WISE TIMETABLE Professional timetabling software Main benefjts of Wise Timetable: Manual and automatic course scheduling in multiple weeks; All necessary modules are already included in the license; You reach desired results fast, with simple data entry; Even most complex and largest timetables can be easily handled; Suitable for every educational institution - primary and secondary schools, tuition schools, colleges, universities, further educational institutions etc; Web access and publishing is done with one click; Everything you do is always verifjed and friendly supported. Mihovil Santic, Product Manager, Phone: +386 1541 4130, e-mail: mihovil.santic@wise-t.com, www.wisetimetable.com
Wise Timetable is the best scheduling software: Enables making schedules in multiple weeks, 7 days a week; T ailored for the use in multiple languages; Friendly and intuitive user interface; Difgerent data importing options (e.g. directly from database or text fjles); Unlimited timetable size (rooms, lecturers, programs, subject areas, groups, courses, students); Prepared web pages for timetable publishing with many setting parameters; Publishing schedules and their changes on the Internet with one click; When creating timetables users are warned in case of making a confmict, however, they are allowed to continue their work; Joint use of the program among difgerent users; Automatic verifjcation of the correctness of schedule input; Supports an extremely complex hierarchy (program, subject area, the main group, difgerent subgroups) and arrangement of courses; Swap" function enables courses in the schedule to be moved easily and without confmict; A simple and quick way of sending schedules to the lecturers; Comprehensive Help, describing in detail the functions and examples of their use; Our clients are ofgered professional support in the use of the applications. Mihovil Santic, Product Manager, Phone: +386 1541 4130, e-mail: mihovil.santic@wise-t.com, www.wisetimetable.com
Mihovil Santic, Product Manager, Phone: +386 1541 4130, e-mail: mihovil.santic@wise-t.com, www.wisetimetable.com
Difgerent approaches for scheduling: Automatic generation Manual input and changes The combination of generation and manual input Optimizing existing schedules Entries and changes of reservations via the web reservation module Automatic generation solves even the most diffjcult problems: Primary (optimal) and the secondary (extended) hours Number of seats in the room and the number of students in the group Locations (generation takes into consideration the travel time between cities and buildings) Blockade / booking lecturers, groups and rooms Room equipment Actual number of students attending courses Manual entry of certain courses and generating the rest Setting generated period for each course (beginning or end of the day) Mihovil Santic, Product Manager, Phone: +386 1541 4130, e-mail: mihovil.santic@wise-t.com, www.wisetimetable.com
Various reviews and reports: A quick review of unallocated courses List of all confmicts in the schedule Simple adjustment of schedule prints in PDF format An overview of occupancy of multiple lecturers, groups and rooms Reports for personnel records Lists of all the lecturers, rooms or courses Export of timetables to iCalendar fjle, which can be imported to Outlook, Google Calendar etc. Additional modules can customize the functionality of Wise Timetable to your needs: Exams reservation - web module that allows exams booking and at the same time booking of lecturers, groups and rooms by lecturers, administrators, receptionists etc. Room reservation – online module for room booking for difgerent activities happening along regular pedagogical processes, such as confereneces, seminars, debates etc. Preselecting courses - web module that allows atudents to create their own schedule with the selected courses. Mobile browser – application for viewing online schedules with mobile devices. Mihovil Santic, Product Manager, Phone: +386 1541 4130, e-mail: mihovil.santic@wise-t.com, www.wisetimetable.com
Customers about Wise Timetable: There are hundreds of satisfjed customers from all over the world – including more then 500.000 students. These are some examples of customer experience with Wise Timetable: Our problem: We have 4 study locations, 2 undergraduate programs and 2 postgraduate programs; therefore timetable preparation is very complex and logistically demanding task occurring every year. With introduction of Bologna's universities reform (new European higher education system), number of selectable courses increased as well as number of groups attending seminars, laboratory and fjeld exercises. Wise Timetable solution: Application Wise Timetable makes timetabling easy because you have to insert the data for courses, lecturers, groups, rooms and locations only once and later change or add them if necessary . It’s very important that all data are connected so it is almost impossible to make confmicts. In the same time, it is possible to prepare difgerent versions of timetables and choose one which is best for us. Mihovil Santic, Product Manager, Phone: +386 1541 4130, e-mail: mihovil.santic@wise-t.com, www.wisetimetable.com
Our problem: We have a lot of side events (conferences, debates, etc.) happening on our university, therefore we have to coordinate all events with lectures, exercises, exams etc. Wise Timetable solution: We are very satisfjed with room occupancy review which helps us to track all side events, courses timetables and exams. Beside that it is easy to fjnd free room and make a reservation. Our problem: Timetables are changing during the academic year, so we have to publish them as soon as possible. Wise Timetable solution: Lecturers and students can review their up-to- date timetables directly on our web site. All I have to do after changes are done is one click to export timetables from Wise Timetable. I can also e-mail timetables to lecturers directly from the program. Our problem: Every month we have to prepare and control many lecturers’ occupancy reports. Wise Timetable solution: Software usage helped us signifjcantly with preparing and controlling monthly reports, because we can export personnel record report or lecturers’ timetables. Summary: I can't imagine timetables preparation without Wise Timetable, because with use of this software we avoid most demanding phase in planning of a teaching process: preparation and reporting of all courses and lecturers timetables. " First of all I want to tell you that I am very satisfjed with the Wise Timetable and this is the third time I am creating timetable for my Faculty . I did not need any help in using the application; it is very easy to learn." "I recommend Wise Timetable to everyone because it makes my work easier." Mihovil Santic, Product Manager, Phone: +386 1541 4130, e-mail: mihovil.santic@wise-t.com, www.wisetimetable.com
" Your software has really improved transparency of our schedules." " I can publish changed timetables on our website only with one click. Before Wise Timetable I spend a lot of time for coordination and creating new PDF fjles and sending them to web page " Colleagues form other depart- administrator." ments of our Faculty, who do not use Wise Timetable yet, are always surprised how little it takes me to fjnish schedule." " When you get used to the Wise Timetable application it is really wonderful." Mihovil Santic, Product Manager, Phone: +386 1541 4130, e-mail: mihovil.santic@wise-t.com, www.wisetimetable.com
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