capacity of the various actors through business training, clinic operation, project management, financial skills, forecasting, IT skills training and setting up clinic systems

  8. Women omen’s s Health ealth Alliance of lliance of Jordan ordan Specific Objectives Quality Assurance - In collaboration with the Health Care Accreditation Council, the Alliance will assist in maintaining quality of health care, and coordinate potential quality assurance initiatives. - Advocate for a comprehensive and longitudinal approach to health to ensure that health programs and projects will meet the patients' short and long term needs in a sustainable manner - Provide opportunities for patient advocacy as a feedback into the quality assurance process.

  9. Women omen’s s Health ealth Alliance of lliance of Jordan ordan Specific Objectives Representation and Platform for New Initiatives - Assess women’s health priorities and knowledge gaps to design new initiatives that address the real needs. - Represent the actors to ensure that opportunities for developing women's health are not lost, be it in continuous education, training, service and information programs, or research. - Speak and advocate on behalf of multiple providers to ensure that their interests are not lost in the crowd. - Coordinate and cooperate with national and regional partners to plan, launch and assist in the implementation of sustainable interventions.

  10. Women omen’s s Health ealth Alliance of lliance of Jordan ordan Specific Objectives Networking and Cooperation By creating a space (physical or virtual) for the actors to meet and share initiatives, the Alliance for Women's health can assist in the provision of continuous care, and create opportunities for different actors to join forces.

  11. Women omen’s s Health ealth Alliance of lliance of Jordan ordan Specific Objectives Stimulating Research - Identify areas needed for research and build the capacity for conducting rigorous policy, and applied and evidence based research. - Support and encourage implementation research - Apply for research funding and bring women’s health researchers together. - Disseminate and advocate for the application of the research findings . - Provide contextually relevant knowledge about women's health care needs

  12. Women omen’s s Health ealth Alliance of lliance of Jordan ordan Specific Objectives Profiling and Creating Databases - Mapping service and information provision in the NGOs and Private sector along a woman's full life course in Jordan to identify gaps and areas of strengths. - Facilitate a stronger civil society discourse in this field and enhance cooperation between the providers. - Create an online open access database of resources in Women's health that can provide a one stop portal for health providers.

  13. Women omen’s s Health ealth Alliance of lliance of Jordan ordan The Alliance three preparatory meetings’ summery points: • The advisory steering committee members had consensus that there is a need to formalize this Alliance. The next steps determined were: -Determine a suitable legal framework that ensures accountability and good governance. -Draft a proposal and submit it any potential local or international donors to help establish the Alliance - Find out potential interested and supportive private sector people to be included in the steering committee to represent the public interest and to help in networking and fund raising. - Develop internal bylaws for the Advisory Committee -Look at ways to launch the initiative

  14. Advisory Committee Devlopment Management Committee members: •Dr. Raeda Al Qutob, Public Health and President Health and Development Alliance •Dr. Fawzi Hammori, Head, Private Hospitals Association •Dr. Malek Abdelmalek, Head Evidence Based Medicine Society •Dr. Manal Tahtamoni, Director, Family Health Institute •Ms. Naaiem Ajarmeh, Head of Parlimentarian women and family committee •Mrs. Rula Darwazeh, private sector

  15. Advisory Committee Technical Committee members: •Dr. Mazen el Zibdeh, Head OBGYN Society •Dr . Ahmed abdelWahed, Head Royal College OB/GYN Society •Dr. Mohammad Abu Lebdeh, on behalf of , Head of the General Practitioners Society •Dr. Lian Otai, Head, Menopause Association •Dr. Adam Abdulla, Secretary General , Jordan Medical Council •Dr. Muntaha Gharaibeh, Head, Jordan Nursing Council

  16. Advisory Technical Committee •Dr. Najwa Aref, Marriage Counselor •Dr. Oraib Smadi, Head Family Medicine Society •Dr. Darweesh Badran, Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University •Ms. Salma Jaouni, Director, Health Care Accreditation Council •Dr. Eman Farouk Badran,Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University •Dr. Nagham Abu Shaqra, Women ’ s health •Dr. Kholoud S'ad, private doctors network doctor •M . Basssem D Anis, Jordan Family Planning Association •Dr. Farnaz Sabet , Family Medicine •Dr. Hana Taha, health behavioral sciences

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