wi employment first partners creating change one

WI Employment First Partners Creating Change One Community at a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WI Employment First Partners Creating Change One Community at a Time What are Employment First (EF) Partner Grants? Provide funding ( up to $3,000) and technical assistance to local groups to engage in grassroots activities in their

  1. WI Employment First Partners Creating Change One Community at a Time

  2. What are Employment First (EF) Partner Grants? • Provide funding ( up to $3,000) and technical assistance to local groups to engage in grassroots activities in their communities to expand integrated employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities

  3. What are examples of EF Partner Activities? • Community conversations with businesses, individuals with disabilities, families, community organizations • Business recognition lunches/ events • Hosting legislative breakfasts with local representatives and community stakeholders • Presenting to employer groups (e.g., Chambers, Rotary Kiwanis) • Conducting media campaigns (videos, PS A ’s)

  4. Why did BPDD initiate EF Partner Grants? • Recognized the need to expand grassroots efforts to expand Employment First • Wanted to build upon the efforts of the 4 EF Community Action Teams • Need to incentivize replication of CAT efforts to more communities across Wisconsin

  5. How were EF Partner Grants awarded? • Request for Application was distributed widely via website, data bank blasts and other social media • Open to any organization that wanted to apply (e.g., provider, school, PF group) • S pecific list of grantee expectations in RF A • Went through a review process/ scoring • 17 community organizations applied/ 14 received grants

  6. What are some EF Partner Grant expectations? • Outreach Events with EF Message • Take photos / share with BPDD • Develop EF Ambassadors • Participate in at least two Take Y our Legislator to Work Visits (TYLTW)

  7. Who received grants? • Luxemburg-Casco Industries Employment High S chool Opportunities • Ventures Unlimited • Medford High S • Community Care, chool • The Bridge for Inc. • Clayton High S chool Community Life • KIDS - Keeping • Mukwonago High • RCS Empowers Individuals with S chool • Curative Connections Disabilities S erved • Headwaters, Inc. • LCS Racine • Black River • Creative

  8. Where are the EF Partner grants located?

  9. What have the grantee’s accomplished so far? • 26 EF Ambassadors promoting EF and sharing their employment stories • 4 videos making the case for “ Why hiring individuals with disabilities is good for business” • Participated in over 12 TYLTW visits • Presented at the 2016 EF Conference

  10. Conducted dozens of outreach events • Parent transition events • Local media campaigns • Presentations and luncheons • Employer recognition events for employers, service clubs • Legislative luncheons and chambers • Disability Mentoring Day • Business tours • Community conversations. • Inclusive career fairs • Lots of social media posts from • S chool board presentations, events!

  11. Headwaters - Rhinelander • Produced a Video • Present ed and S hared Video at Part ners in Educat ion, Rot ary, Tech College, Oneida Count y Human S ervices • Part nership wit h human services t o have small group conversat ions wit h families concerned about int egrat ed employment in t ri-count y area • 4 Employment First Ambassadors

  12. Black River Industries - Medford • Found j obs for 4 individuals in the community • Presentations to service clubs and businesses • Collaborating with Medford High S • Planning Employer event this summer chool • Media Campaign to be launched

  13. The Bridge to Community Life - Hudson • S oft S kills Event on 4/ 28 – over 50 yout h will at tend • 2 Take Y our Legislat ure t o Work visit s. • Recognized 12 employers wit h cust om plaques. • 1 EF Ambassador - arranged present at ion at a business net working meet ing, and River Falls and New Richmond Chambers

  14. Curative Connections – Green Bay • Informat ion packet s developed for parent s about employment planning and how t o help prepare yout h for j obs • Disseminat ing info at t ransit ion fair in t he area • Collaborat ing wit h Chamber on informat ional webinar for employers • 1 EF Ambassador – present ing t o business groups and service clubs

  15. Community Care, Inc. • 5 Ambassadors in 5 counties • Presented to care team in Kenosha and to care teams in Calumet, Outagamie, Waupaca, and Winnebago counties. • Presentation planned for a student/ teacher/ parent group in Kenosha county. Will plan several more for May and June.

  16. Luxemburg-Casco High S chool • Business Tours with students • Parent information session • Inclusive Career Fair • 1 EF Ambassador

  17. Medford High S chool • Produced a Video • Present at ions t o Businesses and S ervice Clubs wit h EF Ambassadors • Communit y Conversat ion in May (15 employers have already commit t ed t o be t here!) • My Child Can Work Parent S ession • 5 EF Ambassadors • Number of st udent s wit h disabilit ies affect ed by t he grant: Grade 7 = 18, Grade 8 = 22, Freshman = 29, S ophomore = 29, Juniors = 21, S eniors = 30, S OAR (18-21 program) = 7

  18. RCS Empowers • Employer Recognit ion Luncheon wit h 190 people in at t endance • Post er campaign • Business t o Business Out reach and Net working (t hrough RCS Business Advisory Board) • Informat ion event on Int egrat ed Employment for individuals wit h disabilit ies and t heir family members • Event t o connect people wit h disabilit ies t o t heir legislat ors and elect ed officials • 4+ EF Ambassadors

  19. LCS Racine • Produced a Video • EF Community Action Team Quarterly Meetings • Planning two Public Service Announcements • Business Event in June • Presentations to Rotary, Kiwanis, RAMAC, Kenosha Chamber, etc. • Share success stories in email blasts to community businesses • 2 EF Ambassadors

  20. Clayton High S chool • 4 EF Ambassadors • 2 TYLTW Visits • Legislative luncheon . 4 of 4 legislators attended . • School Board Presentation . All 4 Ambassadors presented. • Teacher presented with two Ambassadors at the Parents in Partnership Conference in S t. Croix Falls. • 15 students, 2 business representatives and 3 staff members attend a business lunch at a local restaurant. • 28 students participated in mock interviews with 5 employers from the area.

  21. CEO – Milwaukee • Co-organized Disability Mentoring Day. Featured the WI Employment First logo on the canvas totes given away for the events. 28 mentees and 34 business mentors participated. • Planning Legislative Luncheon

  22. Ventures Unlimited • 1 EF Ambassador • Barron Count y business luncheon. Over 30 people at t ended including several local businesses, Chamber represent at ives, t he direct or of Barron Count y Economic Development , S t at e Represent at ive Romaine Quinn, long • Planning anot her Business event for S ept ember

  23. What is the proposal for the next five year plan? • Provide 8 new EF Partner Grants at up to 3,000 ($24,000) • Provide coaching/ TA ($11,000) • Total Budget: $35,000

  24. What are some questions for discussion? • How do we expand to new organizations while keeping previous grantees moving forward? • S hould we do targeted outreach to specific areas of the state? Do we give extra points/ incentives? • How do we effectively share the learning as grants expand? • How can we effectively use current EF Partners to help other new EF Partners?


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